

Full Aparition of Boy Spirit (in Colour)

I have been detoxing / clearing my sinuses in the past month using Oil of Oregano. I have also been doing Deep Breathing to raise my spirit vibration so I can see the spirit world again.

So today I was in the kitchen talking with one of my suport people, and  I see a grey & black orb floating in front of me from right to left. My head was not turning, so it was not an eye thing, but something external to me.

Then about 2 to 3 hours afterwards I'm in my living room and I had just had a nap...

I see in the living room entrance-way for about 5 to 10 seconds, a full colour spirit apparition of a boy...I can't tell his age very well...he's maybe 9 or 10 or 11 yrs. old...He has dark black hair. He's not my two sons Andrew or Stephen because they have dark blonde hair.

This boy was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with coloured stripes on it. Sleeve was black but chest had these coloured stripes on it. The apparition was so short because for a spirit to do this requires a GIGANTIC amount of energy.

I haven't been introduced to this boy spirit. I do not know his name. I do not know his purpose in my life at this time. It might be short term. It may be for the medium or long term.

Last time I saw a full bodied apparition was in March 2010 when Pete one of my spirit guides decided to appear to me in my bdrm. doorway of 59 Donald St. apartment. That was a one-time thing by Pete "to show you what a spirit guide looks like".

So moving forward, I will continue to deep breathe as well as continue to take in Oil of Oregano.

Who knows where this will lead?


REVIEW: Trapiche (2015) White Wine

This is my very first wine tasting review.

I bought a bottle of Trapiche white wine, 2015 vintage.

I ordered some Pepperoni & Mushroom pizza and tried out the wine.

I like wine with BITE, and Trapiche certainly delivers with a 5 out of 5 score.

DATA Sheet

Type: White
Country: Argentina
Region:  Andies Foothills / Mendoza
Winery: Phillipe Dandurand Wines

Please Be Kind to Sisters

While in a conversation between myself and my son Andrew he said the following tonight:

Andrew: Please be kind to your sister Patricia and your sister Marie. They don't want to hurt you.

and I replied.

LilZebra: Yes they do. Yes they have in the past.

So later on I said:

LilZebra: So son, you have the power to influence Marie, Pat, Reagan and Carson. You have access to Heaven. You could visit them in spirit and tell them what you told me. That I am not a threat to Marie, Reagan or Carson.

You could visit them at their house and speak to them in a voice or a thought and this may help them feel more at ease with me because i would not harm any of them.


My New Soul Group

In my May 2010 post here, I wrote about contact with my sons, Andrew & Stephen as well as their Heavenly caregiver, Greg.

Since that time, and that was 6 1/2 yrs. ago, I haven't heard from Greg, but I was introduced several times to their female counterpart, Marissa. I believe that if I were to birth Andrew & Stephen or whomever does, that Marissa would be Andrew's daughter and mine or their granddaughter.

I was informed years ago that Andrew & Stephen would produce a total of 4 grandchildren.


Review & Quotes: Absent Fathers, Lost Sons - The Search for Masculine Identity


In the past couple of weeks I've been delving into the subject matter of so-called "coming of age" material on the Internet. This has been in the form of old European made movies published on Youtube, as well as writings on web pages.

This week I stumbled upon a book titled Absent Fathers, Lost Sons at a used book shoppe.

And what I have concluded, based on reading and viewing is that, some force has socially engineered Western civilization to suppress male sexuality, especially at the puberty stage.

Something is really really broken and it may take another two generations before things swing back to their natural state of healthy sexual relations with one another.


"On the whole, children who have been adequately fathered show more self-confidence, in their studies, in choosing careers, and in their personal initiatives." (pg. 17)

"In the United States and Norway, several studies involving boys with behavioral problems arrived at conclusions that flew in the face of accepted belief: male children absolutely need their fathers in the first two years of their existence. The boys in the studies all experience absent fathers in the first two years of their lives. In most cases their fathers were soldiers who had gone away wen their sons were still very young, or sailors who were away from home nine months a year. What is striking is that these boys showed the same kind of atypical development as orphans in inadequate  foster homes or as boys brought up in single-parent families and deprived of possible father-substitutes. In all sons who lack fathers, research has revealed systemic deficiencies in social, sexual, moral, or cognitive levels."
(pg. 20) 

"It is absolutely necessary for men to spend more time cuddling their children, especially their sons; doing so they will open up their children's sensitivity -- and discover their own sensitivity at the same time. Sensuality will then no longer be denied to men and women be trapped in it. Men too have bodies; they need to be touched in order to maintain their sense of well-being and in order to be reminded that they are alive." (pg. 30)

Children's Rights

I believe in children's rights.

I believe that each kid has the right to:

  • A warm, safe from the elements home
  • Enough healthy food daily. He or she should not go to sleep feeling hungry.
  • No abuse of any kind - no physical, verbal, sexual.
  • A family that wants him.
  • The right to be himself and the age that he wants to be.
  • The right to finish his or her babyhood period. The right not to graduate from the crib not to be pushed out because a newborn sibling has come along, toilet trained before he/she is ready. The right to use a pacifier and/or a baby bottle for comfort.
  • The right to own one or more stuffed animals / teddy bears, etc, for comfort.
  • The right to clean, fashionable clothes daily.
  • The right to be taught and practise good hygiene.
  • The right to have neighbourhood and/or school friends over to play indoors.
  • The right to experience being a child and with few exceptions be allowed to be the age they are.
  • The right to host or to stay at a friend's or cousin's home overnight for a sleepover.

Head-based Clinical Moms Cannot Love Their Children

I had the opportunity to spend a few hours at St. Boniface Hospital on November 21st. I've had this thang with so-called Clinical-types, especially Women. So I used this opportunity to say to 3 of the staff "You as a Clinical person cannot love your children the same way a Heart-based person can." Do you know what happens in every instance? The Woman nurse will stand up and leave the room. Every single time. Does that mean I am telling the truth and they are going to another room, perhaps a broom closet to CRY? A Clinical-type Mom will say to her son or daughter "I love you." But these words come from the Reptilian brain complex, which has no empathy. No love at all. These are just words. A Heart-based Mom will say the same words to her son or daughter "I love you." But these words come from the Heart, connected to the soul and spirit. Feelings-based.


Mama's Boy Moms / Overprotective Moms

I was told, when I was little, before I had my current phys. and mental health issues..."no" you cannot pick up" "no, you cannot feed" your sister.

What you see in this video clip of two other strangers - an older brother and a younger sister (could have been a younger brother too) is what I desired to do with Pat in '73-75.

Some of these photos show Mason (the boy) laying next to Mercedes (thegirl)..Ouch...Maybe the boy shouldn't be so close to his sister like that. He might roll over on top of her. She is too delicate...This is what I learned from my Mommie growing up. Girls are too DELICATE to be too close to. Better to "look but don't touch".

We cannot go back to the past. But please god (divine)...please bring me a lil one to interact with like this...

Yes, I already have Andrew & Stephen my spirit sons, but they are in spirit and are not acknowledged by clinical-type persons.



Basically this is what I wanted to do with my sister Pat back in Sept. / Oct. 1975 when she was age 2 yrs.
Mom said "No!".
41 yrs. later and Pat almost cut me out of my Dad's Will. Had it not been for other sister , I would have been left with 10% proceeds from the Sale of the family home.
This is why sibling BONDING is crucial to good relations decades later.
But overprotective Mommies are just being SELFISH for thinking of Mommies' needs FIRST.
Little do they know how TOXIC relations they are sprouting.
wrote on Building Boys's Timeline. 3 November 2016 03:12 Hi,
I have been a member of this group for some time.
I have a nephew who just tuned 8 yrs. one week ago.
He has a Mom and a Dad. They are in the process of divorcing.
I believe that my nephew is a Mama's Boy and that the is in danger of inability to develop healthy relationships with Women once he becomes an adult.
I have tried bonding with my nephew, but every time I try, he is sitting on his Mom's lap or is conversing with his older sister (10 yrs.).
My Dad just died in Sept. and my Mom is deceased since Jan. 2010.
I feel that now that my parents are gone, they cannot question me wanting to bond with my nephew.
So what's the best way to go about this?
Just to note, my sister has dominated him so much that I have never ever had the opportunity to pick him up and just hold him and bond with him. Sister is just always there with him. Sister has said that her husband has been disinterested in his son, but now that I have had a conversation with her soon to be ex-...he has told me that the therapy that he and his son had a while back has helped. The downside is that ex-husband/father will have every other weekend with his kids.
The next time I see him will most likely be Christmas Eve.
I intend on picking him up into my arms, making a selfie video. I have no other photos of nephew with me.
I am sure that sister and nephew will balk at my interest in him. But I don't want nephew to grow to be dysfunctional in adulthood and not be able to form healthy relationships with women.
I believe that nephew is still fixable.


Strange Requests

I have a nephew, a boy who was born in 2008.

Back near the day he was born, I remember my sister phoning me and telling me that she is going to have a son.

She was asking ME to pick his birthdate. Should it be on the 26th or the 27th or 28th?

I thought this was strange because relations between myself and my sister have always been strained since she was little.

My feeling at the time of course is...How should I know, he's going to be your son.

Additionally does not invite me to the Hosp. to see newborn nephew. To this day I don't know which Hosp. he or his older sister was born at. Doesn't really matter anyways.

So 6 mos. in same sister calls me up. It's March 29th, 2009. One of my cats just passes away from old age.

She asks me two things:
  1. Can I borrow your Hi8 camcorder?
  2. Can I borrow your cat for a few days. We have a mouse problem in the basement.
So sister even picks me up. Drives me to their home. Proceeds to breastfeed nephew in front of me.

Shows me around the house.

She drives me back home.


Bluetooth in Fedora Linux

Getting Bluetooth working in Linux can sometimes be a PITA.

There are screens in Fedora. Other setup screens on the phone device.

If devices are not seeing each other or not connecting, you need to know the following:

  1. In GNOME 3, right click on "Settings..." which brings up the Settings applets. Choose 'Bluetooth'.
  2. The screen will say "Not Connected" or similar.
  3. Press that key.
  4. A Passkey will be auto-generated.
  5. Press Confirm.
  6. Key in this 6 digit number into your phone device.
  7. It should Pair at that point and you can now Upload and Download files to and from both PC and Phone.
If you Pair via this method it is not necessary to use Blueman to Pair devices.


The Crucial Importance of the Sibling Bond

Basically this is what I wanted to do with my sister Pat back in Sept. / Oct. 1975 when she was age 2 yrs.

Mom said "No!".

41 yrs. later and Pat almost cut me out of my Dad's Will. Had it not been for other sister Marie, I would have been left with 10% proceeds from the Sale of the family home.

This is why sibling BONDING is crucial to good relations decades later.

But overprotective Mommies are just being SELFISH for thinking of Mommies' needs FIRST.

Little do they know how TOXIC relations they are sprouting.


Alpha Pectaurus Star System

Two years ago (2014) I was informed by my spirit son Andrew, that I've been incarnating in the Sol star system (our sun/star) on Earth where I've been the past 28,000 years.

Prior to this I had incarnated for 250,000 in a red dwarf star system 500 light years away, Alpha Pectaurus.

I don't have any memory of life on Alpha Pectaurus 2, also known as Ion (pronounced Eee Ahn). So I have not been told nor do I have any sense or memory of being there.

I was not told where Alpha Pec. is in the night sky. It could be in the West or the East. I don't know. The reason I was told was that the existence of a red dwarf star system 500 ly away is probably not acknowledged or known by scientists and needs to be kept secret for them to discover.

Boy George - The Crying Game

Coming Novembe 6, 2016 to the Winnipeg Arena!

I bought my ticket already, so I am def. GOING.