

Looking for 1959-style Anchor Hocking Glass Pitcher

When I moved out on my own in 1989, the pop culture - music, movies, tv, colour schemes and patterns seemed to emulate 1959.

It's like this one, except there was no pattern on it, and the bottom had a 'honeycomb'-like 3 layer 'rib' to it.

Even Safeway was into it, by remodelling its stores to use nifty neon to denote its Dairy, Meat, Bakery departments.

I think it was in May of 1989 that I bought a heavy glass pitcher from Safeway at Grant Park one day, and I used that at my first place at 28 Biscayne Bay (in Fort Garry). Then when I moved to 87 Smith Street I used it for several years.

One day I moved the pitcher over the sink tap to wash it and moved my hand too fast and the pitcher got a tear in the glass. Interesting that when I moved into 87 Smith the very same pitcher was left in the fridge for the next tennant. I guess you really have to be careful of these wonderful looking pitchers so the glass doesn't break.

So about 10 years later, I'm missing my 1959-style glass pitcher, and by doing some simple research I've confirmed the following:

* I did buy the pitcher from Safeway because the pitcher was apparently made by Anchor Hocking, which Safeway carries their glass measuring cup.

* The tip of the pitcher is called the ice lip. Didn't know the name of that part until now.

I don't know how I'll find a replacement, maybe I'll have to order one online, or maybe I'll find one at an antique store.

It's sad though that glass pitchers are not easily available like the Anchor Hocking was '89. The only stuff I've been able to see is cheap 'Made in China' plastic jugs, and I don't want that.


Live HAARP Monitor

HAARP is some sort of evil Tesla-inspired project to control the weather and the ionosphere, together with chemtrailing.

I found an animated GIF that displays whether HAARP is ON or OFF.


Prince writes song about chemtrails

Prince says that after seeing The State of the Black Union where Dick Gregory talked about chemtrails -- he is now more aware of them and has written a song about it in his new album, due out soon. The interview is from PBS:

Tell Videon you want channels

I wrote the following letter to the editor, that was published in the Winnipeg Free Press on September 17, 1998. It's a bit dated now in context, because Videon Cable-tv was sold to SHAW in 2001, and now Much More Music has changed its name to Much More...

I am responding to the news item that appeared in the entertainment section, Shaw, CHUM reach deal on new specialty channels where Shaw Cable has decided to carry the new music video network, MuchMoreMusic. The new music video network will debut on Sept. 30.

Why must Videon Cable subscribers be left behind, yet again? If you remember, MuchMusic first aired on August 31, 1984, yet Videon couldn't carry it until September 1987. Is this about to happen again? We subscribers demand the choice to decide ourselves what cable networks we should be able to receive, as long as the programming of that network is in good taste?

Alas, there does appear to be ample room in Videon's current frequency spectrum to carry both CTV SportsNet and MuchMoreMusic networks. Videon already carries simultaneous cablescasts of TSC The Shopping Channel, currently on cable 68, and CPAC Cable Public Affairs Channel, which is duplicated on cable 71. I was talking wth one Videon representative during the week and she informed me that there is no room for MuchMoreMusic and that I'd have to wait until some fuzzy time in 1999 before it would be made available. She also said that some of their customers couldn't find TSC when it was put too high up. Well that's tough luck for them. If those people have enough spending money to purchase those items from TSC, then surely they could find enough of that same money to purchase a newer TV, VCR, or cable converter to receive TSC on cable 30. What is Videon's real agenda?

I think what really needs to be done is to have Videon Cable transformed into a co-op organization where all subscribers would have a real say in what is or isn't carried on their cable system, subject to CRTC CanCon rules. If subscribers want Videon to carry MuchMoreMusic from the first broadcast day, I highly encourage them to give Videon a call at 287-4500 and say that they, the cable customers, should have a say in what is carried on their system.


Chemtrails in Winnipeg Letter of the Day

In mid-April 2009 I wrote a Letter to the Editor, which was published as Letter of the Day in the April 18, 2009 edition of the Winnipeg Sun:


Hey Winnipeggers, look up, way up to the sky.

Several people I have talked to have noticed 'chemtrails' more often over Winnipeg. These are produced by jet planes creating cross-hatch and heart-shaped patterns in the sky.

Not just in Winnipeg, but also planet-wide.

Why is it that the sky starts out clear blue in the morning, and by late afternoon it is grey and overcast?

It is because of these man-made "clouds" which are intended to block the rays of the sun. Some scientists have tested the fallout of trails and say it is composed of toxic substances like barium and sulphur dioxide — long-term exposure leading to a weakened immune system. Why are these chemicals being sprayed on us?

They are certainly not spraying for mosquitos at this time of the year, as mosquito season has not started yet.

As human beings on this planet, we have a right to breathe clean, fresh air, and receive undisturbed access to sunlight.


Editor: Could natural clouds be greying up the skies?

Since then there has been a counter-letter reply, debunking chemtrails as just contrails, published in the April 24, 2009 edition of The Sun:


Re: Jet streams, Letters, April 18.

The "chemtrails" you're writing about are actually called "contrails" which is short for "condensation trails." These are visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the exhaust of aircraft engines. Depending on atmospheric conditions, contrails may be visible for only a few minutes.

That's it, nothing more. No great conspiracy to poison our air or block out the sun. Contrails don't collect together to make clouds. You might see more than one contrail at a time because more than one aircraft flew over.

The big clouds you see that fill up the sky are not man made. Those are actually real, nature-made clouds.

The smoke used at air shows is for show only and is considered harmless because it dissipates before it hits the ground.


Editor: Thanks for the explanation.

Who is this Kevin Marcotte gentleman? Could he be the very same Kevin Marcotte who wrote in a web board devoted to CFB Baden Soellingen in 1999?

Regardless, it seems that pandoras box has now been opened. More people are going to look up at the sky and wonder why the strange patterns. Then they'll start to do their own Google and Youtube searches....And then...