

Temp. Spirit Guide Rupert & Seeing Zebras

Originally Posted by nirvana View Post
The thing that is missing is a change in a subjective ideal. My spirit guide rupert from the wigalaboo tribe says hes going to kick your spirit guides arse. He's also agreed to be your guide so is on his way now.

Just started meditating at 11.35 Central (Canada) time ... I heard the following from a male voice ...

"All right all right all right"

"I see I see I see"

"Looks OK looks OK"

I responded back to Rupert saying...

"See, Lil Zebra (my nickname) has done some work"

Going back to meditation ... will report what else he said... Thanks for the help nirvana...


"I can't tell you what to do, I can only advise you."

"You can start by putting the books back on the bookshelf."

I replied...

"Yes, but they're going to spray for bedbugs on dec. 5th, so what's the use of putting them all back?"

Rupert says ... "It'll make it look nicer."

I responded "Well maybe I could put some of the books back on the bookshelf. A compromise."

Went to sleep a bit later, around 3 a.m. Central Canada time. As I closed my eyes, I saw a whitish light in the corner of my left eye. And in the right part of my eyesight I saw moving images of Zebras moving around and very close together, like heads close together. Lots and lots of stripes!

I'm assuming that Rupert had freed up more animal past life vision/memories for me to see. Thanks Rupert!


"You're Not Ready"

Last year on December 29 2010 my primary spirit guide Daniel said 3 things to me... He's always direct to the point, no nonsense about things.

"Keep taking the Iodine Supplement (Potassium Iodide). You will live a LONG life. You CHOSE to be awake."

I believe that what Daniel met by "a long life" is that I will attain a 1000 year lifespan in the 5th dimension. But prior to recently I assumed he meant that there will be no mass slaughter of Humanity and that somehow I'd have sufficient survival skills or will be paired up with some others who do.

More recently I have sorted out where I feel I'm supposed to go if an Ascension/Rapture were to occur in the next 12-13 months' time.

Then my female spirit guide, Moonwalker, says this week during a meditation....

"You're not going to 5th dimension. You're not ready."

So I responded that yes I want 5th. I said please help/assist/advise/encourage me for what I need to get to 5th dimension. I don't want to be left behind.

Isn't this like what Yoda told Luke Skywalker as he was training to be a Jedi Knight... that he did not appear to be learning enough and that he'd not be ready if he needed to fight?

Otherwise, what was all this preparation I did reincarnating for the past 5000+ years on this planet called Earth for?

I don't want to "miss the boat" as it were.

The primary guide said earlier this year that I must do more Pranic breathing. This was confirmed by my Reiki therapist and best friend.
I can do that.

Yoga is something that I have tried in the past but have not been able to keep up.

I have bedbugs in my apt. and so I am in a phase of letting go of belongings/possessions.

I really want to enter the 5th dimension which I believe will be something like Star Trek where we don't have relgion, we don't have a monetary system, there is a helpfulness to others that I already have...

So what's missing at my soul level? Has anyone else been told by one or more of their guides that they're not there yet and basically if an Ascension were to take place today that some of us would remain in the 3rd dimension.... Would some of us who have done the body soul and spirit work still be sent to the FEMA camps to be slaughtered? I don't feel this is my life path to end life this way.


Healing Morgs. Sores with Root Beer

This past Summer I got more Morgellons sores than ever at one time... on both legs and arms.

While I had heard of Morgellons since late 2009 I did not connect it with chemtrails nor did I believe I had them. I wish that both David Icke & Alex Jones would cover Morgellons in their talks/rants.

But there is this group on facebook about chemtrails that regularly discusses Morgs. symptoms. And one day they mentioned the main symptom on the skin "sores that don't heal or take a very long time to heal".

I have been quite successful at diminishing one particular sore on my lower left leg that appeared in mid-2006 ... that's 5 years ago... My doctors would say "Jim, that sore will take a long time to heal because you have diabetes".... But come on...5 years and still has crusty 2nd sore near the primary and nothing would help. So this Summer I began applying Iodine to it and also using the cotton ball dabbed in Apple Cidar Vinegar.

Soon the secondary crusty scab started to disappear and also the primary one started to not itch anymore.

More recently I was craving Root Beer, specifically Barq's root beer, which is supposed to contain more Sarsparilla than competing root beers. A couple of weeks ago I bought a 2 litre bottle and drank that within 24 hours.

Note that I have Type 2 Diabetes and 5 - 6 years ago if I even drank a Regular A&W Root Beer with my hamburger, both legs would severley tingle all the way up to my knee.

I was taking Magnesium in the form of Epsom Salt bath, Mag. pill supplements and Ovaltine with Milk...So my Magnesium levels have been climbing since early August 2011.

Despite downing the whole 2 litres of Barq's my legs did not tingle one bit.

After that first Barq's was finished the next bottle I bought was about 48 hours later.

I noticed all the Morgs. sores were not itchy anymore like prior to drinking in massive amounts of Barq's Root Beer. Something was good about this.

The orangy goo that some of the sores had were no longer there. The bullseye skin surrounding the lesions were changing colour to a bright pink, and then were fading. The sores no longer have that "Liquid-Band-Aid"-like stench that I dislike. The skin smells closer to natural.

On the Wikipedia and on other reference pages, it is the Sarsaparilla that can help heal skin problems like Psoriasis, Acne, Ecszema, and others stuff.

So if you have these Morgs. sores and you're at your wits end about them because nothing else is making them go away, give this root beer and perhaps A&W a try, it seems to help.


Music Video ... Culture Club - The War Song

Dedicated for Remembrance Day 11 ... 11 ... 11


Wacko kids, don't go to war

Normally I don't sleep in the supine position (on my back) but tonight I did.

Around 4:00 a.m. I heard a boy child's voice say this:

Wacko kids, don't go to war!

The context/meaning of this message is this:

Why are we still sending our young adults to war to other countries to kill one another? This was a genuine msg. from the spirit world, as there was no V2K tone and this voice was very very clear like I had been hearing in late 2009 thru mid-2010.

I will go back to sleeping on my belly & side.