

24Hours is back ... Part 2

On November 30th, 2006, CBC English Tv announced that the full 60-minutes of local newscast would be reinstated as of February 2007.


OK, so now they need to fill that other 30 minutes again. I just had an idea.

In Winnipeg there are only two or three people re-publishing the archives of CBWT ... newsclips from 24Hours, local station IDs and promos, and putting them on YouTube.

It would be nice if CBWT dug out their own (original) copies of its archive and started to digitize them and also put them onto YouTube or the CBC Manitoba site. There's probably stuff in there prior to consumer video recorders that would be classified as gems.

And if they featured some of this archival material, at least once a week, on 24Hours and equivalent supper hour news programs across Canada, they'd make our country a better place. The CBC does republish archival material that is of national nature, but they just haven't had the time or resources to work on the local end of things.

Anyways, hoping someone at CBWT (CBC Manitoba) will read this over and consider ...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.


24Hours is baaaack!

On November 30th, after 6 loooooong years, after Robbie Rabinovitch's last few months as President of the CBC, after his pal Mr. Stursburg is going to (possibly) follow him out the door, we hear that they are going to put back the full 60 minutes of locally produced news in each region.

Burn in Hell , Canada Now!

So the return of the full hour means that most likely the highly respected and loved name for the Winnipeg 'cast will remain -- 24Hours.

Anyways, three cheers for CBC Television.