Monday I was in our local Library and beside me where I was sitting was a
bookshelf full of 'graphic novels' - comic strip like stories.
I picked one out randomly and the title was . The year and dates that
the story is set in is during the French Revolution of the late
mid-1790s. This book was just published April 2011.
I don't know much about this time in history, since I'm not European (in
this life) and in school we were mainly shown Canadian History.
At the time I didn't know how much of this particular story is true and how much was fiction.
The stories characters are:
- a tyranical ruler of France who has a campaign called the Reign of Terror
A boy, 13 year-old boy, Bara who is used as a model to paint The Supreme Being
The painter, David.
In both the story and the Wikipedia page about Robespierre, this ruler
kills by cutting off the heads of anyone who opposes him.... Guantanemo
Bay torture anybody?
He was part of a a Committee of Public Safety, just like George W set up Homeland Security.
From Robespierre's Reign of Terror to the War Against Terror of George W.
The list goes on.
Some differences do exist .. .Robespierre was an orator and could speak
for 2 hours at a time. George W either intentionally or unintentionally
is not able to speak very convincingly.
At the end of the real life Robespierre, one day the people stood up to
him, captured him. He tried to shoot his head off but only injured his
jaw. Then he was taken the guillotine and sliced....heads up...
So because I believe in reincarnation, I'm wondering whether G W Bush is a reincarnated Robespierre.
Riding a Horse to the Town Library circa 1865
Since the past month I have been having more insight, analysis, "what makes sense" of my past life in western England (Cotswold region) between 1850 and 1875.
Until one day I can link a family surname and stuff like that I cannot prove that our family actually lived in this region of England, but it somehow feels right. This region is known for its sheep and wool production. In this life, my Dad's mother used to knit stuff for the grandkids like toques and mitts. My Mom never did that. I would think that my Mom would have carried over that talent of knitting, but perhaps the wool that we gathered we just sold off to the market. I don't know for sure yet. It's just speculation for now.
This insight was not part of a new meditation vision, but a portion/scene of the original one from June 22 2009. The new insight begins like this...
In 1865 when I am 15 years old, it is Summer, and I am wearing sandals. I am going to the town Library with my family (same Mom and Dad and one of my sisters - who is 8 years old at the time) on the horse(s). I am looking at some magazine and I wanted to stay longer, but Dad says we have to go back to the farm.
Something very similar happened in 1979/80 when I had to go to the Centennial Library in Winnipeg here to do research for a school project on the Winnipeg Flood of 1950.
The next day or a few days after that I asked if I could ride one of the horses to the town Library on my own from then on.
I sense that we had 2 farm work horses, and so Mom and Dad made sure that I knew how to tie it up to a post, so that it wouldn't get lost and run away.
So, as I faintly's more of a knowing feeling and not an actual visualization.
I used to really enjoy riding this horse to and from the town Library on a regular basis. It used to be just me and the horse, and I could be thinking something about life and say something like "right Horsee?" (whatever the name of the horse) LOL.
Back in that lifetime there were no rubber casual shoes. In the Winter you wore boots, and in the Summer you wore dress shoes for nice occasional like Church or sandals for working in the field or just hanging outdoors.
In fact, just recently, based on this past life memory via past life session on June 22 2009, I decided to buy my first pair of sandals in 136 years. So in mid-May this year I went shopping for a pair. I went into a shop on Lilac St, but the shoes they had were not the style I wanted. They referred me to European Shoe on Academy Rd. When I went home and checked their website their prices were way more than what I was expecting to $200 for one pair.
So I typed in "Sandals Winnipeg" and up came a link to Canadian Footwear where they had a few reasonably priced ones...$60-$90. Much better. I wrote down a few styles that I liked and the next day tried my first choice. They looked cheap and rubbery, and didn't feel right. Next I tried on the $90 pair made of suede... N...i...c...e... The guy measured my feet and the size of the suede ones, with the Columbia label, and it was mine.
It feels so cool wearing the sandals while riding my bike, having the wind pass thru my feet like that. I guess the feeling is similar when riding a horse with sandals on.
The sandals I wear don't have the part that goes between your big toe and the toe next to it because that might irritate the skin and as I have type 2 Diabetes that is not a good thing. Also since I have been having troubles with getting a good pair of socks that don't scrunch my toes, having the sandals on a few times helps the toes on the left foot... I know not to overdo the sandals and that I should keep wearing the regular casual shoes and to rotate using them.
Back to the past life story...
So, one day at the Library I guess I was looking at possibly a horse racing magazine or the newspaper and I must have read about racing or steeplechase racing... Because at that point I got so fascinated by it that I wanted to have one of our two work horses become racers. Well, that wouldn't work out, and now I understand that when you just have 2 on the farm, you can't give one up to race because they are work horses. I suppose if we had more than 2 then maybe Dad could have given/sold one to me... But it didn't work out that way.
So I spent the next few years, I don't know when my fascination with doing this began or when it ended.
I could imagine that it must have created lots of stress in our family at the time, and I guess that Mom and Dad would have given me three options...
BTW, while I was contemplating this stuff I was on a bike ride. When I came back home the first clock I saw was my alarm clock in my room, which incorrectly read 12:34, so it is a sign from my spirit guide(s) that the part about not having enough horses to spare to have one to race is correct.
See also:
June 22 2009 - Past Life Session 1
Researching 19th Century Past Life in Rural England - Cotswold group
Until one day I can link a family surname and stuff like that I cannot prove that our family actually lived in this region of England, but it somehow feels right. This region is known for its sheep and wool production. In this life, my Dad's mother used to knit stuff for the grandkids like toques and mitts. My Mom never did that. I would think that my Mom would have carried over that talent of knitting, but perhaps the wool that we gathered we just sold off to the market. I don't know for sure yet. It's just speculation for now.
This insight was not part of a new meditation vision, but a portion/scene of the original one from June 22 2009. The new insight begins like this...
In 1865 when I am 15 years old, it is Summer, and I am wearing sandals. I am going to the town Library with my family (same Mom and Dad and one of my sisters - who is 8 years old at the time) on the horse(s). I am looking at some magazine and I wanted to stay longer, but Dad says we have to go back to the farm.
Something very similar happened in 1979/80 when I had to go to the Centennial Library in Winnipeg here to do research for a school project on the Winnipeg Flood of 1950.
The next day or a few days after that I asked if I could ride one of the horses to the town Library on my own from then on.
I sense that we had 2 farm work horses, and so Mom and Dad made sure that I knew how to tie it up to a post, so that it wouldn't get lost and run away.
So, as I faintly's more of a knowing feeling and not an actual visualization.
I used to really enjoy riding this horse to and from the town Library on a regular basis. It used to be just me and the horse, and I could be thinking something about life and say something like "right Horsee?" (whatever the name of the horse) LOL.
Back in that lifetime there were no rubber casual shoes. In the Winter you wore boots, and in the Summer you wore dress shoes for nice occasional like Church or sandals for working in the field or just hanging outdoors.
In fact, just recently, based on this past life memory via past life session on June 22 2009, I decided to buy my first pair of sandals in 136 years. So in mid-May this year I went shopping for a pair. I went into a shop on Lilac St, but the shoes they had were not the style I wanted. They referred me to European Shoe on Academy Rd. When I went home and checked their website their prices were way more than what I was expecting to $200 for one pair.
So I typed in "Sandals Winnipeg" and up came a link to Canadian Footwear where they had a few reasonably priced ones...$60-$90. Much better. I wrote down a few styles that I liked and the next day tried my first choice. They looked cheap and rubbery, and didn't feel right. Next I tried on the $90 pair made of suede... N...i...c...e... The guy measured my feet and the size of the suede ones, with the Columbia label, and it was mine.
It feels so cool wearing the sandals while riding my bike, having the wind pass thru my feet like that. I guess the feeling is similar when riding a horse with sandals on.
The sandals I wear don't have the part that goes between your big toe and the toe next to it because that might irritate the skin and as I have type 2 Diabetes that is not a good thing. Also since I have been having troubles with getting a good pair of socks that don't scrunch my toes, having the sandals on a few times helps the toes on the left foot... I know not to overdo the sandals and that I should keep wearing the regular casual shoes and to rotate using them.
Back to the past life story...
So, one day at the Library I guess I was looking at possibly a horse racing magazine or the newspaper and I must have read about racing or steeplechase racing... Because at that point I got so fascinated by it that I wanted to have one of our two work horses become racers. Well, that wouldn't work out, and now I understand that when you just have 2 on the farm, you can't give one up to race because they are work horses. I suppose if we had more than 2 then maybe Dad could have given/sold one to me... But it didn't work out that way.
So I spent the next few years, I don't know when my fascination with doing this began or when it ended.
I could imagine that it must have created lots of stress in our family at the time, and I guess that Mom and Dad would have given me three options...
- Stay on the farm and help with the chores and maybe get paid and then buy a horse
- Get married, raise a family and then buy a horse and race it.
- Move to town or a larger city and do something else
BTW, while I was contemplating this stuff I was on a bike ride. When I came back home the first clock I saw was my alarm clock in my room, which incorrectly read 12:34, so it is a sign from my spirit guide(s) that the part about not having enough horses to spare to have one to race is correct.
See also:
June 22 2009 - Past Life Session 1
Researching 19th Century Past Life in Rural England - Cotswold group
19th century,
Akashic Record,
life plan,
past life,
Gloucestershire, UK
"I Am Annunaki"
Originally posted to the David Icke Forum, I'm re-posting here to my blog because it wasn't written about at the time.
Heard during meditation "I am Annunaki" - that the being saying that to me was.
This was approx. around February 24th or February 25th 2011 at 0500 GMT, while I was meditating.
I felt a slight presence on my left side, and I heard the phrase twice in my left ear.
I said telepathically in response "How do I know you are a legit Annunaki and not a Demon? How can I discern you?"
I didn't get a response.
I have been reading Zecharia Sitchin's books and have been watching interview clips of him and also about Nibiru and Tiamat recently. And also re-listening to Ramtha's talk about the beginnings of Humanity. So the Annunaki are in my near consciouness thought - I'm focusing on them.
If the voice did not continue to communicate with me, is that a sign it was really coming from a Demon who was trying to deceive/trick me?
Heard during meditation "I am Annunaki" - that the being saying that to me was.
This was approx. around February 24th or February 25th 2011 at 0500 GMT, while I was meditating.
I felt a slight presence on my left side, and I heard the phrase twice in my left ear.
I said telepathically in response "How do I know you are a legit Annunaki and not a Demon? How can I discern you?"
I didn't get a response.
I have been reading Zecharia Sitchin's books and have been watching interview clips of him and also about Nibiru and Tiamat recently. And also re-listening to Ramtha's talk about the beginnings of Humanity. So the Annunaki are in my near consciouness thought - I'm focusing on them.
If the voice did not continue to communicate with me, is that a sign it was really coming from a Demon who was trying to deceive/trick me?
Generation Y's Future Arthritis
One day I shall have the last laugh as millions and millions of cell phone users who text most of their day will start to feel the consequences of texting years before.
Our bodies have joints which contain a certain amount of lubricant. Athletes and others who over exert/overuse their joints will eventually run out of body lubricant ... and so those primarily under 30-year-olds ... the "Generation Y" ... or as I used to refer to them in the 1980s as ... "the Yuppie Puppies" ... one day it'll all catch up to them ....and they'll be the ones suffering from Arthritis in their hand joints.
I will be so happy, because right now I'm starting to warn them.... They look at me as if they don't care...they're still young...etc.
See also:
Yahoo! Search on 'Arthritis texting cell phone'
Generation Y,
wear out
Music Video - Howard Jones - Let the People have their Say
A music video with a message of self empowerment, from 1998 by Howard Jones, who is a Lightworker soul helping to up the frequency of planet Earth...
Irritating Daily Fire/Ambulace Drills
Hi again,
I am writing this blog post that is somewhat off of my usual ramblings around here that has to do with spirituality.
I have lived in Downtown Winnipeg for the past 20 years and I have become used to the rhythms of this neighbourhood.
I am very sensitive/aware of the environment around me. I chose to be like that before I incarnated this life time, and I firmly believe that in my prior lifetime (1850-1875 in western England) that I was also similar.
I love urban life, and I choose to live downtown because when I chose to live in this neighbourhood 20 years ago it was so I'd be within walking distance to the central Library. I will write about my feeling/memory of my past life and how I used to go to the Library on a horse, but that is for another blog post.
Recently, in the past couple of years, the City bought additional emergency vehicles. It bought extra ambulances and extra fire engines. That is all well fine and good. Winnipeg is a growing city and we need to have more like this...
But the problem I have with the additional fleet is that the City fire/ambulance crew conducts daily drills - with full sirens blaring.
I have noticed two that are conducted on a daily, or aldmost daily occurrance:
I have travelled several times to various larger cities in North America over the past 10-11 years and no where else but in Winnipeg have I heard sirens or emergency drills taking place as often as I have here... Not in Toronto, not in Vancouver, not in Chicago.
So, this has been quite annoying to me because while it is much more difficult to prove than chemtrail activity - because one can have photographed a location with sky above and when that person is finally aware of them they can review their old photos and see the chemtrail activity from years before.
My theory is that sirens of various kinds - from Police, Fire, or Ambulance are basically FEAR energy and the part of the purpose of doing the drills or having the Police have their sirens turn on and off during the night in the neighbourhood is to create a FEAR energy to lower the spiritual vibrations of our city and thus hold us down spiritually from becoming more loving. Didn't the Nazis conduct lots of siren drills before WWII to perhaps scare/annoy citizens?
But what I will do is to video this and post to Youtube and then I will link from here.
I'm just tired of the siren/ambulance/fire drill happening daily at the same time, and I want them to do this less frequently, perhaps once per week rather than the the regularity they are doing this at the moment.
This other writer, is asking why in his town the air raid sirens get activated daily. The official response was that that was the method the town/city gave notice that all the volunteer emergency vehicles (and staff) were available if/when an emergency occurred. Just like the poster says, it seems odd that they would do it that way rather than use a cell phone/pager. Perhaps the purpose in both cases is to desensitize us so that when a real big emergency happens ,only apathy will prevail.
Here's another post in which the writer mentions TETRA waves @ 17.6 Hz to affect us physically. I wonder whether the newer sirens create an output harmonic frequency of this that has the ability to disrupt our physical well-being.
I am writing this blog post that is somewhat off of my usual ramblings around here that has to do with spirituality.
I have lived in Downtown Winnipeg for the past 20 years and I have become used to the rhythms of this neighbourhood.
I am very sensitive/aware of the environment around me. I chose to be like that before I incarnated this life time, and I firmly believe that in my prior lifetime (1850-1875 in western England) that I was also similar.
I love urban life, and I choose to live downtown because when I chose to live in this neighbourhood 20 years ago it was so I'd be within walking distance to the central Library. I will write about my feeling/memory of my past life and how I used to go to the Library on a horse, but that is for another blog post.
Recently, in the past couple of years, the City bought additional emergency vehicles. It bought extra ambulances and extra fire engines. That is all well fine and good. Winnipeg is a growing city and we need to have more like this...
But the problem I have with the additional fleet is that the City fire/ambulance crew conducts daily drills - with full sirens blaring.
I have noticed two that are conducted on a daily, or aldmost daily occurrance:
- Near the intersection of Main St @ McDermot Avenue around 2:30 p.m.
- Near the intersection of Donald @ Broadway around 4:50 or 4:54 p.m.
I have travelled several times to various larger cities in North America over the past 10-11 years and no where else but in Winnipeg have I heard sirens or emergency drills taking place as often as I have here... Not in Toronto, not in Vancouver, not in Chicago.
So, this has been quite annoying to me because while it is much more difficult to prove than chemtrail activity - because one can have photographed a location with sky above and when that person is finally aware of them they can review their old photos and see the chemtrail activity from years before.
My theory is that sirens of various kinds - from Police, Fire, or Ambulance are basically FEAR energy and the part of the purpose of doing the drills or having the Police have their sirens turn on and off during the night in the neighbourhood is to create a FEAR energy to lower the spiritual vibrations of our city and thus hold us down spiritually from becoming more loving. Didn't the Nazis conduct lots of siren drills before WWII to perhaps scare/annoy citizens?
But what I will do is to video this and post to Youtube and then I will link from here.
I'm just tired of the siren/ambulance/fire drill happening daily at the same time, and I want them to do this less frequently, perhaps once per week rather than the the regularity they are doing this at the moment.
This other writer, is asking why in his town the air raid sirens get activated daily. The official response was that that was the method the town/city gave notice that all the volunteer emergency vehicles (and staff) were available if/when an emergency occurred. Just like the poster says, it seems odd that they would do it that way rather than use a cell phone/pager. Perhaps the purpose in both cases is to desensitize us so that when a real big emergency happens ,only apathy will prevail.
Here's another post in which the writer mentions TETRA waves @ 17.6 Hz to affect us physically. I wonder whether the newer sirens create an output harmonic frequency of this that has the ability to disrupt our physical well-being.
For a specific example, the new TETRA system which will be used by the police and emergency services in the UK for communication, uses between 380 and 400 MHz, which is switched on and off at such a pulse rate that a pseudo-ELF of 17.6 Hz (17.6 times per second) is produced. this means the brain and nervous system are hit by pulses of UHF (USA terms) microwave (UK terms) every 1/17.6th of a second. This is rather like electrochemical hammer blows to the head at a rate of 17.6 every second. Some of us find hammer drills irritating to listen to, imagine 17.6 hammer-like blows being delivered to the nervous and endocrinal system, at a cellular level - might this not have a disruptive effect on the organism? Since the cells communicate to each other in the ELF range, these hammer-like blows of pseudo-ELF disrupts and derange cellular activities, leading to dysfunction, behavioural changes and onset of carcinogenic proteins which can lead to the organism developing tumours.
daily fire drills,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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