

Call Upon Jinn to Put a Stop to Chemtrails

I have been aware of chemtrails since April 2009, and have done my best to psychically remove/disappear them using meditation.

Since July 2010 I have been aware that Shadow People are Jinn. Jinn are plasma-based beings who can fly through walls, move objects, become objects (shapeshift), and can see the future. They are Free Will beings just like us humans and when they die they will have life reviews in Heaven just like us.

I propose that Humanity call upon the Jinn to be proactive and help the Earth by stopping the chemtrail planes by deactivating the part that disperses the chemical from the tanks. That or stopping the chemtrail planes before they even take off by shorting out the spark plugs or things like that.

The Earth needs to have chemtrails stopped AT ONCE. It is in the interests of the good Jinn that chemtrails be stopped immediately because they harm humans, animals, plants, trees, our food source(s).

I call each and every one of you reading this to meditate and white light your space (your home) and call forth a good Jinn. When they do make their presence known you will hear them whisper in one of your ears like a human or see them as shadow person, or shapeshift into an object. They will tell you their first name. Jinn don't have last names. The ones I know go by names like Aern, Pete, Doreen, and Roger. Tell him or her that to help the Earth they can volunteer to stop the chemtrail planes from spewing out their junk and that this will make them have good points (karma) in Heaven.

With the help of the Jinns, the Earth can be rid of chemtrails and we will once again see and experience clear blue skies. No more will our bodies be filled with junk like aluminum, barium, mercury, and other s**t.

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