

LibreOffice Table Styles

LibreOffice Calc & Writer have a table formatting option in Autoformat, where you format a table (min. 3x3). So you are not limited by the 11 coloured formats that come with LO.

You can, in LO Calc, specify ISODD() or ISEVEN() for alternating colours to create a bar effect. This can also be done much easier in Autoformat, just have one row white and the other as a light shade of a colour or a shade of grey.

However, you cannot Import or Export these formats, also if you decide to use another colour combination or font, you have to re-select the whole table or tables, and select the format.

This is the how MS-Excel 2010 does table styles. I like how, in Excel, if you add more rows and tell the programme this, it'll restyle the new cells:

It has been this way for all of StarOffice, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice existance.

Now, the LibreOffice Design Team are seeing that this is too limiting and are investigating ways of improving table editing capabilities.

Here's a mockup, from the LO developers, new Table Styles:

I'm currently using LO v4.4 and the newest is v5, so once they have formally introduced Table Styles, then I will upgrade.

Much needed feature.

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