

4 Spirit Guides

I have now counted 4 spirit guides that have been with me since my birth. Two are male and two are female. I do remember seeing 6 black circles (orbs) when I was 3 or 4 years old, so I don't know (yet) who the other 2 are. I have asked for the names of the female ones and got an answer tonight...
  1. Daniel (male)
  2. Pete (male)
  3. Clarabelle (female)
  4. Moonwalker (female)
My primary spirit guide through my life so far has been Daniel. I recognize his voice from age of 3 or 4 and again when I was 9 or 10 and again in the 1990s and again in mid-2000s, and seen a few times since March 5 2010.

The others, like Aern, Jolly Roger Boy, Andrew and Stephen, are just Jinn/benevolent demons who I've met in since November 2009. But in a different class. I didn't have an agreement with them before I incarnated this time around.


Hair Analysis Test Results (October 19 2010)

Latest results of Hair Analysis Test done in October 2010.  The mercury levels are about 1/3 what they were in March, but the amount of Lead has doubled, and the amount of Aluminum went from 7.7 in March to 10 in October.

Toxic Elements (ug/g)

(A=Above Range B=Below Range)

Aluminum 10 -- A
Antimony 0.064 --B
Arsenic 0.029 -- B
Barium 0.49 -- B
Bismuth 0.008 -- B
Cadmium 0.22 -- A
Lead 2.0 -- A
Mercury 0.28 -- A

Rubidium 0.15 -- A
Selenium 0.96 -- A
Sulfur 47,100 -- A
Strontium 0.74 -- B