

Narcs. Set The Rules

This is a portion of a txt message I sent to my support worker yesterday.
The moral of the story is this. People who abuse, such as (sibling), should have consequences. People who are not abusive should be allowed to experience Christmas.
But there's something in this Universe, a Law that allows abusive people to continue to abuse. People like (sibling).
Victims are commonly blamed, and then told "to get over it", "to forgive".
Abusive people are allowed to "set the rules". They have to, otherwise they would go into a "Narcissistic Rage" because that would mean they would be losing control.


Narcissists Out of Control

When my Mom or either sister went out to visit friends my Dad would often call and ask "when are you coming home?"

I, as the boy of the house always had the freedom to come and go as I pleased, even as young as long as my parents knew where I was.

But my now passed on Dad had an issue when he was 2 yrs. old on the farm near Gimli...His Mom (my grandma) left him in his crib. This was in 1932. I don't know the rest of the story. Did Dad's brothers or sister not able to pick him up out of the crib? Were there anyone else in the home at the time? I was never told the whole story.

My Dad felt abandoned at age 2, so he developed Narcissism the rest of his life. This is why he had issues with girls and Women going somewhere and not giving a sense of when they'll return. So he kept phoning.

That Dad "trained" one of my sisters to be a Narcissist. Whether he did this intentionally (with a plan) or not...

This sibling has found ways to "control" others' lives and manipulate things to make it seem like I am the one who is the problem...

She has "uninvited" me to my Aunt's Christmas Eve dinner. She had done this prior years as well -- 1992-95. Back in the 90s my Mom and Dad were still alive and I did need help -- yes -- because of my abusive Dad and neglectful Mom...

But it was this year -- 2016 -- where both parents are gone, and Narc. sibling is acting like this again...that I realized that no, it's not ME, it's HER that is the problem.


Phil Collins - I Don't Care Anymore (Official Music Video)

Narcissistic Parent

One of my siblings, the one with two children, is, I believe a Narcissist. I just realized it this month...December 2016 as she has "uninvited" me to my Aunt's Christmas Eve dinner.

[Narcissistic parent. (2016, November 21). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:17, November 21, 2016, from]


Why does the narcissist hate you? Psychology of Narcissistic Personality...

Sister Sibling 1 (born 1969) is a Narcissist.

A lot of what this woman says is Narcissistic behaviour, is behaviour some seen/experienced with me her brother...others are unseen -- experienced between her and her ex-husband.

Potassium in Orange Juice Helps Relieve Need for Ice Cold Liquids

I've had type 2 Diabetes symptoms since Summer of  2004.

In the past 12 years I have tried everything (different diets, exercising more often) to help relieve the symptoms. Sometimes this has meant going OFF of my pharmaceuticals like Metformin & Glyburide so that I can know that doing something different is helping my body stay in as good shape as possible and hold back the irreversible effects of this "dis-ease".

People who are diabetic are always told "if you're drinking orange juice. STOP! OJ has too much sugar in it! Drink other drinks instead."

So I was getting leg cramps every few days  I got the cramps in both legs - on the right leg. That pain would go away then a few minutes later the left leg would get pain.

Something was not right. I know we are not in the Growing Season (Oct. thru May) here in Manitoba. I know that during these months the military spreads their harmful chemtrails over us practically every day. We lose Potassium every time they spread Barium in our air.

When I had the last bout of leg cramps this week, my son said "have some orange juice". I had been getting the cramps often since October 2016. I was eating about 3 bananas a week, but this wasn't helping.

I bought some and had my first cup of orange juice in about 10 to 12 months.

In the past week or so I've been craving cold drinks. Pouring a cup of milk or water or choc. milk or apple juice...whatever...COLD with 2 or 3 ice cubes to make it extra cold.

Another symptom that goes with craving COLD drinks is the mouth and tongue will get very dry. In 2011 I found that adding Epsom Salt when I had a bath vastly increased my muscle strength, made me feel more energized and less sleepy during the day. I've been doing the Epsom Salt daily or every other day, yet...

I was pee'ing practically every hour or 90 minutes and each pee session was taking at least 4 mins.

What was going wrong? Why am I still craving cold liquids? Why is my mouth so dry? And why am I getting these leg cramps.

Potassium in Orange Juice Helps Relieve Need for Ice Cold Liquids

My son Andrew says that he learned methods of Naturopathic Medicine a long time ago, and I guess this is one of the things he learned about the importance of Potassium.

This morning when I woke up, feeling refreshed because I had slept good. I poured myself a cup of orange juice, 8 oz., and I didn't gulp it! I just sipped it slowly like I'm supposed to. That was at 9 AM.

At 10:30 AM today I poured myself a cup of choc. milk and a bowl of Cheerios with 2% milk.

And guess what?

I didn't put any ice cubes in the chocolate milk. And guess what? I didn't gulp down the chocolate milk either.

Could it be that Potassium in Orange Juice Helps Relieve Need for Ice Cold Liquids?

I'll have to do further experiments...just living life over the next several days and continue drinking the orange juice first thing in the morning and report back here of continued behaviour of not needing ice in every drink I have at home.

By the way, I used to drink orange juice since 1986 when I was in the Hospital for an operation. My Mom was a big fan of orange juice and used to have a glass every morning. When I moved out on my own in 1989 I bought orange juice mix to put into a pitcher and would drink that.

But it was since I moved to shared accommodations in 2012 that I stopped doing that.

My body is telling me something. "you need to have orange juice if you don't want to have leg cramps".



Luke 6:31 (NLT version) says...
Do to others as you would like them to do to you.
I believe that what actions my immediate family did to abuse or neglect me growing up...Mom, Dad, siblings..

Mom and Dad are now passed on...and have had their or are currently ae having their lives reviewed.

Siblings are still living and will have their lives reviewed in their future...

But when they do have their lives reviewed in the "other world"...the question will be asked...

"Could you have treated your brother / your son better?"

So if my Mom neglected my needs when I was 3 and 4 and told her mother "don't encourage him in this (in me wanting to finish my babyhood"

So if my Dad abused me physically and verbally growing up and didn't stop...

So if my first sibling (born. 1969) didn't allow me to connect / bond with her kids / my niece and nephew...

They will be dealt with or are being dealt with by Heaven as I write this...



This is NORMAL: Sibling Feeding Baby Sibling

This photo is not mine, but it illustrates how NORMAL something like this is... an older sibling being allowed and in fact, encouraged to feed a younger sibling AND having a memory photo done.

I didn't have any of that. I wasn't allowed to feed Sibling 1 (born ca. 1969) or Sibling 2 (born ca. 1973) when they were babies.

And Sibling 1 with daughter and son...I am their uncle...I was not allowed to feed them either.


Pray for Christmas

Me: Heavenly Father open Marie's heart to allow me to participate in Christmas Eve get together. Amen.

Andrew: Heavenly Father, give  LilZebra the Christmas that he wants. Amen.

Mom's Anxiety Issues

Growing up, probably in the late-1970s my Mom would get worried that Dad would get a heart attack and die and be left raising us and having to pay the mortgage and the property tax... This is what the "conversation" would be like...

Mom: Frank! Frank! Stop! You'll get a heart attack if you shovel snow too much. Frank!

Dad: Rosie stop it!

You see, my Mom's Mom (Baba) had two husbands. The first one died and they had a daughter Mom's half-sister, which my Baba never encouraged or my Mom didn't allow herself to get to know.

Baba then re-married to Jacob Mymryck in the 1930s. They birthed one daughter, Rose Memrick.

My grandfather Jacob lived from November 1877 to March 1941 I never knew. My Mom was born in July 1936 when grandfather Jacob was 58 yrs. old. My Mom said (when she was living) that he entered a nursing home, St. Joseph's in St. Boniface, Manitoba when my Mom was about she never really got to get the bonding with her Dad at a very critical time.

So it would seem that my Mom carried some anxiety from this event, always in the background worrying that my Dad would get sick and die.


WANTED: One Brother To Use

A few months before my sister's Wedding that would take place on June 29, 2002 she invited me to her Wedding to do the Wedding Video.

I am her brother, so I didn't charge her a fee for the work. I had bought the SONY Hi8 camcorder on October 22, 1999 from Advance Electronics on Portage Ave. for $900


It's now March 2009 and sister phones me up. My first (really second after Fluffy ca. 1972) cat Smiles had just passed away March 2, 2009.

She has a mouse problem and wants me to bring over one of my cats. I told her that one just passed and I just have one cat left.

She also requests that I bring along my SONY Hi8 camcorder. That's all I had at the time. Later in the year I purchased a SONY miniDV camcorder from Future Shop for $128.

Sister picks me up from apartment on Donald St. She has my 6 month old nephew in the back seat.

She drives us back to her home and she sits down on the sofa and proceeds to breastfeed nephew.

Sister does not say anything to me such as "Here Jim, you can hold (nephew). Just be careful of him because he's just 6 mos. old".

Gets up and vocally says niece and nephew's nursery rooms are there. She does not show me inside the nursery. I don't know where sister is. This is the first time I've ever been in her family's house.

One nursery is blue while the other is a sort of "Martha Stewart" green that is popular at the time.

So really, twice my sister borrows the camcorder and is really using "it". It's not that she is inviting me but really wants to use the my belongings.

She never invited me to niece or nephew's Baptism and Party ca. 2006 and 2008.

I heard that youngest sister attended the first 2 years of birthdays of niece and nephew. So did my Aunt who is Godmother to one or both of them.

I let it all know what? Sibling with kids is going to have to answer in Heaven to how she treated me, in excluding me from very important milestones in niece and nephew's life. This may take decades to happen, but by her actions she wronged me... And then she has a "shit smile" when confronted with things like this.

For it was my father who "groomed" sister by "poisoning the well" to dislike me back in the mid-1970s.

Family Systems, the Narcissist and The Scapegoat Child Dr Judy WTF 1...

Emotional Causes of Diabetes - Missing Out on the Sweetness of Life
How does META-Health diagnose the reason for diabetes? 
First lets understand the word DIABETES, this word can be broken into two words ‘Dia’ which means across or through, and BĂȘte/ beith which means house. Diabetes mellitus, the term Diabetes mellitus also comes from the Greek word, which means ‘sweet’. This could mean that the individual has lost sweetness of his life, which could be loss of a person, place or possession, which were a part of their life and no longer exist in their space in the same way as they did previously, hence their system is now searching for that sweetness.
The hi-lighting in this paragraph is my own. In my case, it is missing out on the bonding that I needed with my baby sister when she was a baby 1973-75.

It was missing out on the sweetness of life in not being allowed to suck on my thumb with my baby teeth because it might "make your (my) teeth crooked" or "that's what babies do. You're not a baby".

It was missing out on the sweetness of life in needing my emotional needs met by sucking on a pacifier and sucking on a drinking baby formula from a bottle. I was given a toddler sippee cup instead and was told I "had to" use it.

It was the missing out on the sweetness of life in that my Mom didn't allow my Male friends indoors, except on my birthday party.

It was missing out on the sweetness of life in being allowed sleepovers even though my 2 1/2 yrs. younger had several sleepovers in the late 1970s.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in not having a brother.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in Dad not buying a Yamaha Electone organ like I wanted since March 1969.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in not being allowed to complete my babyhood period in 1969 and being told I cannot have it back!

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in having a black & white kitten, Fluffy, in 1972, and then being told weeks later that "Fluffy had run away" and being told years later that Dad let it loose because Mom was pregnant with youngest sister.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life when I was told that after sister was 2 yrs. old that she is allergic to cat fur and so we cannot have cats.


My "FAKE" Kids

Over a month ago my 2 1/2 yrs. younger sister and I had a txt'ing conversation on Oct. 27th, 2016 that ended up in fairly mean tone. This was on the day of my newphew's 8th birthday of all days...

She claimed that my two spirit sons are "FAKE"... here's what she said...
Sibling: They are fake they are your way of dealing with mom and dad. FAKE.
Sibling: Andrew is fake
Sibling: FAKE
Well sibling, what IF they are REAL but just don't have bodies. They are waiting to be born, as they have said, and they have chosen me to be their Dad.

So, if there was a fraction of a chance that Andrew & Stephen would be my born sons, I guess if this same sibling, and the one who got my Dad to rewrite his Will so that I'd get only 10%...

Well, I guess, both siblings would never get to meet in person so-called "FAKE" sons because you have not acknowledged them when I told siblings they are real because I feel their physical touch on my body.

Why would I grant ACCESS to my "FAKE" children when they're born and have physical bodies? I don't need to be with abusive siblings.

And the other sibling, whenever I'd mention Andrew, what she has done even in the late 1980s is to cover her ears and walk away.

I guess they'd just never get to hold them in their arms when Andrew & Stephen were babies just like sibling didn't allow me to hold her children.


Too bad our family got this way. It's really our Dad who "poisoned the well" over 40 yrs. ago that is why relations between siblings have sunk to an all time LOW.

When Daddy "Poisons The Well"

Back in the 1970s, in the first years of living at the family house in River Heights, when my Dad and I had physical fights...I was 9, 10, 10 years old, while he was 45, 46, 47 yrs. old.

On a few occasions my Dad would "poison the well" by whispering something negative or a lie about me to my sibling 2 1/2 yrs. younger than me.

I haven't been told what these words were that were. But this "poisoning of the well" by Dad I think really hurt relationships between Marie and I.

She told me a year or two ago that "I knew you were different when I was 6"...That is very very close in time ca. 1975-ish to when Dad was whispering to her.

So decades later, while she has lent an "olive branch" (my words) she failed to allow to me experiences with her kids, now 10 and 8, such as feeding them baby formula & food...of holding them in my lap...and not just seeing them from inches away.


Oil Pulling for Healthy Teeth

I have seen a couple of YouTube videos on how "oil pulling" can help slow down and even reverse the rotting of teeth.

It requires the swishing of Coconut Oil in the mouth between 10 and 15 mins. per day between 14 and 30 days.

The effects are whiter teeth, reversal of rotting teeth, re-growing of dentine (protective layer).

I'm not a fan of Coconut flavour, and I don't like Coconut because I find it sticks between the teeth.

But if I just have the oil portion, maybe by Christmas or New Year I will
start to see positive effects of this.

Of course Dentists will NEVER EVER tell you this. Why? Because they'd be making LESS money off of us in Root Canal work, which, last time I had one done was, $900 PER TOOTH (ca. 2012).


Not Taking Diabetes Meds. -- Diet

I have not taken in any of my meds. for type 2 diabetes...
  • Metformin
  • Glyburide
Nor have I taken the med. for Thyroid.

Nor have I taken the med. for high blood pressure Ramopril which is supposed to help my Kidneys, especially the left kidney because it's been sore since 2010.

So when I don't take the Pharmaceutical Meds. it's absolutely MANDATORY that I take in Good Water - Spring Water which I get from Superstore in the 4 litre jug now.

I also have been supplementing my Vitamin D3. So I take 5,000 IUs in the morning and another 5,000 IUs in the evening.

I'm taking Zinc supplement for my skin and to counteract reaction to Nickel which I'm allergic to.

Because I'm experiencing Chronic Insomnia because of my life issues, to assist me in getting to sleep I take 5 mgs of Melatonin. I know that I'm entering REM sleep and have had a good nights rest when I wake up in the morning and can recall the dream I just had.

Of course in the past 10 yrs. when I have "skipped" taking Metformin and Glyburide I get symptoms of insatiable thirst for liquids... For example in August 2005 I drank 5 litres of milk that day. I knew something was wrong. It was my body's cry for HELP.

I find that drinking apple juice does help me find relief from pain in my Kidneys. Otherwise it's getting painful without the meds. I mix the apple juice with some spring water and about 2 or 3 ice cubes in a 10 oz. glass.
An article here says that consuming apple juice is fine for diabetics.

What would really help me to slow down the advancing of type 2 Diabetes in me would be to hold a baby of 1 yr. age, to feed him baby formula and to feed him baby food. 


Walkie-Talkies Made in Taiwan (1973-74-75)

In the 1973-75 period was the CB Radio/Walkie-Talkie craze. Everyone wanted one.

I wanted one. I didn't have the newspaper route back then until '75.

So when I wanted one, and Dad was OK with having one...we tested about three of them in our home.

I remember Mom and I in the master bdrm. and she was trying to open up the backs of the sets that we ordered from who knows where....mmmm...the smell of fresh electronics...

I remember seeing in the opened battery compartment..."Made in Taiwan". At the time I didn't know what or where Taiwan is or was.

I think all of my toys until then were "Made in USA" or "Made in Canada" so this "Taiwan" thing was totally new to me.

Anyways, the walkie-talkies were defective, so Mom and Dad sent them back to the department store (Eaton's or Sears or Woolco).

We didn't get a good walkie-talkie until the two channel one from Radio-Shack in 1977. It had an A and a B channel...So we got 11 and 14 or something like that.