

Psychopaths and Sociopaths How to Detect Them Body Language Analysis

One of my sisters is a sociopath.

Last year (2015-16) I had a woman housemate who is a sociopath.

| have worked with people who are sociopaths.

My Grade 4 teacher is/was a sociopath.

I am not a sociopath. I can feel & express empathy.


I had eye injection on March 2, 2017 and have also been taking diabetes meds. again (Metformin + Glyburide).

Vision up to today vision in right eye was worse even with 2.5 reading glasses and "Large Text" option in GNOME 3.

Now I noticed today that vision is clear again in the right eye. Still requiring +2.5 magnification, but am able to reduce Chrome Zoom to even 80% and still see text clearly. Am able to turn OFF (for now) Large Text option in GNOME 3.

Eye specialist says Cataract in Left Eye must be operated on soon. Also a Cataract is forming in the Right Eye which will also be operated on at a separate date. Eye specialist says Cataract in Right Eye could be caused by the eye injections (since May 2016), although he is not sure.


1989 A&E Bumper

One of my favourite all time network IDs...the ID from A&E Cable '89-91.


Poor Transit $ervice in Winnipeg, Canada

14 Ellice - Doesn't run often enough

16 Osborne - always a few minutes late. Chronic under capacity. Example Saturday late afternoon 16 Osborne...SRO conditions!

18 Corydon - Chronic under capacity, especially during peak periods

55 St. Anne's - Chronic under capacity issues all times of the day. Frequent SRO conditions daily! I have counted 9 standees at times!

Standing Room Only (SRO) - when a transit vehicle cannot seat any more passengers and those passengers must stand for a part or all of their trip.


Swallowing w/ Diabetes Meds. OFF

When a person who has type 2 Diabetes craves icy cold beverages, one of the things that happens within that is that the throat just passes the liquids straight thru.

Normally, when a person drinks a liquid, whether it be at whatever temperature, their swallow reflex, which is connected to the throat, which is a will hold back food or in this case a liquid so as to not overwhelm the digestive tract.

However, in a person with Diabetes, this function is turned off and the person just keeps chugging and chugging and chugging... Soon the liquid that was in the  cup...with some ice empty.

So for years when I go off the Metformin and secondary drug Glyburide o the previous one I have noticed this phenominon.

Throat swallowing is a bodily reflex and the throat is a muscle and lack of Magnesium can cause weakness in muscles...then building back to Normal levels...Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salt) in the body should help in this regard.

Typing in Throat into Wikipedia and then searching on muscle, it comes up with the Pharyngeal muscles:

on that page it says...:
During swallowing, these muscles act to shorten and widen the pharynx.



Narcs. Set The Rules

This is a portion of a txt message I sent to my support worker yesterday.
The moral of the story is this. People who abuse, such as (sibling), should have consequences. People who are not abusive should be allowed to experience Christmas.
But there's something in this Universe, a Law that allows abusive people to continue to abuse. People like (sibling).
Victims are commonly blamed, and then told "to get over it", "to forgive".
Abusive people are allowed to "set the rules". They have to, otherwise they would go into a "Narcissistic Rage" because that would mean they would be losing control.