

Applying for an apt. while on EIA

I'm in the process of applying for an apt. The Rent is $695 for a Bach. suite.

On the weekend I withdrew about $400 (minus 10% tax = $360) from my RSP so when an apt. comes up I can pay the Damage Dep.

Also I faxed in my Volunteer Form on Wednesday, so that I'd have an additional $100 income for the month.
Guess what happened today (Monday)?

I got the $360 from the RSP, but the $100 was not 'installed' into my account.

I spent about $20 of the $360 on Sunday, and also today spent another of the $20.
Now I have $323 left and no $100 yet from EIA.
I have to phone EIA on Tuesday to find out where is my $100?

Otherwise folks, it's getting closer and closer to July 31st and hey...I've not been Homeless in this lifetime yet, so hey...

My wish or want or need is to live in a group home environment...Not had that either...Been told that I'm too well (not Autistic enough) to need that. "Jim, you're smart, and you've lived on your own before, now just find an apt. You'll do FINE" is what my supports have been telling me... Some of the same supports have also been helping me look for places on Kijiji together - thank you Pat, Marie, Orianne and Candice.

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