

Gandhi on Small Government

""The larger (structurally) a democracy grows, the less becomes the rule of the people and the smaller is the say of individuals and localised groups in dealing with their own destinies."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Yet another reason Winnipeg one day should deamalgamate its suburban entities. Smaller has proven to be the best.


Two Chemtrail Planes Forced Down

This was a few weeks ago (June 2009), but is just the type of thing that MUST be done in order to STOP the manipulation of our weather.


We Think Ourselves into Disease

This article says that we think ourselves into various diseases, and become our worst fears.

So with the H1N1 artificially created "flu" and its forthcoming "solution" in the form of a vaccine, it is better to think that we will overcome this whole thing rather than to think that we'll die of it.

Same thing with Diabetes, Cancer, MS, etc...