388.428 M265 1987 Metro Toronto Urban Affairs Library
From Page 1:
Metropolitan Toronto saw more new construction between 1954, when the first subway opened, and now, than wa previously in existance during the first 120 years of incorporation of the City of Toronto. Since the formation of Metropolitan Toronto the rapid transit system has played an important role in determining the location of aproxmately $30 billion in new buildings - $10 billion along the north-south subway and $20 billiion adjacent to the east-west line. A conservative estimate for the dollar value of future growth in Metropolitan Toronto where rapid transit will be a major factor is $20 billion to the year 2001.From Page 9:
Almost everyone directly involved in planning the future will agree that rapid transit is a prerequisite for orderly growth and development. They recognize that rapid transit has a profound impact on local and national economies. Transit attracts new development and new business, increases property values and tax revenues, boosts retail sales, generates jobs and improves the quality of life.