

Metro Winnipeg Transit Logo

I finally managed to create an electronic version of the old Metro Winnipeg Transit logo. I used Inkscape 0.46 on Linux to do it, and exported to EPS, PNG, and Inkscape SVG formats. A while ago I had found a newspaper image with the caption that this would be the logo for the newly formed Metro Winnipeg Transit (circa 1961), part of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg, so I had a reasonably good image to use, albeit B&W.

Exporting to Adobe Illustrator in case someone in the future wants to fix up the look of the image a bit is a good idea, but is currently broken in Inkscape 0.46. This means that if someone wants to edit the image, the Illustrator user would have to Import the SVG.

From looking at photographs of Winnipeg trolleybuses and diesel buses from the period, the colours used, for example, the orange is like that from A&W, the green is a kind of deep forest gree/army green, and the yellow is a ever so slightly orangy than lemon.


This is not family-friendly reading material

I've been meaning to contact the WPL over a magazine that I've spotted that they've been carrying for a while - Bitch Magazine.

The magazine claims it's purpose is to:

Provides commentary on our media-driven world from a feminist perspective.

What then is the best way to get this man hating magazine OFF the shelf of our Public Library. It's horribly inappropriate and is spreading hatred against another gender.

I will consider various options to get this damn thing out of our main library and if it's at other branches too.