

Homelessness: Assigning Blame Isn't A Solution

Floyd Perras, a columnist with the Winnipeg Sun, and works at Siloam Mission, cautions us not to blame homeless people for being ("choosing") to be homeless.

For me, it's not a choice. For me, what I really want would be to live in a home with others, somewhere where my "baby self" can be respected and acknowledged. I've been told though, that "no one is going to baby a 48 yr. old"... So absent of that, I choose homelessness. And with that is going about stuff in my 'adult self' like volunteering, spending time with friends.

A voice cries out in the wilderness...

Here's the link to the column:

Those citizens who are homeless, are not always to blame for their predicament.

In my case it, it has just been decade upon decade of abuse and even more so, _neglect_ of MY needs.

And actually, when you look at my life, as an autistic gay man, I've been lucky enough to have worked as much as I have in the past 40 years in the various jobs I've had - newspaper carrier, flyer distribtion, fast food crew member, data entry clerk, public speaker, webmaster...

Sure, I didn't have a VCR in the early 1980s when tv was better. Sure I didn't have other stuff, like a 'real' (long) train ride on CN or VIA Rail when I was growing up.
Sure, the only compliments *I* got were from my Trib and Sun customers.

But I guess it's all for something, isn't it? It's all for soul progress/soul growth in the end...

So, 10,000 years or 100,000 years from now I will be stronger as a soul, more resilient, just like my Guardian Angel...not moving from his values.

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