

Blood Sugar Meter shows LO First Time

Yesterday before I visited my ND doctor, I quickly measured my blood sugar.

Usually don't measure every day, but only when I sense I feel different (better or worse). Why give the pharma cos. more $?

That day (Tuesday Feb 15 2011) around 16.15 p.m. (22:15 GMT) it says LO, which on my meter means equal to or less than 3.3 mmol/l.

Today it is in my slightly higher range.

I have been on Armour thyroid hormone and have been religously taking the Metformin and the Glyburide pharma pills for a while now.

What could have caused the LO reading? The very same day we experienced an X2 level Solar Flare. One of two things happened.

1) The solar radiation was affecting the blood sugar meter reading.

2) The solar radiation was positively affecting (lowering) my blood sugar itself in a natural way.

I tested again a couple of minutes later, same result.

In the 5 years I've been testing my blood sugar levels, I have had times where it's read HI (34 or above), but never has it ever read LO (3.3 or lower). I did not feel week or anything, in fact the morning of... I felt quite energized, not like I could run a marathon, but I felt like myself, not tired.


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