I found a new Linux utillity programme that will help to calibrate the colours for a printer.
It is cups-calibrate, and it is a piece of CLI software that is part of the CUPS/ suite part of GNU.
It requires a working printer and 2 pages (double sides) to print off small squares where you identify which squares are the darkest.
[lilzebra@nightowl ~] $ cups-calibrate
ESP Printer Calibration Tool v1.0
Copyright 1999-2000 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.
This program allows you to calibrate the color output of printers
using the Gutenprint CUPS or ESP Print Pro drivers.
Please note that this program ONLY works with the Gutenprint CUPS or
ESP Print Pro drivers. If you are using the Gimp-Print stp driver of
GhostScript or the drivers of the Print plug-in for the GIMP, this
calibration will not work.
These drivers by the text "CUPS+Gutenprint" or "ESP Print Pro" in
the model description displayed by the CUPS web interface, KUPS,
the ESP Print Pro Printer Manager, or printerdrake.
If you are not using the correct driver, press CTRL+C now and
reinstall your printer queue with the appropriate driver first.
To make a calibration profile for all users, run this program as
the "root" user.
Printer name [default]?
Resolution [default]?
Media type [default]?
Press ENTER to print pass #1 or N to skip...
Sending calibration pass #1 for density/saturation levels...
Calibration pass #1 sent.
Please select the character that corresponds to the black block that
is 100% saturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If
the saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter
both characters.
Black density? 50
Now select the character that corresponds to the yellow block that is
100% saturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both
Yellow density? 100
Now select the character that corresponds to the red block that is
100% saturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both
Red density? Red density? 170
Thank you. Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
ENTER key to print calibration pass #2.
Press ENTER to print pass #2 or N to skip... Sending calibration pass #2 for gamma levels...
Calibration pass #2 sent.
Please select the character that corresponds to the column of gray
blocks that appear to be 1/2 and 1/4 as dark as the black blocks,
respectively. If the transition point appears to occur between two
characters, enter both characters.
Gamma? 3
Thank you. Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
ENTER key to print calibration pass #3.
Press ENTER to print pass #3 or N to skip...
Sending calibration pass #3 for red, green, and blue adjustment...
Calibration pass #3 sent.
Please select the character that corresponds to the correct red,
green, and blue colors. If the transition point appears to occur
between two characters, enter both characters.
Red color? 4 3
Red color? Red color? 3
Green color? 3
Blue color? 3
Thank you. Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
ENTER key to print the final calibration pass.
Press ENTER to continue...
Sending calibration pass #4 for visual confirmation...
Calibration pass #4 sent.
The basic color profile for these values is:
*cupsColorProfile -/-: "0.375 1.600 1.000 0.000 0.000 -0.400 1.000 0.000 0.127 -0.567 0.733"
You can add this to the PPD file for this printer to make this change
permanent, or use the following option with a printing command:
-o profile=375,1600,1000,0,0,-400,1000,0,127,-567,733
to use the profile for this job only.
Calibration is complete.
Would you like to save the profile as a personal default (y/n)? y
Calibration profile successfully saved.