

Walkie-Talkies Made in Taiwan (1973-74-75)

In the 1973-75 period was the CB Radio/Walkie-Talkie craze. Everyone wanted one.

I wanted one. I didn't have the newspaper route back then until '75.

So when I wanted one, and Dad was OK with having one...we tested about three of them in our home.

I remember Mom and I in the master bdrm. and she was trying to open up the backs of the sets that we ordered from who knows where....mmmm...the smell of fresh electronics...

I remember seeing in the opened battery compartment..."Made in Taiwan". At the time I didn't know what or where Taiwan is or was.

I think all of my toys until then were "Made in USA" or "Made in Canada" so this "Taiwan" thing was totally new to me.

Anyways, the walkie-talkies were defective, so Mom and Dad sent them back to the department store (Eaton's or Sears or Woolco).

We didn't get a good walkie-talkie until the two channel one from Radio-Shack in 1977. It had an A and a B channel...So we got 11 and 14 or something like that.

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