

Narcs. Set The Rules

This is a portion of a txt message I sent to my support worker yesterday.
The moral of the story is this. People who abuse, such as (sibling), should have consequences. People who are not abusive should be allowed to experience Christmas.
But there's something in this Universe, a Law that allows abusive people to continue to abuse. People like (sibling).
Victims are commonly blamed, and then told "to get over it", "to forgive".
Abusive people are allowed to "set the rules". They have to, otherwise they would go into a "Narcissistic Rage" because that would mean they would be losing control.


Narcissists Out of Control

When my Mom or either sister went out to visit friends my Dad would often call and ask "when are you coming home?"

I, as the boy of the house always had the freedom to come and go as I pleased, even as young as long as my parents knew where I was.

But my now passed on Dad had an issue when he was 2 yrs. old on the farm near Gimli...His Mom (my grandma) left him in his crib. This was in 1932. I don't know the rest of the story. Did Dad's brothers or sister not able to pick him up out of the crib? Were there anyone else in the home at the time? I was never told the whole story.

My Dad felt abandoned at age 2, so he developed Narcissism the rest of his life. This is why he had issues with girls and Women going somewhere and not giving a sense of when they'll return. So he kept phoning.

That Dad "trained" one of my sisters to be a Narcissist. Whether he did this intentionally (with a plan) or not...

This sibling has found ways to "control" others' lives and manipulate things to make it seem like I am the one who is the problem...

She has "uninvited" me to my Aunt's Christmas Eve dinner. She had done this prior years as well -- 1992-95. Back in the 90s my Mom and Dad were still alive and I did need help -- yes -- because of my abusive Dad and neglectful Mom...

But it was this year -- 2016 -- where both parents are gone, and Narc. sibling is acting like this again...that I realized that no, it's not ME, it's HER that is the problem.


Phil Collins - I Don't Care Anymore (Official Music Video)

Narcissistic Parent

One of my siblings, the one with two children, is, I believe a Narcissist. I just realized it this month...December 2016 as she has "uninvited" me to my Aunt's Christmas Eve dinner.

[Narcissistic parent. (2016, November 21). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:17, November 21, 2016, from]


Why does the narcissist hate you? Psychology of Narcissistic Personality...

Sister Sibling 1 (born 1969) is a Narcissist.

A lot of what this woman says is Narcissistic behaviour, is behaviour some seen/experienced with me her brother...others are unseen -- experienced between her and her ex-husband.

Potassium in Orange Juice Helps Relieve Need for Ice Cold Liquids

I've had type 2 Diabetes symptoms since Summer of  2004.

In the past 12 years I have tried everything (different diets, exercising more often) to help relieve the symptoms. Sometimes this has meant going OFF of my pharmaceuticals like Metformin & Glyburide so that I can know that doing something different is helping my body stay in as good shape as possible and hold back the irreversible effects of this "dis-ease".

People who are diabetic are always told "if you're drinking orange juice. STOP! OJ has too much sugar in it! Drink other drinks instead."

So I was getting leg cramps every few days  I got the cramps in both legs - on the right leg. That pain would go away then a few minutes later the left leg would get pain.

Something was not right. I know we are not in the Growing Season (Oct. thru May) here in Manitoba. I know that during these months the military spreads their harmful chemtrails over us practically every day. We lose Potassium every time they spread Barium in our air.

When I had the last bout of leg cramps this week, my son said "have some orange juice". I had been getting the cramps often since October 2016. I was eating about 3 bananas a week, but this wasn't helping.

I bought some and had my first cup of orange juice in about 10 to 12 months.

In the past week or so I've been craving cold drinks. Pouring a cup of milk or water or choc. milk or apple juice...whatever...COLD with 2 or 3 ice cubes to make it extra cold.

Another symptom that goes with craving COLD drinks is the mouth and tongue will get very dry. In 2011 I found that adding Epsom Salt when I had a bath vastly increased my muscle strength, made me feel more energized and less sleepy during the day. I've been doing the Epsom Salt daily or every other day, yet...

I was pee'ing practically every hour or 90 minutes and each pee session was taking at least 4 mins.

What was going wrong? Why am I still craving cold liquids? Why is my mouth so dry? And why am I getting these leg cramps.

Potassium in Orange Juice Helps Relieve Need for Ice Cold Liquids

My son Andrew says that he learned methods of Naturopathic Medicine a long time ago, and I guess this is one of the things he learned about the importance of Potassium.

This morning when I woke up, feeling refreshed because I had slept good. I poured myself a cup of orange juice, 8 oz., and I didn't gulp it! I just sipped it slowly like I'm supposed to. That was at 9 AM.

At 10:30 AM today I poured myself a cup of choc. milk and a bowl of Cheerios with 2% milk.

And guess what?

I didn't put any ice cubes in the chocolate milk. And guess what? I didn't gulp down the chocolate milk either.

Could it be that Potassium in Orange Juice Helps Relieve Need for Ice Cold Liquids?

I'll have to do further experiments...just living life over the next several days and continue drinking the orange juice first thing in the morning and report back here of continued behaviour of not needing ice in every drink I have at home.

By the way, I used to drink orange juice since 1986 when I was in the Hospital for an operation. My Mom was a big fan of orange juice and used to have a glass every morning. When I moved out on my own in 1989 I bought orange juice mix to put into a pitcher and would drink that.

But it was since I moved to shared accommodations in 2012 that I stopped doing that.

My body is telling me something. "you need to have orange juice if you don't want to have leg cramps".



Luke 6:31 (NLT version) says...
Do to others as you would like them to do to you.
I believe that what actions my immediate family did to abuse or neglect me growing up...Mom, Dad, siblings..

Mom and Dad are now passed on...and have had their or are currently ae having their lives reviewed.

Siblings are still living and will have their lives reviewed in their future...

But when they do have their lives reviewed in the "other world"...the question will be asked...

"Could you have treated your brother / your son better?"

So if my Mom neglected my needs when I was 3 and 4 and told her mother "don't encourage him in this (in me wanting to finish my babyhood"

So if my Dad abused me physically and verbally growing up and didn't stop...

So if my first sibling (born. 1969) didn't allow me to connect / bond with her kids / my niece and nephew...

They will be dealt with or are being dealt with by Heaven as I write this...



This is NORMAL: Sibling Feeding Baby Sibling

This photo is not mine, but it illustrates how NORMAL something like this is... an older sibling being allowed and in fact, encouraged to feed a younger sibling AND having a memory photo done.

I didn't have any of that. I wasn't allowed to feed Sibling 1 (born ca. 1969) or Sibling 2 (born ca. 1973) when they were babies.

And Sibling 1 with daughter and son...I am their uncle...I was not allowed to feed them either.


Pray for Christmas

Me: Heavenly Father open Marie's heart to allow me to participate in Christmas Eve get together. Amen.

Andrew: Heavenly Father, give  LilZebra the Christmas that he wants. Amen.

Mom's Anxiety Issues

Growing up, probably in the late-1970s my Mom would get worried that Dad would get a heart attack and die and be left raising us and having to pay the mortgage and the property tax... This is what the "conversation" would be like...

Mom: Frank! Frank! Stop! You'll get a heart attack if you shovel snow too much. Frank!

Dad: Rosie stop it!

You see, my Mom's Mom (Baba) had two husbands. The first one died and they had a daughter Mom's half-sister, which my Baba never encouraged or my Mom didn't allow herself to get to know.

Baba then re-married to Jacob Mymryck in the 1930s. They birthed one daughter, Rose Memrick.

My grandfather Jacob lived from November 1877 to March 1941 I never knew. My Mom was born in July 1936 when grandfather Jacob was 58 yrs. old. My Mom said (when she was living) that he entered a nursing home, St. Joseph's in St. Boniface, Manitoba when my Mom was about she never really got to get the bonding with her Dad at a very critical time.

So it would seem that my Mom carried some anxiety from this event, always in the background worrying that my Dad would get sick and die.


WANTED: One Brother To Use

A few months before my sister's Wedding that would take place on June 29, 2002 she invited me to her Wedding to do the Wedding Video.

I am her brother, so I didn't charge her a fee for the work. I had bought the SONY Hi8 camcorder on October 22, 1999 from Advance Electronics on Portage Ave. for $900


It's now March 2009 and sister phones me up. My first (really second after Fluffy ca. 1972) cat Smiles had just passed away March 2, 2009.

She has a mouse problem and wants me to bring over one of my cats. I told her that one just passed and I just have one cat left.

She also requests that I bring along my SONY Hi8 camcorder. That's all I had at the time. Later in the year I purchased a SONY miniDV camcorder from Future Shop for $128.

Sister picks me up from apartment on Donald St. She has my 6 month old nephew in the back seat.

She drives us back to her home and she sits down on the sofa and proceeds to breastfeed nephew.

Sister does not say anything to me such as "Here Jim, you can hold (nephew). Just be careful of him because he's just 6 mos. old".

Gets up and vocally says niece and nephew's nursery rooms are there. She does not show me inside the nursery. I don't know where sister is. This is the first time I've ever been in her family's house.

One nursery is blue while the other is a sort of "Martha Stewart" green that is popular at the time.

So really, twice my sister borrows the camcorder and is really using "it". It's not that she is inviting me but really wants to use the my belongings.

She never invited me to niece or nephew's Baptism and Party ca. 2006 and 2008.

I heard that youngest sister attended the first 2 years of birthdays of niece and nephew. So did my Aunt who is Godmother to one or both of them.

I let it all know what? Sibling with kids is going to have to answer in Heaven to how she treated me, in excluding me from very important milestones in niece and nephew's life. This may take decades to happen, but by her actions she wronged me... And then she has a "shit smile" when confronted with things like this.

For it was my father who "groomed" sister by "poisoning the well" to dislike me back in the mid-1970s.

Family Systems, the Narcissist and The Scapegoat Child Dr Judy WTF 1...

Emotional Causes of Diabetes - Missing Out on the Sweetness of Life
How does META-Health diagnose the reason for diabetes? 
First lets understand the word DIABETES, this word can be broken into two words ‘Dia’ which means across or through, and BĂȘte/ beith which means house. Diabetes mellitus, the term Diabetes mellitus also comes from the Greek word, which means ‘sweet’. This could mean that the individual has lost sweetness of his life, which could be loss of a person, place or possession, which were a part of their life and no longer exist in their space in the same way as they did previously, hence their system is now searching for that sweetness.
The hi-lighting in this paragraph is my own. In my case, it is missing out on the bonding that I needed with my baby sister when she was a baby 1973-75.

It was missing out on the sweetness of life in not being allowed to suck on my thumb with my baby teeth because it might "make your (my) teeth crooked" or "that's what babies do. You're not a baby".

It was missing out on the sweetness of life in needing my emotional needs met by sucking on a pacifier and sucking on a drinking baby formula from a bottle. I was given a toddler sippee cup instead and was told I "had to" use it.

It was the missing out on the sweetness of life in that my Mom didn't allow my Male friends indoors, except on my birthday party.

It was missing out on the sweetness of life in being allowed sleepovers even though my 2 1/2 yrs. younger had several sleepovers in the late 1970s.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in not having a brother.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in Dad not buying a Yamaha Electone organ like I wanted since March 1969.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in not being allowed to complete my babyhood period in 1969 and being told I cannot have it back!

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life in having a black & white kitten, Fluffy, in 1972, and then being told weeks later that "Fluffy had run away" and being told years later that Dad let it loose because Mom was pregnant with youngest sister.

 It was missing out on the sweetness of life when I was told that after sister was 2 yrs. old that she is allergic to cat fur and so we cannot have cats.


My "FAKE" Kids

Over a month ago my 2 1/2 yrs. younger sister and I had a txt'ing conversation on Oct. 27th, 2016 that ended up in fairly mean tone. This was on the day of my newphew's 8th birthday of all days...

She claimed that my two spirit sons are "FAKE"... here's what she said...
Sibling: They are fake they are your way of dealing with mom and dad. FAKE.
Sibling: Andrew is fake
Sibling: FAKE
Well sibling, what IF they are REAL but just don't have bodies. They are waiting to be born, as they have said, and they have chosen me to be their Dad.

So, if there was a fraction of a chance that Andrew & Stephen would be my born sons, I guess if this same sibling, and the one who got my Dad to rewrite his Will so that I'd get only 10%...

Well, I guess, both siblings would never get to meet in person so-called "FAKE" sons because you have not acknowledged them when I told siblings they are real because I feel their physical touch on my body.

Why would I grant ACCESS to my "FAKE" children when they're born and have physical bodies? I don't need to be with abusive siblings.

And the other sibling, whenever I'd mention Andrew, what she has done even in the late 1980s is to cover her ears and walk away.

I guess they'd just never get to hold them in their arms when Andrew & Stephen were babies just like sibling didn't allow me to hold her children.


Too bad our family got this way. It's really our Dad who "poisoned the well" over 40 yrs. ago that is why relations between siblings have sunk to an all time LOW.

When Daddy "Poisons The Well"

Back in the 1970s, in the first years of living at the family house in River Heights, when my Dad and I had physical fights...I was 9, 10, 10 years old, while he was 45, 46, 47 yrs. old.

On a few occasions my Dad would "poison the well" by whispering something negative or a lie about me to my sibling 2 1/2 yrs. younger than me.

I haven't been told what these words were that were. But this "poisoning of the well" by Dad I think really hurt relationships between Marie and I.

She told me a year or two ago that "I knew you were different when I was 6"...That is very very close in time ca. 1975-ish to when Dad was whispering to her.

So decades later, while she has lent an "olive branch" (my words) she failed to allow to me experiences with her kids, now 10 and 8, such as feeding them baby formula & food...of holding them in my lap...and not just seeing them from inches away.


Oil Pulling for Healthy Teeth

I have seen a couple of YouTube videos on how "oil pulling" can help slow down and even reverse the rotting of teeth.

It requires the swishing of Coconut Oil in the mouth between 10 and 15 mins. per day between 14 and 30 days.

The effects are whiter teeth, reversal of rotting teeth, re-growing of dentine (protective layer).

I'm not a fan of Coconut flavour, and I don't like Coconut because I find it sticks between the teeth.

But if I just have the oil portion, maybe by Christmas or New Year I will
start to see positive effects of this.

Of course Dentists will NEVER EVER tell you this. Why? Because they'd be making LESS money off of us in Root Canal work, which, last time I had one done was, $900 PER TOOTH (ca. 2012).


Not Taking Diabetes Meds. -- Diet

I have not taken in any of my meds. for type 2 diabetes...
  • Metformin
  • Glyburide
Nor have I taken the med. for Thyroid.

Nor have I taken the med. for high blood pressure Ramopril which is supposed to help my Kidneys, especially the left kidney because it's been sore since 2010.

So when I don't take the Pharmaceutical Meds. it's absolutely MANDATORY that I take in Good Water - Spring Water which I get from Superstore in the 4 litre jug now.

I also have been supplementing my Vitamin D3. So I take 5,000 IUs in the morning and another 5,000 IUs in the evening.

I'm taking Zinc supplement for my skin and to counteract reaction to Nickel which I'm allergic to.

Because I'm experiencing Chronic Insomnia because of my life issues, to assist me in getting to sleep I take 5 mgs of Melatonin. I know that I'm entering REM sleep and have had a good nights rest when I wake up in the morning and can recall the dream I just had.

Of course in the past 10 yrs. when I have "skipped" taking Metformin and Glyburide I get symptoms of insatiable thirst for liquids... For example in August 2005 I drank 5 litres of milk that day. I knew something was wrong. It was my body's cry for HELP.

I find that drinking apple juice does help me find relief from pain in my Kidneys. Otherwise it's getting painful without the meds. I mix the apple juice with some spring water and about 2 or 3 ice cubes in a 10 oz. glass.
An article here says that consuming apple juice is fine for diabetics.

What would really help me to slow down the advancing of type 2 Diabetes in me would be to hold a baby of 1 yr. age, to feed him baby formula and to feed him baby food. 


Walkie-Talkies Made in Taiwan (1973-74-75)

In the 1973-75 period was the CB Radio/Walkie-Talkie craze. Everyone wanted one.

I wanted one. I didn't have the newspaper route back then until '75.

So when I wanted one, and Dad was OK with having one...we tested about three of them in our home.

I remember Mom and I in the master bdrm. and she was trying to open up the backs of the sets that we ordered from who knows where....mmmm...the smell of fresh electronics...

I remember seeing in the opened battery compartment..."Made in Taiwan". At the time I didn't know what or where Taiwan is or was.

I think all of my toys until then were "Made in USA" or "Made in Canada" so this "Taiwan" thing was totally new to me.

Anyways, the walkie-talkies were defective, so Mom and Dad sent them back to the department store (Eaton's or Sears or Woolco).

We didn't get a good walkie-talkie until the two channel one from Radio-Shack in 1977. It had an A and a B channel...So we got 11 and 14 or something like that.


Full Aparition of Boy Spirit (in Colour)

I have been detoxing / clearing my sinuses in the past month using Oil of Oregano. I have also been doing Deep Breathing to raise my spirit vibration so I can see the spirit world again.

So today I was in the kitchen talking with one of my suport people, and  I see a grey & black orb floating in front of me from right to left. My head was not turning, so it was not an eye thing, but something external to me.

Then about 2 to 3 hours afterwards I'm in my living room and I had just had a nap...

I see in the living room entrance-way for about 5 to 10 seconds, a full colour spirit apparition of a boy...I can't tell his age very well...he's maybe 9 or 10 or 11 yrs. old...He has dark black hair. He's not my two sons Andrew or Stephen because they have dark blonde hair.

This boy was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with coloured stripes on it. Sleeve was black but chest had these coloured stripes on it. The apparition was so short because for a spirit to do this requires a GIGANTIC amount of energy.

I haven't been introduced to this boy spirit. I do not know his name. I do not know his purpose in my life at this time. It might be short term. It may be for the medium or long term.

Last time I saw a full bodied apparition was in March 2010 when Pete one of my spirit guides decided to appear to me in my bdrm. doorway of 59 Donald St. apartment. That was a one-time thing by Pete "to show you what a spirit guide looks like".

So moving forward, I will continue to deep breathe as well as continue to take in Oil of Oregano.

Who knows where this will lead?


REVIEW: Trapiche (2015) White Wine

This is my very first wine tasting review.

I bought a bottle of Trapiche white wine, 2015 vintage.

I ordered some Pepperoni & Mushroom pizza and tried out the wine.

I like wine with BITE, and Trapiche certainly delivers with a 5 out of 5 score.

DATA Sheet

Type: White
Country: Argentina
Region:  Andies Foothills / Mendoza
Winery: Phillipe Dandurand Wines

Please Be Kind to Sisters

While in a conversation between myself and my son Andrew he said the following tonight:

Andrew: Please be kind to your sister Patricia and your sister Marie. They don't want to hurt you.

and I replied.

LilZebra: Yes they do. Yes they have in the past.

So later on I said:

LilZebra: So son, you have the power to influence Marie, Pat, Reagan and Carson. You have access to Heaven. You could visit them in spirit and tell them what you told me. That I am not a threat to Marie, Reagan or Carson.

You could visit them at their house and speak to them in a voice or a thought and this may help them feel more at ease with me because i would not harm any of them.


My New Soul Group

In my May 2010 post here, I wrote about contact with my sons, Andrew & Stephen as well as their Heavenly caregiver, Greg.

Since that time, and that was 6 1/2 yrs. ago, I haven't heard from Greg, but I was introduced several times to their female counterpart, Marissa. I believe that if I were to birth Andrew & Stephen or whomever does, that Marissa would be Andrew's daughter and mine or their granddaughter.

I was informed years ago that Andrew & Stephen would produce a total of 4 grandchildren.


Review & Quotes: Absent Fathers, Lost Sons - The Search for Masculine Identity


In the past couple of weeks I've been delving into the subject matter of so-called "coming of age" material on the Internet. This has been in the form of old European made movies published on Youtube, as well as writings on web pages.

This week I stumbled upon a book titled Absent Fathers, Lost Sons at a used book shoppe.

And what I have concluded, based on reading and viewing is that, some force has socially engineered Western civilization to suppress male sexuality, especially at the puberty stage.

Something is really really broken and it may take another two generations before things swing back to their natural state of healthy sexual relations with one another.


"On the whole, children who have been adequately fathered show more self-confidence, in their studies, in choosing careers, and in their personal initiatives." (pg. 17)

"In the United States and Norway, several studies involving boys with behavioral problems arrived at conclusions that flew in the face of accepted belief: male children absolutely need their fathers in the first two years of their existence. The boys in the studies all experience absent fathers in the first two years of their lives. In most cases their fathers were soldiers who had gone away wen their sons were still very young, or sailors who were away from home nine months a year. What is striking is that these boys showed the same kind of atypical development as orphans in inadequate  foster homes or as boys brought up in single-parent families and deprived of possible father-substitutes. In all sons who lack fathers, research has revealed systemic deficiencies in social, sexual, moral, or cognitive levels."
(pg. 20) 

"It is absolutely necessary for men to spend more time cuddling their children, especially their sons; doing so they will open up their children's sensitivity -- and discover their own sensitivity at the same time. Sensuality will then no longer be denied to men and women be trapped in it. Men too have bodies; they need to be touched in order to maintain their sense of well-being and in order to be reminded that they are alive." (pg. 30)

Children's Rights

I believe in children's rights.

I believe that each kid has the right to:

  • A warm, safe from the elements home
  • Enough healthy food daily. He or she should not go to sleep feeling hungry.
  • No abuse of any kind - no physical, verbal, sexual.
  • A family that wants him.
  • The right to be himself and the age that he wants to be.
  • The right to finish his or her babyhood period. The right not to graduate from the crib not to be pushed out because a newborn sibling has come along, toilet trained before he/she is ready. The right to use a pacifier and/or a baby bottle for comfort.
  • The right to own one or more stuffed animals / teddy bears, etc, for comfort.
  • The right to clean, fashionable clothes daily.
  • The right to be taught and practise good hygiene.
  • The right to have neighbourhood and/or school friends over to play indoors.
  • The right to experience being a child and with few exceptions be allowed to be the age they are.
  • The right to host or to stay at a friend's or cousin's home overnight for a sleepover.

Head-based Clinical Moms Cannot Love Their Children

I had the opportunity to spend a few hours at St. Boniface Hospital on November 21st. I've had this thang with so-called Clinical-types, especially Women. So I used this opportunity to say to 3 of the staff "You as a Clinical person cannot love your children the same way a Heart-based person can." Do you know what happens in every instance? The Woman nurse will stand up and leave the room. Every single time. Does that mean I am telling the truth and they are going to another room, perhaps a broom closet to CRY? A Clinical-type Mom will say to her son or daughter "I love you." But these words come from the Reptilian brain complex, which has no empathy. No love at all. These are just words. A Heart-based Mom will say the same words to her son or daughter "I love you." But these words come from the Heart, connected to the soul and spirit. Feelings-based.


Mama's Boy Moms / Overprotective Moms

I was told, when I was little, before I had my current phys. and mental health issues..."no" you cannot pick up" "no, you cannot feed" your sister.

What you see in this video clip of two other strangers - an older brother and a younger sister (could have been a younger brother too) is what I desired to do with Pat in '73-75.

Some of these photos show Mason (the boy) laying next to Mercedes (thegirl)..Ouch...Maybe the boy shouldn't be so close to his sister like that. He might roll over on top of her. She is too delicate...This is what I learned from my Mommie growing up. Girls are too DELICATE to be too close to. Better to "look but don't touch".

We cannot go back to the past. But please god (divine)...please bring me a lil one to interact with like this...

Yes, I already have Andrew & Stephen my spirit sons, but they are in spirit and are not acknowledged by clinical-type persons.



Basically this is what I wanted to do with my sister Pat back in Sept. / Oct. 1975 when she was age 2 yrs.
Mom said "No!".
41 yrs. later and Pat almost cut me out of my Dad's Will. Had it not been for other sister , I would have been left with 10% proceeds from the Sale of the family home.
This is why sibling BONDING is crucial to good relations decades later.
But overprotective Mommies are just being SELFISH for thinking of Mommies' needs FIRST.
Little do they know how TOXIC relations they are sprouting.
wrote on Building Boys's Timeline. 3 November 2016 03:12 Hi,
I have been a member of this group for some time.
I have a nephew who just tuned 8 yrs. one week ago.
He has a Mom and a Dad. They are in the process of divorcing.
I believe that my nephew is a Mama's Boy and that the is in danger of inability to develop healthy relationships with Women once he becomes an adult.
I have tried bonding with my nephew, but every time I try, he is sitting on his Mom's lap or is conversing with his older sister (10 yrs.).
My Dad just died in Sept. and my Mom is deceased since Jan. 2010.
I feel that now that my parents are gone, they cannot question me wanting to bond with my nephew.
So what's the best way to go about this?
Just to note, my sister has dominated him so much that I have never ever had the opportunity to pick him up and just hold him and bond with him. Sister is just always there with him. Sister has said that her husband has been disinterested in his son, but now that I have had a conversation with her soon to be ex-...he has told me that the therapy that he and his son had a while back has helped. The downside is that ex-husband/father will have every other weekend with his kids.
The next time I see him will most likely be Christmas Eve.
I intend on picking him up into my arms, making a selfie video. I have no other photos of nephew with me.
I am sure that sister and nephew will balk at my interest in him. But I don't want nephew to grow to be dysfunctional in adulthood and not be able to form healthy relationships with women.
I believe that nephew is still fixable.


Strange Requests

I have a nephew, a boy who was born in 2008.

Back near the day he was born, I remember my sister phoning me and telling me that she is going to have a son.

She was asking ME to pick his birthdate. Should it be on the 26th or the 27th or 28th?

I thought this was strange because relations between myself and my sister have always been strained since she was little.

My feeling at the time of course is...How should I know, he's going to be your son.

Additionally does not invite me to the Hosp. to see newborn nephew. To this day I don't know which Hosp. he or his older sister was born at. Doesn't really matter anyways.

So 6 mos. in same sister calls me up. It's March 29th, 2009. One of my cats just passes away from old age.

She asks me two things:
  1. Can I borrow your Hi8 camcorder?
  2. Can I borrow your cat for a few days. We have a mouse problem in the basement.
So sister even picks me up. Drives me to their home. Proceeds to breastfeed nephew in front of me.

Shows me around the house.

She drives me back home.


Bluetooth in Fedora Linux

Getting Bluetooth working in Linux can sometimes be a PITA.

There are screens in Fedora. Other setup screens on the phone device.

If devices are not seeing each other or not connecting, you need to know the following:

  1. In GNOME 3, right click on "Settings..." which brings up the Settings applets. Choose 'Bluetooth'.
  2. The screen will say "Not Connected" or similar.
  3. Press that key.
  4. A Passkey will be auto-generated.
  5. Press Confirm.
  6. Key in this 6 digit number into your phone device.
  7. It should Pair at that point and you can now Upload and Download files to and from both PC and Phone.
If you Pair via this method it is not necessary to use Blueman to Pair devices.


The Crucial Importance of the Sibling Bond

Basically this is what I wanted to do with my sister Pat back in Sept. / Oct. 1975 when she was age 2 yrs.

Mom said "No!".

41 yrs. later and Pat almost cut me out of my Dad's Will. Had it not been for other sister Marie, I would have been left with 10% proceeds from the Sale of the family home.

This is why sibling BONDING is crucial to good relations decades later.

But overprotective Mommies are just being SELFISH for thinking of Mommies' needs FIRST.

Little do they know how TOXIC relations they are sprouting.


Alpha Pectaurus Star System

Two years ago (2014) I was informed by my spirit son Andrew, that I've been incarnating in the Sol star system (our sun/star) on Earth where I've been the past 28,000 years.

Prior to this I had incarnated for 250,000 in a red dwarf star system 500 light years away, Alpha Pectaurus.

I don't have any memory of life on Alpha Pectaurus 2, also known as Ion (pronounced Eee Ahn). So I have not been told nor do I have any sense or memory of being there.

I was not told where Alpha Pec. is in the night sky. It could be in the West or the East. I don't know. The reason I was told was that the existence of a red dwarf star system 500 ly away is probably not acknowledged or known by scientists and needs to be kept secret for them to discover.

Boy George - The Crying Game

Coming Novembe 6, 2016 to the Winnipeg Arena!

I bought my ticket already, so I am def. GOING.



Effects Broken in Kdenlive 16.08

I've been a user of Kdenlive 09.10 since either 2010 or 2013. The software has an easy learning curve and works on regular hardware (non-high-end).

So recently I upgraded from Fedora 22 to 23 and Kdenlive stopped working properly. It crashed and froze continually just by playing clips. Not good.

OK, so then I said, I'll have to go from Fedora 23 to 24, which I did, and now I can Play video clips just fine, but getting Video Effects like Pan & Zoom, which worked effortlessly in 09.10 do not work now.

So to Review, Kdenlive:

09.10 - Works great. Issues with HiDPI displays like my 1680 res. Lenovo T61.

16.04 - Issues with freezing just by playing a video. To its credit, this version introduced Proxy clips, which helps in Playback of HD video in the Clips or Project window.

16.08 - Issues with Video Effects not working, such as Pan & Zoom, despite setting Keyfames.

Maybe to get twirlin pan and zoom effect I need to use Affine Transition...

Kdenlive Forum


More Than One Keyboard At Once In Bristol Synth.

While playing around in Bristol Synth. programme today, I discovered that you can load more than one keyboard at once and both can play at once, creating a fuller sound.

Also discovered that computer keyboard maps to the music keyboard and that pressing the [Spacebar] over a music key makes that key constant. To unpress the key, just hover over it again and press [Spacebar] on computer.



Burning A Single Video Using DeVeVe

When burning a DVD-Video using DeVeDe and Brasero, while the disc is being burned, never ever perform a Cancel and Eject disc while the Finalizing Disc status is shown.

Always wait until the whole disc burning process has completed. When it is done, Brasero or your disc burning software will automatically Eject the finished DVD-Video.

After the disc has completed, test it out on a stand-alone DVD player, not just one connected to a PC or Mac.


Rhythmbox 3.2.1 Cannot Edit AAC Metadata

Last night I downloaded a song in AAC (Advanced Audio Codec, .aac) and they play fine in Rhythmbx 3.2.1.

But if you want to edit the tag, as was the case, it cannot be done in Rhythmbox 3.2.1 (Linux 64-bit) because the software doesn't have the function to edit .aac tags yet.
MP3 ID3 tags. Yes. AAC tags. No.

When opening AAC files, they will play, but the some of the tag metadata shows "Unknown", just like in this post to a web forum

At this time I am not sure whether the newer Rhythmbox ver. 3.4 has added this functionality yet. I am unwilling to switch to anothe music player because I am happy using Rhythmbox since 2005.


This Weekend I Realized A 47-Year Dream

This past weekend, after 47 years, I finally realized a dream that I've had since before age 3 (1969).

/home/.cache folder

After a while of running a *nix workstation or server, the operating system will store files in the ~/.cache folder.

Some of the files stored are cover art images for Rhythmbox media player, the cache of Tracker the desktop search program for *nix.

So it is entirely OK to delete the contents of the ~/.cache folder (not the folder itself).

Afterwards I went from 64.2% of a 94 GB partition to 64%, whatever that is in Megabytes.

Recent Acomplishments

Recently I accomplished several things:

  1.  Bought a Yamaha  organ for myself on 2016-08-27, something I've wanted Electone practically all of my life.
  2. Bought my first audio mixer, a 4-channel Yamaha ____ so that I can combine music from the organ and play along with music from the laptop (MP3 or YouTube) and not disturb my housemates.
  3. Got a 2-table relational database working in LibreOffice Base. The usual training example is to set up an order entry system, which requires 4 tables (customers, products, employees and orders). The one I set up requires but 2 (payee and cheque). It's a Cheque Register. And it works! I can locate a Payee and key in a Cheque number, Amount and Date and the database will keep them separate from one another.
  4. Sending files via BlueTooth from my BlackBerry device to my laptop now works. Before this month I could send from the laptop to the phone, but it would not work the other way. I suspect it has something to do with the desktop environment I'm running. Was running MATE in 2015 and since upgrading RAM earlier this year run GNOME 3 exclusively.


Creating LibreOffice Base Reports from Multi-table Queries

When you want to build a LibreOffice Base Report sourced from two or more tables, you must use the Query in Design mode to select all the required tables.

If this is not done, when it comes time to design the database report, LibreOffice will allow you to select exclusively one table or another, but not more than one at a time.

For example, two tables in a cheque register database application:

Table 1 contains a list of Payees and their contact info
Table 2 contains a list of Cheques and details about each

In Query Design mode, select all required fields in Table 1 (Payees), then select all required fields in Table 2 (Cheques).

Each column in the Design window will be available to you in the Report Builder later on.


Three Rock Songs That Influenced Me

I may have written about this in my blog already, but I can do it again.

In the early 1970s instead of getting a Yamaha Electone organ from my Dad, I got instead a plain chord organ.

I did play this chord organ a bit...firstly learning to play Christmas carols, then in the mid-1970s could play ABBA material ear.

But it wasn't until about 1979 when the chord organ was in the basement and I had basically gotten over my fear of going downstairs. There was a demon jinn named Aern there and he used to scare me just by being there and watching me.

In fact, even in '79 when I'd be all alone in the early evening, where I got the courage to go downstairs, turn on the table radio and play the chord organ to the music on FM radio.

The three songs that I really got to like playing along with were:

Gerry Rafferty
Baker Street
Rel. Feb. 1978
Video: link

Dire Straits
Sultans of Swing
Rel. Jan. 1979
Video: link

Herb  Alpert
Rel. Sept. 1979
Video: link

and also this one

The Tide Is High
Rel. 1978
Video: link

I used to get soooo emotional when I played these songs, especially Rise, because it is such a feel good melody.


Importing MySQL Database Into LibreOffice Base

Ten years ago I had played around with MySQL in Linux.

I had designed a few flat-file tables to catalogue my book collection as well as my family's book collection.

These files have been backed up over the years and have the .sql filename suffix.

The tables were created using MySQLAdmin and MySQLWorkbench.

Somewhere near the time that Oracle bought Sun, MySQL was updated and the way to initially set up MySQL had changed.

So I stopped using it.

In the intervening years I had learned a lot about spreadsheets - MS Excel 2010 and LibreOffice Calc 3, 4, and now 5.

So now I'd like to import these tables into LibreOffice Calc  by connecting via MySQL.

I know as a first step I needed to install MySQL server. DONE.

I know that I also needed to install PHP. DONE.

MySQLPHPAdmin is where I'm having problems with. This is the newer way of setting up and maintaining tables and access lists (Access Control List) in the DBMS.

I regret now not making any notes here or in a Writer file, something that I could have used to help me regain access to the MyBooks.sql file.

Getting it to work will require manually editing the .php file and I believe once I do get that that the Admin console will work.

Until then I'm just learning LO Base 5 and viewing MS Excel and Access tutorials on YouTube.

The database engine that LibreOffice Base uses is the Java-based HSQLDB 2.x.

To make a query on some data in a table, for example, use:

SELECT "Business Name", "Full Address", "Postal Code" FROM "Database Table"

The box to enter and edit queries in SQL format directly isn't as good as in MySQLQuery. That is because the text box font is super super tiny on my screen.


Yamaha PSR230 Jam Mode

To use Jam Mode you must press at least 3 or 4 keys (chord) on either side of the keyboard, otherwise the function won't work at all.


Features in Adobe InDesign CC 2015

Features in Adobe InDesign CC 2015 that I'd like to see in Scribus:

  1. Favourite Fonts. This is a feature where you star your most used fonts so that the list can be filtered that way and won't show the fonts you don't or won't use.
  2. Adobe Stock (Photos) (not what it's called). This feature can get images from the Net and you can license them for your project.
Inkscape has a feature where you can import coloured clipart from the library.

Adobe CS2 InDesign Small Menu Text

In trying out InDesign CS2 I find the menu text, for example the Swatch panel, teeny tiny.

Now I know that this is an issue with not just myself, but other users of Adobe software.

As I see it, Adobe has tailored their products to work best in Mac OS X, despite having a version for MS-Windows.

The people complaining on the Adobe Forum are saying they're using the Windows version of Photoshop and are having the very same problem as my trial version of CS2 for Windows -- teeny tiny menu text.

I use Scribus in Linux, and for now, it doesn't have teeny tiny text at 5 pt. size.

Unbelievable that people pay $800+ for this.


LibreOffice Table Styles

LibreOffice Calc & Writer have a table formatting option in Autoformat, where you format a table (min. 3x3). So you are not limited by the 11 coloured formats that come with LO.

You can, in LO Calc, specify ISODD() or ISEVEN() for alternating colours to create a bar effect. This can also be done much easier in Autoformat, just have one row white and the other as a light shade of a colour or a shade of grey.

However, you cannot Import or Export these formats, also if you decide to use another colour combination or font, you have to re-select the whole table or tables, and select the format.

This is the how MS-Excel 2010 does table styles. I like how, in Excel, if you add more rows and tell the programme this, it'll restyle the new cells:

It has been this way for all of StarOffice, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice existance.

Now, the LibreOffice Design Team are seeing that this is too limiting and are investigating ways of improving table editing capabilities.

Here's a mockup, from the LO developers, new Table Styles:

I'm currently using LO v4.4 and the newest is v5, so once they have formally introduced Table Styles, then I will upgrade.

Much needed feature.


PDF/A-1a & PDF/X-1

There are several PDF formats to choose from, and some of them are meant for pre-press work, some others are for archival-quality documents. Others are regular PDFs.

LibreOffice can create PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1), which means Archive.

Scribus can work with pre-press ready files, so if you need to send to a large press machine, say printing thousands of copies of a brochure, or a magazine, then use one of the PDF/X (ISO 15930) variants:
PDF/X-1a -- all fonts need to be embedded and all images need to be CMYK or spot colors
PDF/X-3 -- Colour-managed, CMYK, Gray, RGB or spot colour data are supported.
PDF/X-4 -- Colour-managed, CMYK, Gray, RGB or spot colour data are supported.
But for the rest of us, PDF 1.3, 1.4, or 1.5 is the one to choose.


Scenarios. What IFs...

I grew up in the 1970s. A period where parents were rough and tough -- strict, on their offspring. I was no different.

They were like this because, they claimed, they "loved us".

Well, my experience was like that too. Specifically, as I have written here about 3 years ago, my babyhood was  cut short in the Spring of 1969 due to my Mom not wanting to look after two babies at once.

Yet, at the time, I had three spirit guides advise me to wet the bed so that I'd be put back in to diapers, something that i wanted. I gave excuses like "I'm scared of the reaction from my Dad and his Dad".

So, decades later, all I'm left with are the "what if's". Scenarios of what could have been, had I listened to my guides.

OK, here we go...

I had these two neighbours who lived across the street from me. Sean and Paul Currie. Sean was my age when I met him, around 5 yrs. old or so. While Paul, his younger brother, was 3 yrs. old.

Sean used to cross Harrow to come to the door to ask if I could spend some time playing together.

If this alternate timeline had happened, it'd go something like this...

It's warm Summer day in June 1971 around 17h30. The sun is shining. I am sitting cross legged in the living room, watching television, when the doorbell rings. I am in my cloth diaper, plastic pants and an undershirt. My diaper is wet.

My Mom was cooking supper but answers the door. It's Sean. She asks that he wait for a few minutes, but doesn't say why.

I hear his voice and immediately go to my room, while Mom asks if I need my diaper to be replaced with a clean one. I say yes.

I climed up on my mattress and pulled off my wet diaper. Then she used a wet washcloth to gently clean my diaper area of urine, so that I don't smell of it.

Next, I lay down while Mom pulled the clean cloth diaper up over the front of my privates, and pinned it together. Finally had my legs lift up so she could put a clean pair of plastic pants on me.

I was almost ready to go to play with Sean and Paul.

I had to choose some summer clothing because it was really hot out.

I picked out a baby blue coloured striped t-shirt and I put on a pair of navy blue shorts.

I was now ready to go outside to play for a bit while Mom made supper. I was not to go away from the yard because supper was almost ready. The Currie family had supper at 5 pm like all the other neighbourhood kids families. We ate at 6 pm for some reason.

I opened the back door and said "Hi Sean and Paul". "Hi Jim".

I can't really remember what we used to talk about when we were playing, but I remember we used to go to the neighbourhood park on Harrow a lot.

My friends stayed in my yard while I had to go back in to eat. I went back out a few minutes later and we walked over to Harrow Park.

Because they had always known me prior to me re-entering babyhood, and because his brother Paul had been wearing diapers even at age 3 yrs, they never ever said anything to me like "why are you still wearing diapers?" I was thankful for this.

We spent some time on the merry go round, the swings and the sandbox.

Back then we were what's called "free range kids", meaning that as long as our parents knew where we were, we could roam the neighbourhood playing with our friends.

After about 1 hour, we had to return home to go to sleep.

I wet my diaper a bit while I was walking back home, but it wasn't enough to require another clean one for the night.


How to setup artwork for print

When setting up a document that requires a bleed, use a bleed minimum of 2 millimeters.


Creating EPS Graphics

When importing a LibreOffice Calc table or Writer table you cannot place it directly into Scribus. You must first convert it into an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file.

Here's how.

  1. Select the whole or portion of the table you want to place into Scribus. Use the filter function if necessary.
  2. Use Edit > Copy to copy the table to the Clipboard.
  3. Open up LibreOffice Draw.
  4. Use Paste Special and select the one that says 'calc' plus a number.
  5. Press OK.
  6. Resize the image as necessary.
  7. Export to EPS.
  8. Name the saved EPS file.
That's it. This file can now be imported into various programs, including Scribus and Adobe InDesign.



I found a new Linux utillity programme that will help to calibrate the colours for a printer.

It is cups-calibrate, and it is a piece of CLI software that is part of the CUPS/ suite part of GNU.

It requires a working printer and 2 pages (double sides) to print off small squares where you identify which squares are the darkest.

[lilzebra@nightowl ~] $ cups-calibrate
ESP Printer Calibration Tool v1.0
Copyright 1999-2000 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.

This program allows you to calibrate the color output of printers
using the Gutenprint CUPS or ESP Print Pro drivers.

Please note that this program ONLY works with the Gutenprint CUPS or
ESP Print Pro drivers. If you are using the Gimp-Print stp driver of
GhostScript or the drivers of the Print plug-in for the GIMP, this
calibration will not work.

These drivers by the text "CUPS+Gutenprint" or "ESP Print Pro" in
the model description displayed by the CUPS web interface, KUPS,
the ESP Print Pro Printer Manager, or printerdrake.

If you are not using the correct driver, press CTRL+C now and
reinstall your printer queue with the appropriate driver first.

To make a calibration profile for all users, run this program as
the "root" user.

Printer name [default]? 
Resolution [default]? 
Media type [default]? 
Press ENTER to print pass #1 or N to skip... 
Sending calibration pass #1 for density/saturation levels...
Calibration pass #1 sent.

Please select the character that corresponds to the black block that
is 100% saturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper.  If
the saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter
both characters.

Black density? 50

Now select the character that corresponds to the yellow block that is
100% saturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both

Yellow density? 100

Now select the character that corresponds to the red block that is
100% saturated (dark) while not bleeding through the paper. If the
saturation point appears to occur between two characters, enter both

Red density? Red density? 170

Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
ENTER key to print calibration pass #2.

Press ENTER to print pass #2 or N to skip... Sending calibration pass #2 for gamma levels...
Calibration pass #2 sent.

Please select the character that corresponds to the column of gray
blocks that appear to be 1/2 and 1/4 as dark as the black blocks,
respectively.  If the transition point appears to occur between two
characters, enter both characters.

Gamma? 3 

Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
ENTER key to print calibration pass #3.

Press ENTER to print pass #3 or N to skip... 
Sending calibration pass #3 for red, green, and blue adjustment...
Calibration pass #3 sent.

Please select the character that corresponds to the correct red,
green, and blue colors.  If the transition point appears to occur
between two characters, enter both characters.

Red color? 4 3
Red color? Red color? 3
Green color? 3
Blue color? 3

Thank you.  Now insert the page back into the printer and press the
ENTER key to print the final calibration pass.

Press ENTER to continue... 
Sending calibration pass #4 for visual confirmation...
Calibration pass #4 sent.           

The basic color profile for these values is:

        *cupsColorProfile -/-: "0.375 1.600 1.000 0.000 0.000 -0.400 1.000 0.000 0.127 -0.567 0.733"

You can add this to the PPD file for this printer to make this change
permanent, or use the following option with a printing command:

    -o profile=375,1600,1000,0,0,-400,1000,0,127,-567,733

to use the profile for this job only.

Calibration is complete.

Would you like to save the profile as a personal default (y/n)?  y

Calibration profile successfully saved.

Some documentation/a review of cups-calibrate is here.


Working With Facing Pages in DTP Workflows

When using master pages mode (facing pages) in a DTP application and you want to add or remove a single page, you must really add or delete two pages.

This is because pages are paired together and the software will get confused and spew out errors if you do not go by the rules of desktop publishing.

If this error does occur in Scribus, all that is needed to make the document pass the pre-flight test is to drag 'Normal Left' and 'Normal Right' or to go into .... and select Normal Left for all even pages and Normal Right for all odd pages.

That's it.


DisplayCAL 3.1

In 2009 I purchased a Spyder3 colorimeter from Don's Photo here in Winnipeg. Because I run Linux there was initially no software to run this piece of hardware.

But in 2011 came DispCalGUI, since renamed to DisplayCAL.

I have been running DispCalGUI ver. 2 since 2013-14 on my Lenovo T61 laptop, in Fedora Linux MATE.

Running just fine until ver. 3 came out in 2014-15. That's when I began to have problems even loading the software, as it required a newer version of Python to run at all. I went thru the whole '0install' thing to no avail.

I finally gave up for a bit, frustrated that I may never get this great utility to work again.

So after several months I found the answer.

The newer version of DisplayCAL absolutely requires GTK 3. Not only that, but it will no longer run in MATE, which is based on the older GTK 2.

DisplayCAL 3 would not run the ambient light sensor in MATE. It would not auto-install new profiles. As a workaround for that second problem, I had to use a kluge (workaround) in my Startup list using 'dispwin' and the name of the profile I wanted to load. All of these problems disappear once I used the software from within GNOME 3.

Switch to GNOME 3, and everything is fine.

So to successfully have DisplayCAL run correctly, you need to be running the GNOME 3 desktop environment.


Scribus 1.5svn

I have been a user of Scribus since 2007 when I designed a 3-fold pamphlet for

Played with it for a few years, but not really seriously because it's newer than InDesign and PageMaker before it. Scribus just doesn't (yet) have all of the features that make desktop publishing software a breeze to use.

So recently I've been testing out the new 1.5svn (Beta) version of Scribus and it has some additional features that weren't there years before. I'm using it to create a 10-12 page document making recommendations on improving public transit here.

It does now have support for bullets and numbered lists. It has klunky support for creating Tables of Contents.

Data Tables

Data table (cell-type) feature has been reworked, but needs a lot of TLC before it's usable. For example, it is extremely time consuming to style each and every cell. You cannot just select a whole Row and say "use Header1". No, you must select each one. Same thing with the data cells. InDesign does it better, and has a built-in feature where you can color alternate rows.

TOC (Table of Contents)

To create a Table of Contents page is not as easy as it is in LibreOffice or MS Office. You need to create a frame, create a style for it. When that is done, you also need to right-click on the text frame and select 'Attributes..." from the menu so you can manually enter each TOC entry.

Alas, there is minimal documentation page on the Scribus Wiki on how to create a TOC. It's too short and most likely needs to be rewritten to explain the procedure better. There is but one video on Youtube on how to do it. The guy doing the video spent a whole 2 mins. Besides those two tutorials, you're pretty much on your own with this feature.

I managed to create the first line and then had problems creating subsequent TOC entries. Do I use the same 'Attributes..." screen (item 2, item 3, etc...), or do I create newer ones?

There has been talk of a newer interface and procedures for TOC creation. Other people who use Scribus have recommended just creating them manually for now. Easy for a short document, but a PITA for longer ones.

Scribus would really benefit from a Google Summer of Code program.


Laptop Running Smoothly Now

Since moving to the place where I have been living since
Aug. 2014 I have had a couple of issues with my Lenovo brand laptop running Linux Fedora OS.

  1. Google Chrome after a while would slow to a crawl and that would sometimes hang the laptop and make it practically unusable for anything else besides web browsing.
  2. Lenovo brand laptop would, after about 3 or 3.5 days, suddenly lockup and would auto reboot or require me to press the Reset button for a hard reboot.
Late last year I bought an additional 2 Gigabytes of RAM. Laptop now has a capacity of 4 Gigabytes. This fixed the problem with Google Chrome and I use Chrome pretty well exclusively now.

At the same time  that I got the additional RAM, I got te computer store to do a general internal cleaning of the innards. That didn't fix the rebooting. I thought maybe it's just heating up inside because it contains a Dual Core CPU. But that wasn't it either.

Recently when I was in the Hosp. the laptop ran for a total of 7 days there, and then another 7 days...without a single reboot. 14 days total.

And that was also the time when my housemate was also in the Hosp. (separate one).

So what I concluded was that the laptop would only reboot when my housemate used his laptop at the same time as mine.

The answer was to replace the plain power bar with one of those that "conditions" the AC output from the wall and "cleans" the power so that the laptop has as good electricity as possible.

This AC line conditioner, which looks the same as a power bar, except that it also accepts coax and telephone (RJ11) inputs, also features an indicator for "Grounded". This light was not ON when plugged into the wall outlet.

So putting that in there has basically made my laptop run flawlessly for the past 8 days and counting.


Radio s Future requires Innovation

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