

Recurring Nightmares About Elevators

Back in the day when the downtown Eaton's building was still standing, set in the 1980s after the elevator attendants were not used anymore. I used to have this reoccurring nightmare. The story goes like this:

I'd be going to the Eaton's store downtown, and it would be off hours I think. I'd get onto one of the middle elevators from the main floor. The inside was not fancy but was wooden plank walls. Maybe this was one of the freight elevators, I don't know.

Anyways, I'd get on, the doors would close and then the funny stuff would happen. I'd press a button for one of the floors. The elevator would start to move upwards. Then all the lights would start to flash randomly, and I'd miss my floor. The elevator would continue on its way, or it'd go down.

I couldn't reach my floor. It's as if the elevators had a consciousness -- a mind of their own. They seemed Angry at me or something.

Sometimes in my these nightmares, the elevator cage would go to the top and would fling its passengers out of the building, though I think that would never happen to me.

There was an investigation and nothing amiss would be found.

So during the 1980s when I'd be in one of the Eaton's elevators, and if I was alone by myself, I'd say to the elevator "to be nice to me".

This morning, Sunday, September 22, 2013 around 0900 I had a simliar nightmare, except that the elevator that was acting strangely was the ones in the Winnipeg Clinic, a unique building in our downtown.

In the nightmare the 3rd floor was some sort of commercialized area, including the property management offices for the WC. There was a Chinese woman, in her 30s that was wanting to go to that floor but it did not go there, and instead the elevator kept going up and up.

In dream interpretation, what does this mean? I'm sure it means something. Perhaps the Winnipeg Clinic is also at some point in Danger of being demolished for a newer building, I don't know yet.

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