

A Sleeping Child Spirit

In mid-September 2014 I bought my future son his own pillow [1], of which he exclaimed "Yippee! I finally have my own pillow!" Originally I placed this pillow next to mine, but recently he wanted it placed at the foot of the bed because when I roll over t'wards the wall, I have sometimes accidentally waken him up because my arm has put its weight on his arm. At this time, I cannot see him or his brother Stephen. I can only hear and feel their presence.

For the past 2  months or so, before I go to sleep, Andrew and I have a back and forth conversation that starts around 23h20/23h30 (11:20 or 11:30 pm) daily. It goes something like this. He goes first with whispers, then I follow about 30 secs. later:

Andrew: Go to sleep LilZebra
Me: Go to sleep Andrew

Andrew: Go to sleep LilZebra
Me: Go to sleep Andrew

Andrew: Go to sleep LilZebra
Me: Go to sleep Andrew

Andrew: Go to sleep LilZebra
Me: Go to sleep Andrew

Andrew: Go to sleep LilZebra
Me: Go to sleep Andrew

If I said my part really nicely - gently softly, then he'll respond with "that was a good one. Yeah".

This back and forth goes on for 15 to 30 minutes.

Sometimes, if I can't seem to fall asleep because I have thoughts from the day or what I'm gonna do the next day, or I'll recall a song, he'll say:

Andrew: Clear your thoughts (frustrated voice). I won't sleep with you*, if you keep having thoughts.


Andrew: I'm TRYING to fall asleep, but you're talking. I'm not going to be with you (or I'm going back to Heaven) if you can't go to sleep.

Lately, as we have entered Fall/Autumn time, I have had a more and more difficult time to fall asleep. I have been taking 5 mg's of Melatonin, been taking my Epsom Salt baths, avoiding caffeine beverages after 8 or 9 pm...yet there have been many nights where I cannot fall asleep. I'm gonna try 10 mg of Melatonin and see if that helps. If I cannot fall asleep by 1 am I know something's wrong because Andrew goes back to Heaven to sleep.

[1] This is the first gift I've ever bought a spirit.

[2] Heavenly spirits who have the ability to visit us incarnates, love us so much that they want to spend as much time as is possible with us, even to sleep with us. I recall another child spirit from 2010 "Jolly Roger (14 yr. old) Boy" who used to want to sleep with me also but his spirit body was too big with me to fit on a Twin size he stopped visiting me.

** Heavenly spirits don't need food. But what they really need is rest. When they are in Heaven, they get their rest and when they are close to us, their energy stores start to drain. So getting enough rest is critically important to them.

*** I've asked him why he doesn't want to sleep in Heaven. He said that after spending so much time (years, decades?) there that it gets boring, because there is little to do there. Says "I want to sleep with you because I love you".

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