

Horse Stable Turned Greek Restaurant

I can sense energies around me, in people, in places, in animals...

One such place I sense old energies is at the Pembina Village Restaurant (333 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg MB).

When I have gone in there, I can sense that this space, around and before 100 years ago, used to be a Horse Stable.

Recently when I was eating there, I "asked the universe" how many horses were boarded there.

I got the number range ... between 14 and 16 horses.

So that would be 7 or 8 on each side of the stable.

I also saw in my mind's eye, two tall stainless steel canisters, kind of like the  ones that are used  for milking cows. I wonder what those canisters were for...did they contain fresh water for the horses to drink from? Did they contain feed?

Also I feel the reason why this space has the old energy of what is was at the turn of the 20th century...the actual building is still is just the use that is different.

For further information about this I would have to call the Manitoba Historical Society...they would be able to tell me what the name of the stable was, and how many stallls there were...


Moonwalker is...

After viewing a video on Youtube about spirit guides and who they might be, mine told me this morning that she is...

Your mother's grandmother, "on the other side of the family".

She is now saying that she is Rosalia Sokalski?

UPDATE: She has said that she is Catherine Jaworski, who my my Grandpa's Mother.


Staying cute for the next few hundred years

I decided to sage/smudge with white sage my Solar Plexus Chakra and my Sacral Chakra areas. These are best done by oneself at home.

So after I did this, Moonwalker says to me:

It is good that you saged your Solar Plexus and Sacral  Chakras. Doing so will help you stay cute.


Mom upate April 2012

I was asking to communicate with my Mom, as last year she commuicated around Easter weekend.

Moonwalker gave this update...

She said that Rose/Mom was not feeling well. Not doing well 'in the curriculum in heaven'.

"It will be a LONG, LONG time before she comes back (reincarnates again)".

"She is laying on her bed with her best friend".

When I asked who this best friend of hers was, Moonwalker said "your Grandmother's Uncle".

I don't know who what his name was, but since "Baba" was born in Jan. 1900 this Uncle of hers would have been born in the 19th century/1800s A.D.


Boat Sinking Nightmare

The other night I had a dream/nightmare that I recall I've had before, possibly 2 or 3 decades ago...I cannot remember the beginning of it...Sorry didn't write it down in a dream journal...but it ends like this...

I am in the rear right seat of a sedan-like car... I am with my family. We are moving off of a boat-launch like pad...and we're moving into the waters...until the car sinks into this water and the whole car is surrounded by this water and then the dream/nightmare ends.

I can't recall when in my life I had this particular dream/nightmare. Was I going thru some hard times and maybe this is symbolic of it?


Seeing '39'

I saw or acknowleged seeing the number 39 three times today.

  1. I bought a miniDV cassette tape, which cost me *.39.
  2. After that I bought a burger and a soft drink, which cost me *.39
  3. Still later on, I looked at my alarm clock at home, and it was *:39

What does this all mean numerologically?


Space Travel via Trance State

Sunday January 29 2012 beginning around 6:45 p.m. I went into my bathroom to go into trance state to see what entities or places I could see.

Some time into the trance state session, which lasted for about 60 minutes, I began seeing the moving star field.

I traveled through several wormholes saw a red dwarf star, saw two or three Earth-like planets whiz by. Passed by Mimas (one of Saturn's moons - the one that looks like Star Wars' Death Star).

My intention and request of my spirit guide(s) was to travel to an inhabited planet within the Sirius A star system via trance state.

Along the way I saw various beings, a couple of Greys floating in this star field. I saw booted feet upside down.

About mid-way thru the trance meditation, I landed on this planet that you could Mars or Titan - it had reddish/brown colour to the surroundings. There was dirt like that on Mars. I did not see the sky, but the vision was always looking down at the ground. I did not see any civilizations (cities, towns) or any other people.

This is sort of what it looked like, except moving on the surface was much slower than in the video:

Youtube - Surface animation of Saturn's moon Titan ...

At the end of the session a slightly grey haired moustached man mouthed the phrase twice -
"Where do you want to go now?"
 I said again:

"I want to go to one of the inhabited planets within Sirius A star system"

I guess he couldn't hear me or something. I used my voice and I used telepathy. After that I ended the session and turned on the bathroom light and opened the door.

The mustached male might have been my main spirit guide Daniel, who I have up to this time not seen but have heard very rarely - he doesn't say much but when he does it is profound. The other two guides - Pete and Moonwalker are much more conversational.

I am concluding that if I want to travel to Sirius A by a meditative trance state, I would have to spend more time doing this or something...Travel via the mind is still waaay faster (and cheaper) than it would be if I were to train to be an astronaut or work for one of Earth's space agencies.

Consider that the New Horizons probe (to study dwarf planets beyond Pluto) arrived near Saturn 2 years after its launch from Earth ... getting to near Saturn by mind/soul travel in 1 hour is not bad at all.


Cats' Spirit Guides Names

Today I asked the names of the spirit guides of my two cats:

Tiger = Altrexa (female)
Herbie = Dean