

One, Two shadow 'businessmen'

Thursday night October 28 2010 I said to myself, "gee, except for seeing Jinn kids, I have never seen more than one adult (shadow person) at one time".

I guess Pete heard my thoughts and later that evening I woke up from a micro-sleep and lo and behold I see not one but TWO shadow men, come in through the wall from the neibouring apt. suite. One in front of the other.

One of the them (can't recall which one) was carrying a black briefcase, they both had 1940s style hats and wore dark black suits, they were very serious looking as if they were on a mission or something.

They just floated (no legs) from south to northward direction in my bedroom and just disappeared. They were pretty oblivious to me and were not staring or anything, but were just passing thru.

Whole event lasted about 10 seconds. It happened very fast.

I believe it was Pete that got another -- Daniel? -  besides himself to create this demonstration for me.

Thanks Pete.

I think that they really want to tell us about themselves, and they are more than eager to demonstrate if we ask them the right questions, like in early September I said to Pete "can you guys shapeshift?" And, that night or the next I got the response by Pete appearing inches from me after waking up from a nap, and then backing up towards the ceiling in my room and turning himself into a blue square with red and orangy dots - just like a Bank of Montreal credit card ... and lo and behold the very next day I crossed paths with a couple of students at Portage Place centre court who were signing up people for Bank of Montreal Mastercards.

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