

Shark Past Life in the Timor Sea (Northern Territory Australia)

Recently, when I traveled to Grand Beach for the weekend where I stayed with my friend's friend, my friend and his kids at his cottage.

On the Saturday night, I meditated for a bit and another past life memory was presented to me.

I began to see, in B&W, tentacled fish, swim towards me, and then disappear. Every time one would swim towards me, it would disappear and then another one would appear and swim towards me. There were about a 10 in the span of a minute or minute and a half.

The next day, when I asked my friend's kids "What kind of animal eats Octopus?", the older one said "a Shark".

So later on, I accessed the Akashic Record's metadata (information about information) about this event, and I came up with:

What: Shark (not a bottle-nose type)
Where: off the coast of Northern Territory of Australia, in the Timor Sea
When: 0 A.D. (2000 years ago)

That's it. No other information. No info on how I died.

I do know now that my Shark self is the part of me that is the aggressive part.

A Shark is considered like the "Bear of the Sea".

I'm also wondering whether before we incarnate in Human form, that we must live animal lives in various forms and that at least one of them MUST be a predator animal ... Great Horned Owl, Shark, etc...

Years ago, way before I got into spiritualism, whenever I'd look at my orange tabby cat, Tiger, he'd kind of remind me of how a Shark looks. Now I believe that he was also a Shark too in his prior animal past life. However I don't know what part of the world he lived or what time period.

In my experience, at the soul level, when I was in animal form and then my body died, I would spend between 300 and 400 years in the Heavenly realm, and then incarnate as another animal, so Tiger might have been a Shark back in the 1600s  or 1700s A.D.

See also:

Wikipedia - Northern Territory, Australia
Wikipedia - Timor Sea

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