

4 Spirit Guides

I have now counted 4 spirit guides that have been with me since my birth. Two are male and two are female. I do remember seeing 6 black circles (orbs) when I was 3 or 4 years old, so I don't know (yet) who the other 2 are. I have asked for the names of the female ones and got an answer tonight...
  1. Daniel (male)
  2. Pete (male)
  3. Clarabelle (female)
  4. Moonwalker (female)
My primary spirit guide through my life so far has been Daniel. I recognize his voice from age of 3 or 4 and again when I was 9 or 10 and again in the 1990s and again in mid-2000s, and seen a few times since March 5 2010.

The others, like Aern, Jolly Roger Boy, Andrew and Stephen, are just Jinn/benevolent demons who I've met in since November 2009. But in a different class. I didn't have an agreement with them before I incarnated this time around.


Hair Analysis Test Results (October 19 2010)

Latest results of Hair Analysis Test done in October 2010.  The mercury levels are about 1/3 what they were in March, but the amount of Lead has doubled, and the amount of Aluminum went from 7.7 in March to 10 in October.

Toxic Elements (ug/g)

(A=Above Range B=Below Range)

Aluminum 10 -- A
Antimony 0.064 --B
Arsenic 0.029 -- B
Barium 0.49 -- B
Bismuth 0.008 -- B
Cadmium 0.22 -- A
Lead 2.0 -- A
Mercury 0.28 -- A

Rubidium 0.15 -- A
Selenium 0.96 -- A
Sulfur 47,100 -- A
Strontium 0.74 -- B


One, Two shadow 'businessmen'

Thursday night October 28 2010 I said to myself, "gee, except for seeing Jinn kids, I have never seen more than one adult (shadow person) at one time".

I guess Pete heard my thoughts and later that evening I woke up from a micro-sleep and lo and behold I see not one but TWO shadow men, come in through the wall from the neibouring apt. suite. One in front of the other.

One of the them (can't recall which one) was carrying a black briefcase, they both had 1940s style hats and wore dark black suits, they were very serious looking as if they were on a mission or something.

They just floated (no legs) from south to northward direction in my bedroom and just disappeared. They were pretty oblivious to me and were not staring or anything, but were just passing thru.

Whole event lasted about 10 seconds. It happened very fast.

I believe it was Pete that got another -- Daniel? -  besides himself to create this demonstration for me.

Thanks Pete.

I think that they really want to tell us about themselves, and they are more than eager to demonstrate if we ask them the right questions, like in early September I said to Pete "can you guys shapeshift?" And, that night or the next I got the response by Pete appearing inches from me after waking up from a nap, and then backing up towards the ceiling in my room and turning himself into a blue square with red and orangy dots - just like a Bank of Montreal credit card ... and lo and behold the very next day I crossed paths with a couple of students at Portage Place centre court who were signing up people for Bank of Montreal Mastercards.


Call Upon Jinn to Put a Stop to Chemtrails

I have been aware of chemtrails since April 2009, and have done my best to psychically remove/disappear them using meditation.

Since July 2010 I have been aware that Shadow People are Jinn. Jinn are plasma-based beings who can fly through walls, move objects, become objects (shapeshift), and can see the future. They are Free Will beings just like us humans and when they die they will have life reviews in Heaven just like us.

I propose that Humanity call upon the Jinn to be proactive and help the Earth by stopping the chemtrail planes by deactivating the part that disperses the chemical from the tanks. That or stopping the chemtrail planes before they even take off by shorting out the spark plugs or things like that.

The Earth needs to have chemtrails stopped AT ONCE. It is in the interests of the good Jinn that chemtrails be stopped immediately because they harm humans, animals, plants, trees, our food source(s).

I call each and every one of you reading this to meditate and white light your space (your home) and call forth a good Jinn. When they do make their presence known you will hear them whisper in one of your ears like a human or see them as shadow person, or shapeshift into an object. They will tell you their first name. Jinn don't have last names. The ones I know go by names like Aern, Pete, Doreen, and Roger. Tell him or her that to help the Earth they can volunteer to stop the chemtrail planes from spewing out their junk and that this will make them have good points (karma) in Heaven.

With the help of the Jinns, the Earth can be rid of chemtrails and we will once again see and experience clear blue skies. No more will our bodies be filled with junk like aluminum, barium, mercury, and other s**t.


Meaning of new e-mail userid lil_zebra

The story behind the e-mail alias is that since April/May 2009 I have been doing quiet meditation quite often. By June 2009 my psychic "3rd eye" had been reactivated.

At Cafe Asante in Lombard Concourse (under P&M) there is a photo of two zebras - one standing up, the other laying down. There are other African/Asian large animals on other photos in the restaurant. But the zebra photo seemed to have caught my attention more. Around mid-November 2009 I had begun to believe that all humans have had several animal past lives, and that it could be that I was a plains zebra 1000 to 1100 years ago just like in the  photo.

My Mom was in the hospital and I had updated my supervisor about my Mom's condition... this was already December 2009. I said to myself "This lil' zebra is going to be fine," so hence the username.


Owl Talons & Equine-like walk

During my most recent (October 9 2010) Reiki session, as the Reiki master was putting her hand on my neck area, I again had a connection to my owl self.

An aboriginal flute and drum music CD was playing in the background during the Reiki session. I was laying on my back.

In my mind's I started seeing the words RELAX, not in bright red lettering but slightly less intense. The lettering was on a greyish platform made of plasma.

Sometimes as the Reiki person walks into the room and walks to me, it feels like the table and I are spinning clockwise. This time the feeling was that just my astral legs were out of my body and were situated about 10 degrees to the left.

Later on...

For about 60 seconds I felt as if both my hands were turning into the talons (feet) of a Great Horned Owl. I felt it much more on my right hand than on my left. I could feel the right "talon" (bird's claw) and I could see in my mind's eye the sharpness and shiny black of the claws. I could "feel" as if I was sitting on a tree and that my claws were digging deep to the tree to hold on.

It felt so tactile, and I interpret it as just remembering how it felt to be that particular bird, such a long, long time ago.

Afterwards I told the Reiki lady about this and I also told her that I was wondering about who that 2 week old baby zebra was that I saw got fatally bit on the neck by a hyena. Who is that, and have I met them in my current human life as another human? My hunch (men have 'hunches' while women have 'intuition', LOL) tells me that it is one of my classmates from early elementary school, but I am not 100% sure.

So during that conversation she did say that the first time she saw me she noticed I had an equine-like walk - like a donkey or a horse. So yes, there is something to my Zebra personality. Told her that even before I got into New Age/ancient wisdom stuff, that back in the 1990s I would notice that I "walk like a horse".


My experience with Jinn/Genies

My experience with a couple of Jinn (genies) that I have come in contact with since 1976 - the can shape-shift into anything they want - a 3' x 6' daguerreotype (photo), a blue coloured elephant teddy bear, a cribbage game piece, a spinning glass bottle of Coke, a shadow (hat) man, little kids. The two Jinn I know (Aern and Pete) are friendly and have NEVER harmed me in any way. They don't seem to have a surname like us humans do.

I used to be frightened of Aern when I was 10 years old because I was not informed (or I forgot from previous lifetimes) about them, but I have learned to not fear him.

When he became a spinning glass Coke bottle in July 2010 I believe he did that to tell me to watch my blood sugars as I was drinking 3 cans of pop in a day, but I haven't done that since then.

When Aern became a daguerreotype, he was trying to show me what his family looks like.

I am not sure what Pete (who is younger than Aern) was trying to do when he appeared as a cute blue elephant teddy bear in my bedroom on Palm Sunday 2010, but perhaps he wanted me to give one as a gift to my nephew, which I did.

My friend Wally and his brother, who are in their 60s, when they were growing up, saw a Jinn (appearing as a shadow person/hat man) in their washroom across from their bedroom. He would sit on their toilet. The washroom had no door and they wanted their Dad to install one. Because he didn't see the genie the two boys saw, the Dad couldn't understand why the request. They also had sleep paralysis for 5 years. No name for this Jinn.

Another friend of mine, B*, sees a shadow man, at his workplace during the night where he works. He hasn't found out the name of this Jinn.

A couple of weeks back I went downstairs at my Dad's home (Mom passed away Jan. 2010) to sleep on the sofa there, and while I did not see/hear Aern, I ack'd him by saying "Hi Aern". Five to 10 mins. later .... Boom, crash! All three of us (Dad, sister, and myself) heard it coming from the back of the laundry room. I had been trying to call Aern since Spring and this was his acknowledgment that he was present. I was just too tired to communicate that day.

See also:

Wikipedia - Djinn/Genie - The World of Jinn - Different Types of Shadow People - Shadow People and 'hat man'


Thing That Goes Bump ... In the Daytime

So I was visiting my Dad and sister Pat Saturday. We were watching tv for a bit, then I got tired and cold. Sister and dog were on one sofa, while Dad was on the other. It was around 4.30 / 5 p.m.

I headed for the basement, and said a hello to Aern (the Jinn) whom I did not see or hear from, and lay on the sofa and covered myself with a comforter.

A few minutes later, I hear this loud thud coming from the workbench, which is at the back of the laundry room south side of house, I'm on the north side. I fell asleep.

About an hour later I wake up and walk back upstairs. Sister asks me if I heard any loud bang, and said that Dad had heard it too and had gone downstairs (while I was sleeping) to check it out. Everything looked in place. Sister says it sounded like a bowling ball falling down. We have no bowling balls in the house, so it must have been something else.

I think that Aern (the Jinn) was trying to tell me he wanted to get my attention so he could communicate with me, but this time I was much too tired to talk with him.

As it gets darker and darker, earlier on in the day, I'm sure that I might see or feel his presence more and more in the next months until about February when it gets lighter outside.


Zebra Vision

I can now confirm my Zebra past.

About a week ago I was meditating at home and I saw this moving image, not as large or as clear as the moving image of seeing Torres Del Paine, Chile, but different.

In this vision I saw some adult Zebras and Hyenas, and the image was moving forwards and sideways quickly. I guess to interpret this, our herd was being attacked by Hyenas during the night.

And here is an interesting thing. They say that some animals see all the colours, while others see only some. The vision was as if a red filter was applied. I read that Zebras have "night vision", so I guess this is it. Everything is a shade of red.

Unlike the memory clip of being a Great Horned Owl, my Zebra vision was monocular (view from a single eye at a time) - a much smaller field of view, as compared to an Owl's which sees binocular (widescreen, like human eyesight).

In the last few seconds of the vision, I saw a baby Zebra about 7 feet ahead and to the right of me, not more than a few days old, being taken down by a Hyena.

And so I know that using this vision, that I had reached Zebra adulthood, because the baby Zebra I saw was lower down from me.

Then the vision ended. Who was that baby Zebra?

And I have another question. I thought the Akashic Records (God's 'Book of Life'), where I am retrieving this past life info from, is supposed to store everything about what we have said and done, so why am I not hearing anything from the scenes, just the visual?


Shark Past Life in the Timor Sea (Northern Territory Australia)

Recently, when I traveled to Grand Beach for the weekend where I stayed with my friend's friend, my friend and his kids at his cottage.

On the Saturday night, I meditated for a bit and another past life memory was presented to me.

I began to see, in B&W, tentacled fish, swim towards me, and then disappear. Every time one would swim towards me, it would disappear and then another one would appear and swim towards me. There were about a 10 in the span of a minute or minute and a half.

The next day, when I asked my friend's kids "What kind of animal eats Octopus?", the older one said "a Shark".

So later on, I accessed the Akashic Record's metadata (information about information) about this event, and I came up with:

What: Shark (not a bottle-nose type)
Where: off the coast of Northern Territory of Australia, in the Timor Sea
When: 0 A.D. (2000 years ago)

That's it. No other information. No info on how I died.

I do know now that my Shark self is the part of me that is the aggressive part.

A Shark is considered like the "Bear of the Sea".

I'm also wondering whether before we incarnate in Human form, that we must live animal lives in various forms and that at least one of them MUST be a predator animal ... Great Horned Owl, Shark, etc...

Years ago, way before I got into spiritualism, whenever I'd look at my orange tabby cat, Tiger, he'd kind of remind me of how a Shark looks. Now I believe that he was also a Shark too in his prior animal past life. However I don't know what part of the world he lived or what time period.

In my experience, at the soul level, when I was in animal form and then my body died, I would spend between 300 and 400 years in the Heavenly realm, and then incarnate as another animal, so Tiger might have been a Shark back in the 1600s  or 1700s A.D.

See also:

Wikipedia - Northern Territory, Australia
Wikipedia - Timor Sea


End of Great Horned Owl Life

When I went for my first Reiki session on June 5, 2010 and the practicioner put her hands over my neck area, I immediately got this flashback vision.

The scene that I saw was at the edge of a forest - a treed area, and to the left was grassy.

There was an owl (me) sitting on a horizontal branch of this 200 year old tree. I estimated the time was about 1.30 p.m. in the afternoon. I believe I was sleeping at the time. Owls sleep during the day and are awake until part of the late evening and early morning hours.

Along comes this Mayan man. He is alone and is wearing a white or beige coloured tunic.

He draws his arrow towards the owl, and it strikes his neck and the owl falls from the tree within a few seconds.

Bye bye birdie.

The Reiki practitioner says that I do have a myofascial scar on my neck, so this could be DNA cell memory, going back eons - 1,400 years.


Nightmare - Winnipeg Natural Disaster Premonition?

Early this morning, around 6 a.m. I had a nightmare story that is part possible and part weird/impossible.

The first part is a scene at the Forks Market Plaza area. The sky is overcast, the way it's been the past few days, and there are some people walking around the area, then there is a HUGE tornado-like wind, and all the people scurry as fast as they can inside the buildings nearby.
Remember that tornados can happen in urban areas, like the one in Edmonton in 1987.

The second part of the nightmare is that during this tornado-like storm in Winnipeg, the cars are sticking sort of crashing into one another back fender to front fender - and they cannot get unstuck -- two cars together, sort of melted like that. How is that possible?

Anyone else have a similar nightmare recently? Is it a premonition of something similar to come?


Trance State - Particles and Waves

When I would enter trance state to see the ghost kids in the past few months, the moments before I 'd see particles like a star field come towards me inside the totally darkened bathroom.

But for the past few weeks, say since April, the star field has been replaced by a wave field.

What happened to change that? Is that another part of my consciousness, or another frequency?


Past Life Session 1 - June 2009

These are just the notes that my past life therapist jotted down while under hypnosis on June 22, 2009. Since then I have not yet gone back, but I have had other past lives memories come back to me, as written in other recent blog posts here. I fully believe now that the area I lived in during the lifetime described below was in the western portion of England, which is hilly, and that around age 20 I had dreamt of becoming a steeplechase racer, competing at Cheltenham, or somewhere similar.
  • Age = 15 years old (1865)
    • Outdoors
    • Grass & Trees
    • Standing
    • Rolling hills, sparse trees
    • Alone
    • Male
    • Sandals on feet
    • Shorts
    • Hair brown
    • White skin
    • Rural England (what Town Name?)
    • Name = ?
  • Description of our house
    • steep roof with red shingles
    • outside Tudor style
    • white with brown stucco
    • inside – chandaleer in entrance
    • 2 or 3 storey (quite large house)
  • girl with blue & white dress (age 7?) - Marie?
    • walking right to left (friendlier than now)
    • resembles one of my sisters
    • man at top of stairs looking down
    • looks like current Dad
    • seems like he doesn't understand me
    • tension between him and I
    • Mom not there (maybe there, wearing dress)
    • Mom in older kitchen, with wood burning stove
    • Dad is the owner of the farm
    • Had others working for him
    • I did not help with farm
  • Cat (1870)
    • Grey cat walking farm fence
    • Cat is in a happy mood
    • Short haired, age 5-10 years
    • Cat stays outdoors
    • family's cat
    • Nice day, feeling happy & peaceful
  • I'm 20 years old (1870)
    • Another man (not Dad) who is leading the horse
    • Somebody who could help my Dad, who helped fix things around the farm
    • Dad is outside
    • I'm outside watching
    • Man has work clothes, not professionally dressed
    • Behaviour & health of horse
    • Now I'm talking with the man
    • He is a good conversationalist
    • He sends me to get my Dad
    • I'm walking with him (the horse behaviour man) & the horse
    • I'm on the left of the horse, he's on the right
    • He is a behavioural healer
      • being very gentle
    • I have nothing else to do
  • Just live at home with family
  • 25 years old – just a blank
  • Death experience (1875)
    • See hills behind shore
    • Going underwater
    • Lake – like Lake Winnipeg, but in rural England
    • A few people are watching from the shore (about 10)
    • They see me going under water
    • Fair distance out fromothe shore (about ¼ Km)
    • Soul is separating from body & going to the light
  • Lessons learned
    • To be kind (with a capital K)
    • Grow spiritually – round stained glass window circle shaped with red & blue glass.
    • Church – beige (not too big though)
    • More duty
    • Done Better – could have helped out more – had it too easy
    • Greatest fulfillment – none – just day to day – plain
    • More sadness or hurt – wanting a bigger family – too much loneliness
    • Help for current life – be more pro-active – initiating stuff – be more risk taking
    • Past life person saying to current life person – Go For It!
    • Present day to past life self – You did the best you could with the resources & surroundings you had (limited resources you had)
    • Do now? - More people in my life
    • This is a fuller life
During, and after this session, I had asked myself why I was getting this man to check out this particular horse. At first I didn't know whether I wanted to train it for horse jumping, or horse racing. But recently I re-discovered that there is a sport that combines BOTH...
I believe it was to see if it was worthy to be trained for steeplechase racing.

See also: 19th Century Past Life in Rural England - Cheltenham Steeplechase


Can you take it with you?

My last couple of posts deal with the subject of ghosts, or, stuck souls, that wear clothing like striped shirts, hats, and carry around their blue elephant stuffed animals.

This brings up the question. Common wisdom says that when we die, we can't bring our belongings up to Heaven with us, nor can we bring our monetary wealth, whether it be dollar bills or gold, or real estate.

But my experience with the paranormal over the last 3 and a half decades proves that, at least for souls that refuse to or can't go to Heaven yet, that they don't move around naked. But technically, how does this happen? If a non-"flesh and blood" spirit has a human or animal shape that can be considered par for course, but what of the other "stuff" that he or she may cling onto - like a favourite shirt, or teddy bear such as Stephen's Aurora brand stuffed elephant? After all, it is not made of human DNA, it is just fake fur and plastic eyes, but surely it is somehow created from the other soul's memory, or is somehow, because the fur and plastic also comes from God's creation - plastic is made from oil, which once were dinosaur remains.

I just wonder whether some other researchers have delved deeper into this, whether they have neared any conclusion to what exactly comprises the spirit world and how they can create or manifest non-sentient objects.


Blue Stuffed Elephant Belongs to Stephen

Tonight around 9.30 p.m. I entered trance state in my bathroom and saw Greg's two sons, Andrew and Stephen.

After a while of the boys sitting peacefully near me and sitting next to each other and things like that, I saw Stephen clutching the blue stuffed elephant that he showed me on Palm Sunday in mid-air in my bedroom. Stephen and his stuffed toy were not as brightly lit as on that Sunday, but I did catch a glimpse of it for about 2 seconds.

I have been asking since that day for them to show me who the elephant belongs to, and tonight I finally got my answer.

This also says something of my encounters with the pair. Unlike the "home movie" that Aern the shadow person has shown me that keeps replaying the same scenes of his son Joe monkeying around while undressing, before going to sleep, and then superimposed ontop of that the moving image memory of his wife as a bride on their wedding day where she walks from right to left, carrying a bouquet of flowers... the images of the boys are, I feel live, because they're different every time.


Spirit Contact Family Tree

Since November 2009 I have been introduced to 5 souls that have not crossed over for various reasons.

The first one I was introduced to was Jolly Roger Boy Hepburn, a 14 year old that I've written about in previous blog posts.

I'm not sure how or when he met the other family, consisting of younger kids Andrew, Stephen, and their Dad Greg, but it could be that little Hepburn was looking for a father-like mentor and I guess the 4 of them just became friends.

Sometimes I have forgotten to specify "Boy" (or Jr.) when calling for Jolly Roger, and instead a couple of times I have had this other male, an adult, who also has the nickname of "Jolly Roger" show up at my apartment.

J.R. Boy told me last November in a recording on the computer that he had a youger brother named Bob, but no contact has ever been made with Bob, most likely because he chose to go into the light when he died some decades ago.

Andrew and Stephen are brothers. They have a Ying-Yang sense about them. One says something. The other says the opposite. For example, I recorded them fighting over a technicality of whether I was recording or taping them. It's really a recording to magnetic media, but recording is the proper term. One would say "Is he recording us?" "Is he taping us?" Then one of them correctly concluded "He's recording us." I have also had recordings (EVPs) where they notice the blue wavy lines on the Audacity program. They have been known to fight over the mic. too. Yesterday Andrew, the older boy says to his younger brother, "give me that or I'll hit y0u.' So even in the spirit realm, where souls have not gone on to Heaven yet, they still can have issues with other souls.

These ghosts do sleep, and in trance state I have seen them sometimes more active in the earlier part of the evening and more sleepy later on. When they were more active I saw them put their hands to their mouth like a bullhorn as if they were trying to shout to me, and also put their hand to their ear to try and hear me. As the daylight has been getting longer, I was contacting (clairvoyantly) later on the day. They will start to rub their eyes, and just look more tired at 9 or 10 or 11 p.m. than at 6 or 7 p.m. My friend has human kids near the same age, and they should be going to sleep around 8.30 p.m. so I'll try and keep contact to before that time.

When I first was introduced to Andrew and Stephen in mid-February 2010, I was lying on my mattress in the evening and I felt a small human body crawl beside me, his left leg on the mattress and the right one kneeling or on the carpet. Then he whispered close to my ear "Come see what I look like, come see what I look like". The experience was just soooooooooooo cuuuuute.

On Palm Sunday I was sleeping and awoke to the sight of a wooden block with 4 rows of peg holes floating in mid-air near my b'room closet. Then it fizzled out. Then it appeared again. This time at the food of my mattress over head about 5 to 6' high. And it stayed up for a good 15-20 seconds, then fizzled out.

Third thing I saw was a blue elephant, and of course I know that elephants AREN'T BLUE, so it must have been a stuffed animal. I'm guessing that the wooden game piece was a cribbage board, and the stuffed animal both belonged to Andrew? The stuffed animal jutted forward in mid-air once, stayed there, then disappeared.


Hair Analysis Test Results (March 29 2010)

Today I received the results of the hair analysis done recently. There were 4 metals found that were a bit high.

Toxic Elements (ug/g)

(A=Above Range B=Below Range)

Aluminum 7.7 -- A
Antimony 0.053 -- A
Arsenic 0.054 -- B
Barium 0.43 -- B
Bismuth 0.004 -- B
Cadmium 0.044 -- B
Lead 1.1 -- A
Mercury 0.84 -- A

Rubidium -0.24 -- A
Selenium 1.3 -- A
Sulfur 53,200 -- A
Strontium 0.58 -- B

The N.P. doctor recommended a series of foot baths to take out some of this guck. However, upon further research, the foot detox bath is a SCAM. One does not need to put their foot in the tub to make the water turn a urine-like yellow.

I will call the N.D.'s office in the morning to CANCEL my foot detox appts.


Researching 19th Century Past LIfe in Rural England

Last June I went for a past life regression (hypnosis) session, and in it found one of my past lives was living as an upper-middle-class farmer in rural England during the 1850-1870s period.

I don't remember our family's or my own first name from back then, so there is very little to go on.

All I saw in these visions were gently rolling hills, and a beach nearby and a desire to race or do horse jumping.

Doing more research this evening has lead me to possibly get closer to the locale where I lived during that time.

Typing in "hilly part of england farming" at Yahoo, lead to this page:

And searching Wikipedia for Cotswolds Hills found this page on the area:

Cotswolds has a large horse racing track called Cheltenham, which has a race called the Gold Cup - combining both racing and jumping horses.

The horse race track was moved in 1831 (still before 1850 A.D.) to Prestbury Park.

Prestbury Park "The village is known as one of the most haunted in the country with various famous ghosts making regular appearances"

"Cheltenham Racecourse is widely regarded as the home of National Hunt racing and stages some world class jumps and steeplechase events."

Interesting to say the least. So Cheltenham held BOTH racing and jumping events in the 19th century too. I guess I was undecided which one to choose to go with at the time... Horse racing means riding quite fast, but there is also a beauty to jumping.


I think I'm onto something here.


Animal Past Life Recalled - Owl in Southern Chile

Thursday I went to group meditation, and while our instructor was having us focus on balancing two of our chakras (solar plexus and the next upper one), I had this short past life recall.

I was flying through the air. Ahead of me was a mountain and it was dark coloured (because of the time of day). Directly below me and behind me was a grassland area. I sensed the time was early evening (like around 7.30 p.m.). The Sun was behind us, meaning we were flying eastward.

To my left was a beige coloured owl. He was looking forward, and then moved his head to he right to look at me. Then he turned his head again to look forward. When he looked at me it was as if to say "There, we've reached the mountains". Did I somehow get lost over the Pacific Ocean, and this other owl helped me get back to land?

Afterwords I "asked the universe" (the Book of Life, or Akashic Record) when this happened. I got the number 1400. Similar to when I recalled being a Zebra in Tanzania Africa 1,000 years ago, I just subtracted 1400 from 2000 A.D., leaving the time period of 600 A.D.

I also sensed this was somewhere in South America around the Andes Mountains. I sensed that these mountains were large, and it is true that the Andes are the second highest and longest in the world.

So, in database format

Animal: Owl (could be Great Horned Owl)
Time Period: ~600 A.D.
Continent: South America
Region: Andes Mountains

So I can now trace my soul, going back 1400 years. My friend thinks it - flying with an owl - just a loose metaphor meaning something else.

I sensed that this other owl was a male and that he was a bit older than myself. Could it be the soul of my buddy Wally? Could I have known him from back then? He does like South America, Machu Piccho, Brazil, in this life and has traveled to those areas.

See also:

Wikipedia - Patagonia Region
Wikipedia - Great Horned Owl
Wikipedia - Torres del Paine


"Jolly Roger" Hepburn 1893-1907

About a week after my uncle blessed our family's home, I was thinking it might be kinda nice to have a ghost buddy that I could help, ala Ghost Whisperer.

My "spirit guide", Daniel, found someone, a 14-year old boy with a nickname of "Jolly Roger" which is the skull and crossbones pirate symbol. He was introduced to me on November 12, 2009. His surname is Hepburn.

I did some recording of him on my laptop, but his voice is very quiet. I used audio editing program Audacity to boost the sound and to get rid of as much background sounds as possible. It is very difficult to hear on the computer. It was much easier when he communicated telepathically and would say things like "It's cold in your apartment". This was in late November / early December when Winnipeg had a frigid spell and the heat couldn't keep up, despite turning up the thermometer, the temperature went no further than 21 Celcius. Yet another day when I saw an orb light enter my apt. suite through the window and I asked who it was he said "It's Jolly Roger boy".

I would be ready to go to sleep and turn over to the left part of the mattress when I'd hear J. R. say "you're sitting on my neck". "Oh sorry J. R. I can't see you."

Another night around 11.30 p.m. I saw his tiny orb exit my apartment through the living room window. The next day I asked him where he went and he replied "I just went out for a bit," which is fine for me because it would be impossible for me to be his parent. I cannot ask that he stay in after a certain time. I am just his friend, nothing more.

One recording he gave me details about the circumstances of his death, and he said that he wants "proper burial for my pieces of bones". " What happened to him was that on or near February 22, 1907 he had somehow fallen through the ice on one of the Winnipeg area rivers (I sense though that it was the Red River).

I asked him whether he had any brothers or sisters, and he told me he had a younger brother named Bob (Robert).

When I had some time, I had gone to the Library to view the Free Press microfilm from that date. I may have missed it, but all I could see similar was a Mr. Hawthorne of Winnipeg had frozen to death while in Calgary. The story appeared on the February 23, 1907 edition. He was a member of the Canadian army and was in his 20s. Not the guy I was looking for.

When I first saw "J. R." I had to make a space as dark as possible with little or no light. That room was my washroom. I had turned off all the lights in the living room and closed the curtains. Closed the washroom door and sat on the toilet seat cover.

First there was an orange orb light near the floor. That's a sign that a spirit is trying to make itself visible. Then blue & white lights form and move about. Within a couple of minutes I could "see" J. R. sitting on the edge of the bathtub, blueish-coloured, with his hands on his face and looking downward. Then he'd switch positions and sit in the bathtub and keep switching positions every couple of seconds, always only giving me a side view of him. He had Harry Potter-like eye glasses and fairly thick light-coloured hair with sideburns, but not covering his ears.

Why I have not really seen him face on is that it is known that ghosts don't have eye pupils, so their eyes are completely black and I guess that he didn't want me to see him that way.

When a spirit is visible, so much energy is used up in manifesting in that form that there isn't enough left to speak. It's an either or decision.

More recently I wanted to try photographing him, and read that if you keep using the flash on the camera that this will encourage the spirit to be visible. Well, that actually did something else. I don't think he wants to be photographed because when I pointed the camera into the washroom, I saw this wavy light near the bottom of the doorway move to my bedroom and I followed the light pressing the shutter button. One particular frame had a grey transparent vertical rectangle on the right side of the image. I believe J. R. was doing all he could to prevent a photo of him. What I think this means is that it doesn't matter whether people "see" him or not, but that he somehow gets closure and can then ascend to Heaven.

I don't know how else to help this kid. I am not willing to go swimming into the River. That I do know. I wish I could prove through some kind of written account that he went missing back then and his body was never found.

What makes finding more details about him difficult are two things. He has not given me his real first name (unless it really is Roger), and secondly the Free Press has taken away access to its electronic edition at the Library. That would make it really simple to just type in the name Hepburn into the search box and have it look in the 1907 Free Press text.

I also do not know how many others he has communicated with over the past 103 years, and whether those others ever got any further than I have in helping him.

At least then he would become a Winnipeg documented ghost.

Since then he has told me that he does no longer wish to stay with me because he doesn't like sitting near where the cat litterbox is, and my bed is not wide enough for him to sleep on.

J. R. is a much more friendly ghost than Aern ever was and I wish to continue to make his cause known.


Grade 1 Reading List

Back in Grade One (1972-73) one of my favourite whole classroom assignments was to read 25 books within a certain time.

The list of primer books was written on a small file folder type paper, and at the top was a photo of each of us. There are also several coloured stars - one for each book read.

Unbeknownst and thankfully, my Mom kept this document, was rediscovered when we looked through her archive.

Some of the titles are very generic. The list doesn't include the author's name. I don't know if it would be easy to locate the exact book I read back then.

Here's the list:

  1. Opening Books (by Mae Knight Clark, 1965, Macmillan Press)
  2. A Magic Boy
  3. Things You See (by Mae Knight Clark, 1965, Macmillan Press)
  4. Worlds of Wonder (by W. E. Johns, 1962)
  5. Bears on Wheels
  6. One Fish, Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Dr. Seuss, 1960)
  7. The Crate Train (by Seymour Resnick, 1966)
  8. The Sign Book (about street signs?)
  9. Stop
  10. The Foot Book (by Dr. Seuss, 1968)
  11. Sam & the Firefly (by P.D. Eastman, 1958)
  12. Stop that Ball (by Michael McClintlock, Marshall McClintlock)
  13. That Cat in the Hat
  14. My ABC Book
  15. Meet Mr. Mugs (by Martha Kambeitz and Carol Roth, 1966)
  16. My Little Green Story Book (by Odille Ousley, David H. Russell)
  17. The Twins Tom & Don (by Gertrude Hildreth, Allie Lou Felton, Mabel J. Henderson, and Alice Meighen, 1940)
  18. Hop on Pop (by Dr. Seuss)
  19. Lands of Pleasure (by Mae Knight Clark, 1965, Macmillan Press)
  20. Our New Friends (about a new pet cat or dog?)
  21. Fun With Dick & Jane
  22. Peter's Family
  23. Old MacDonald Had a Farm
  24. Go, Dog. Go! (by P. D. Eastman, 1961)
  25. Green Eggs & Ham (by Dr. Seuss)