

Cabin cabin cabin

Years ago, sometime in the late 1990s, I had some communications with my future son.
I asked him to tell me more about himself. I remember the moment. It was around midnight and I was standing right at my ghetto blaster portable stereo.

He said "Cabin cabin cabin" which means "Working for (some) cabin time".

Back then there was no outlet, aside from a personal journal, to share this information. Also I did not (yet) believe in reincarnation or that there was life in other star systems.

When I asked him again to tell me about his life in the Aldebaran star system, he repeated the saying "We'd say ... Cabin cabin cabin" which means "working for cabin time".

The other thing he told me was "we'd say 'How's your morning?" instead of "good morning" to others.

So the cabin bit most likely means that, in his recent past life in the Aldebaran system, his family had rented a cabin and that to get there his (Dad?) would have to save up for a bit to live there in the Summer".


Andrew: Star Child from Aldebaran

I heard from an elder ET presence last night. He spoke very clearly and slowly so that I could hear him the first time.

He said that he was from the Aldebaran star system (65 light years, K5III type, Orange, 'off of main seq.), and so was my future first born son Andrew.

He said that both Andrew and I would basically have to tweak our life plans if we still want to eventually be father and son. Said that this would be Andrew's first lifetime on Earth.

This means that he is one of the many Star Children on Earth, waiting to be born so that they can help transform this planet into something more beautiful.
Already I have experienced Andrew giving me a Reiki session, where he adjusted my Solar Plexus and Crown chakras by making them brighter. Moonwalker has focused more on herbal remedies to heal my Diabetes and Morgellons symptoms.

From the website, the Star Child page says this about these types of souls:

  • 65% are female: 35% are male
  • Compelling eyes
  • Great magnetism and personal charisma
  • Sensitive to electricity and electromagnetic fields
  • Lower body temperature than the norm
  • Chronic sinustis
  • Extra or transitional vertebra
  • Hypersensitivity to sound, light, odors
  • Swollen or painful joints
  • Pain in the back of the neck
  • Adversely affected by high humidity
  • Survived a life-threatening illness
  • Involved in a severe accident or trauma

  • Feel a tremendous sense of urgency to fulfill their missions
  • Experienced a sense of oneness with the universe
  • Many have difficulty dealing with / or expressing emotions or have a chemical imbalance

Extraterrestrial Experiences
  • All believe in life on other planets
  • Most believe that have lived on another planet and can tell you about it
  • At an early age they had some kind of extraterrestrial, religious or mystical experience
  • Believe they have encountered alien entities of an extraterrestrial or multidimensional level or a being of light
  • Telepathic communication with an alien entity - physical or non-physical
  • They receive some form of communication from a higher source

Out of Body Experiences

  • Believe in their spirit guides or angel
  • Believe they have been blessed after the appearance of a holy figure
  • An intense religious experience
  • Believe in a God or creational source of energy
  • Believe in miracles
  • Had an invisible playmate as a child
  • Saw an elf - "wee person" - or "fairy"
  • Saw a ghost
  • Aware of parallel existence at this time in other worlds
  • Contact with deceased loved one
  • Believe in reincarnation
  • Have past life memories or / memories from parallel experiences

Psychic Development
  • Perform healing themselves and others
  • Prophetic dreams or visions that have come to pass

External links:

Star Seeds - Star Children - Star Children
Wikipedia - Aldebaran (star)


Full Moon, Jupiter and Aldebaran 


Do Souls in Heaven Sleep/Rest?

Contrary to what we might think or what is taught...

When we die and spend some time in Heaven, we don't just stay awake in the 24/7 daylight.

In my experience, going by my phasing trance state in 2010, 2011, and last night...

...souls in Heaven get sleepy too, or do they just lose energy when they lower themselves to our plane to interact with us, the incarnate?

Last night, I was playing some music on CD till late in the night, around 01h30.

I was playing ABBA Waterloo (1974) and Whitney Houston's Greatest Hits (2000).

Whitney Houston - You Give Good Love

ABBA - Sitting in the Palm Trees

I sensed, who I thought was Stephen, leaning against my right side as I was sitting on my bed listening to ABBA's Waterloo album (rel. in 1974) was very sleepy by about 1h00... I played the CD till 130...In a real situation, I would have turned off the music eariler.

So I turned off the music, and 'carried' the boy to the sofa in the living room.

Now, at this time I cannot see him, only felt a bit of a electrical buzz on my right pinky finger as I was carrying him.

He was very very sleepy.

I went back to my room, and straightened out my comforter, then returned to the living room.

The boy I sensed was heavily asleep, with his head turned towards the sofa. He's not gonna wake up because the music was too loud for too long and its already 1h30 in the morning.

I went back to my room, turned off the lights and before I went to sleep, Moonwalker said to me:

"He's fine on the sofa" and
"He's breaking up. He needs to go back to Heaven".


"That was not Stephen that you carried, that was Andrew"

"Huh? I think I quite know Andrew's energy signature by now, after all I've known him since the mid-1980s or mid-1990s"


Homelessness: Assigning Blame Isn't A Solution

Floyd Perras, a columnist with the Winnipeg Sun, and works at Siloam Mission, cautions us not to blame homeless people for being ("choosing") to be homeless.

For me, it's not a choice. For me, what I really want would be to live in a home with others, somewhere where my "baby self" can be respected and acknowledged. I've been told though, that "no one is going to baby a 48 yr. old"... So absent of that, I choose homelessness. And with that is going about stuff in my 'adult self' like volunteering, spending time with friends.

A voice cries out in the wilderness...

Here's the link to the column:

Those citizens who are homeless, are not always to blame for their predicament.

In my case it, it has just been decade upon decade of abuse and even more so, _neglect_ of MY needs.

And actually, when you look at my life, as an autistic gay man, I've been lucky enough to have worked as much as I have in the past 40 years in the various jobs I've had - newspaper carrier, flyer distribtion, fast food crew member, data entry clerk, public speaker, webmaster...

Sure, I didn't have a VCR in the early 1980s when tv was better. Sure I didn't have other stuff, like a 'real' (long) train ride on CN or VIA Rail when I was growing up.
Sure, the only compliments *I* got were from my Trib and Sun customers.

But I guess it's all for something, isn't it? It's all for soul progress/soul growth in the end...

So, 10,000 years or 100,000 years from now I will be stronger as a soul, more resilient, just like my Guardian Angel...not moving from his values.


Course: Planning Your Life

The other day (Sunday 20-juillet) to be exact), I wrote on here that both Andrew and Stephen, my two future sons said that they at first could not go on to Assiniboine Park with me that day. They said that they were taking a course that was important to them.

I let go and let them take this course. Afterwards, around 3 pm Moonwalker my spirit guide announced to me that both boys were ready to go to the Park.

By Tuesday I was wondering, what was the subject matter or title of this course they are taking in Heaven?

Andrew told me that the name or subject of the course is:

Planning Your Life

I guess this is just one session out of many for that particular detail about planning one's life path before incarnating to Earth.

Race Cars & Reiki

My future son, Andrew and I were chatting last night.

I asked him what hobbies or books he likes. He said:

"Car books".

So I asked him to give more detail. What kind of car books?

"Race cars".

This morning I went to the River Heights Library. There are two books that come the closest:

1) DK Eyewitness Books - Cars: Discover the story of cars - from the earliest horseless carriages to the modern supercar

2) DK Car Crazy: Awesome autos > blazing bikes > terrific trucks

The rest of the collection in the 629.222 section has to do with service vehicles, construction equipment, etc... not race cars.

That's what I so much disliked about coming to this small branch. It lacks variety.

Then I went onto the Internet and found a recent broadcast of the 2014 Daytona 500 broadcast on FOX last February.

Before that round of questions I had said that it'd be nice to have Reiki and Massage, but I can't afford it.

Andrew said for me to lay down on my tummy, and to rest my head straight.

I could feel warmth on the mid part of my back, and also on the top of my head.

He said "You have issues with your Solar Plexus and your Crown Chakra". To confirm, my first Reiki practitioner also said the same about my Solar Pexus chakra. This is the point that affects self image and how we feel others perceive us.

Then also said "You need to take the (oregano) oil every day for the next month so that you can have improved psychic experiences".

At the end of the 15 min. Reiki session, Andrew said "Your Solar Plexus chakra has been restored".

Moonwalker said "Thank you Andrew". Of course I also said thank you too.


Both my future kids spent time with me on Sunday afternoon at Assiniboine Park... I lay on the grass near the prairie dog area near Lyric Stage...while both boys I could sense (not see) sitting on the nearby bench.
Andrew said to me that he'd try and find a girlfriend for me... I guess I've never asked him before to do that ... Hey, I (and possibly you) helped find Mom and Dad while before we were born.

Men / Dad's Seeing Preborn Kids in Dreams or Trance State

I know it's almost common knowledge that women can sometimes see their future kids in their dreams.
Some have seen their future kids as far back as 10 years prior to birth them.
But because "future kids" are in spirit, in Heaven, and men are made of the same "star stuff" (soul and spirit) as women are...
Why is it not shared amongst men that they can sometimes see their future kids before they're born?

Here's one anecdotal story of a mother seeing his son play with her husband 5 months before he's born...


Assiniboine Park with Andrew, Stephen

My two future kids, Andrew (appears as a 7 yr. old boy) and Stephen (appears as a 3 1/2 yr. old boy) spent some time with me on the weekend. They are not yet incarnated, they are spirits who live in Heaven.

They said 'yes' to accompanying me to Assiniboine Pk. Sunday, but only after they had taken a course in Heaven. I don't know what subject this course was about. Andrew told me that I too had taken the same course once in the past (between lives) a LONG time ago. I guess I'll have to ask him what course it was.

This was a chance for me to be like a parent and give the priority to my future kids...They can accompany me, after they had completed the session of the course.

So around 3 pm I woke up from a nap. My friend had walked in the door, and Moonwalker my guide whispered in my ear:

Moonwalker: Do you still want to go to the Park? Your kids are READY.

Jim: Yes, I'm ready to go now.

So I got dressed and went by bus to Assiniboine Park.

We got off at Kelvin bus stop. I know I'm supposed to get off at Park, but the bus is just going so fast. I missed this same stop last February too, but alas, there was no snow this time.

Even though I can't see them, I sensed that at first, my two future sons walked behind me, then they walked in front of me later on.

So after spending some time at the Duck Pond ... there were actually Ducks there, no Geese...We went off to where the Groundhogs(?) / Prairie Dogs were.

I could sense that the boys sat at one of the benches, while I lay on the grass.

And then I / we crossed over the pedestrian bridge, and the 11 Portage bus came at that moment.

I sensed that they had gotten bored, and left me by the time the bus got back to Polo Park.

Later on, back home I lay down to rest because it was +32 C outside and no air. conditioning inside...

I heard Andrew say; emphasize one of the words:

"You've given UP.

You're living in the past."

He also said "I can help you, if you'll let me."

Of course he has something in it for him and his younger brother. If he were to help me in whatever way that is, including finding his Mom / my Wife/parter ...then they could incarnate and we'd be a family.

Yeah, OK guys, if you can help me, in my Broken state -- no job, no home, broken teeth (who'd wanna kiss THAT?)


Mommy? "Yes" "No"

Last night I asked my future sons - Andrew and Stephen ... if they like a certain woman of child bearing age (currently 35) if they'd like it if she was their Mom.

One boy said "Yes", the other said "No"... They said it one after the other.

Seeing My Future Son Andrew Again...

Came home yesterday early evening, after volunteering... Had some dinner, then lay down for a bit...

I heard in my left ear the following:

Other Spirit = early middle age woman.

Other Spirit: How much (money) does he have?

Moonwalker: Not much.

I heard this conversation for about 30 to 45 seconds.

Then I heard the Other Spirit address me and say:

Other Spirit: Mr. Jaworski we're going to pray for YOU.

Me: Who Me?

Other Spirit: Yes YOU.

Later on I asked Moonwalker how many spirits were in the room with us. She started counting, and reach 50.

Moonwalker: There are 50 Souls in the Room.

Still later on...

One of my future sons, either Andrew or Stephen, told me to go into the washroom so that I can see him.

I didn't act on that until Wednesday night after 10h30.

I saw the back of Andrew's head, his hair, which is NOT Blonde, but I think is more medium Blonde / Brown or so. I cannot say exactly because in spirit, from Heaven, I can only see them in Greyscale (B&W). Andrew showed me the back of his head of hair so I could recognize more clearly and map what the colour would be if he were in colour.

Some background is in order.

Back in early 2010 I had had another boy spirit who called himself Jolly Roger Boy. He had visited me when I had gone into my apt. washroom to go into trance state because there are no windows there and the room was very dark.

"Jolly Roger 14 Year Old Boy" I'd call out to him.

He had visited my workplace, as a spirit of course, in late 2010 and I asked him what he thought of my work. He said to me "It looks boring". Awww.....

He had even slept with me on a few occasions because I felt something against my back and I had checked at the time, it was NOT one of my cats.

Anyways Jolly Roger Boy stopped visiting me in February 2010 because I had not been able to keep a promise to him of not leaking - wetting beyond the capacity of my Tranquility ATN diaper. My blood sugar was high and when it is like that I tend to pee very often...I call it the "3 minute pee". So after Jolly Roger Boy left me, one day I heard a very loud, but sweet boy's voice about the age of 3 1/2 years say to my right ear "Come see what we look like! Come see what we look like!"

I told the boy spirit that I wasn't interested because the one who had left me I had loved so much because he was so peaceful and serene around me. And who is "we"?

Well I got into the washroom and after about 5 minutes of getting into trance state, I started to see one older boy of about 7 yrs. and the other about 3 1/2...

Around that time, prior or after, I had recorded an EVP where the boys introduced themselves as:

"I'm Andrew." "I'm Stephen" "and I'm ..." I can't remember the adult man's name, but it seems like he's their caregiver in Heaven. Haven't heard from him since, but the boys kept in contact with me through 2010 and into 2011.

One day I went to meditation group in Spring of 2010... and I guess my soul vibration was high enough, and I actually invited Andrew and Stephen to come along with me and my friend to meditation class.

I remember they were talking to me and giggling or something. I heard them for a bit and I said that I need to concentrate on meditation and that they'd have to be quiet for a few minutes.

I used to see the boys tousling their hair, rubbing their eye if they were tired and it was after 20h30 (8:30 pm). They used to wave at me. There wasn't anything else we could do besides wave and smile and pat their hair (I felt a mild electrical buzz).

One evening I was on my mattress, and I looked up at my bookshelf and I saw Andrew, sitting on my bookshelf, pointing his hand and index finger at me and smiling. He was basically saying...

"I know you can see me, cause I can see YOU!"

So, it's been about 3 years since that time.

Moonwalker, my great grandmother has been the majority of communication with Heaven since that time.

So this week was the first in 3 years since I saw Andrew, my possible future son.

I'd like to have him be my Human son, but I don't have enough $ and I don't have a job.

I want my two sons not to live off of EIA...I don't want them to learn to depend on that.

So, who'd be the right Mommie for my boys?

Jolly Roger Boy stopped


BLOG FWD: There is no such thing as an Autistic Adult

Of course this is ABSOLUTELY, 100% NOT TRUE, but this is something I am told every day by the media and organizations that claim to “support Autism.”
When I first suspected I had Asperger’s, I immediately began looking for more information about a diagnosis and support. A google search of Autism and Jacksonville, FL was hopeful. So many resources! CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disabilities). The HEAL (Healing Every Autistic Life) Foundation. Jacksonville School for Autism. The Learning Tree. There is even an annual Autism Symposium every year!! Surely I hit the Autism Support Jackpot, right?

I too have hit the 'brick wall' in MY search for proper supports as a now 48 yr old guy diagnosed just last year with this.

IDK, at this stage I really feel I just need to start over again. It's basically a LOST CAUSE at this stage.

But perhaps, if enough of us were to start OUR OWN Aspie / High Funct. Autism organisation... We surely have the Skills to set up websites, newsletters, staff organizations, architecture design... we all have the TOOLS to create an Org. that would be created by US to help US, and not hooked into BIG PHARMA, or standard Dr.'s willing to reduce us with pills.

Some REAL help is only as far away as a bunch of us taking the steps to begin something like this.

I've been told by my spirit guide, I'll be incarnating on this planet for another millennium, and then make it to the 5th Dimension (Star Trek space travel on a star ship)...So the best thing to do NOW is to gather enough SOMEWHERE on this planet and build the organizations to help US.


Applying for an apt. while on EIA

I'm in the process of applying for an apt. The Rent is $695 for a Bach. suite.

On the weekend I withdrew about $400 (minus 10% tax = $360) from my RSP so when an apt. comes up I can pay the Damage Dep.

Also I faxed in my Volunteer Form on Wednesday, so that I'd have an additional $100 income for the month.
Guess what happened today (Monday)?

I got the $360 from the RSP, but the $100 was not 'installed' into my account.

I spent about $20 of the $360 on Sunday, and also today spent another of the $20.
Now I have $323 left and no $100 yet from EIA.
I have to phone EIA on Tuesday to find out where is my $100?

Otherwise folks, it's getting closer and closer to July 31st and hey...I've not been Homeless in this lifetime yet, so hey...

My wish or want or need is to live in a group home environment...Not had that either...Been told that I'm too well (not Autistic enough) to need that. "Jim, you're smart, and you've lived on your own before, now just find an apt. You'll do FINE" is what my supports have been telling me... Some of the same supports have also been helping me look for places on Kijiji together - thank you Pat, Marie, Orianne and Candice.


High Funct. Autism and Homelessness

The issue, for me at least, is not just to say "hey Jim, you'll do fine, now just find an apt. ... You've lived on your own before. You'll do fine" ... I'm sorry but it's more complicated than that... I'm a high functioning autistic adult, and because of that I was not able (priorities?) to put enough effort into keeping my apt. clean... I would frequently get complaints from my caretaker telling me to "clean your apartment". I had 2 cats in a carpeted suite. How do other people keep cats or dogs and not have their apt. smell of pet urine and feces? Life skills training is the answer...

I'm saying here that for autistic people and similar we NEED others to live with us, so we can SHARE in the responsibility of maintaining a home.

And not giving us, the HIGH FUNCT. AUTISTICS that OPTION... because we're NOT as NEEDY as the more severely autistic? I JUST DON'T GET IT!

This past week, I listened to an interview on CBC's The Current where they interviewed a French Canadian mother who adopted a Korean infant.

This baby developed PTSD and was diagnosed with Attachment Disorder.

The mother said that PTSD in this case causes ongoing stress.

So, in my case, where I was neglected in MY NEED to remain in my babyhood state, even at the age of 3, 4, 5, 6, etc... Was denied going back, even though I looked physically as a boy, emotionally I was not properly TRANSITIONED into boyhood, and was basically SHAMED for even wanting that.

That is not right, and I'm glad that this is being addressed by Gen X and Gen Y parents, who, through so-called 'permissive parenting' allow their pre-school offspring to COMPLETE their babyhood naturally. It should be up to the kid, boy or girl, to say when they are DONE with babyhood things... NEVER the parent. It should be part of a Human Right to that.


The Next Osama...

ISIS leader is the "next Osama Bin Laden"... He is an employee of the CIA.

The USA is building up this man's identity, trying to scare us UP, and one day blame "the next Osama" for some sort of 9/11-like event.

Just sayin'

July 31st, 2014

So, I'm gonna do this ONCE and ONCE only.

As of 31st of July 2014 (that's this year), if I don't find another home, I will indeed become homeless.

It is not that I WANT to be homeless, it is indeed more close that I feel I need a new identity, new city, new experience, fix what was broken in THIS LIFE, etc...

I have been told by my Team (guardian angels - Rexy and now Elizabeth, and guide - Moonwalker) that if I had drowned myself in the River in 2013 I would be facing thousands of years in Hell.

Or other "wishes" on myself

In earlier 2014 I was told that a NEW Book of Life was set up for me, for my life as Adrien in Paris France.

All *I* need do is to keep away from thoughts of wanting to drown, or be eaten, etc... meditate daily, pray the rosary daily... and maybe, just maybe, I will be taken up to Heaven or at least a Purgatory planet, and return... have been guaranteed _before 2024_ to reincarnate as Adrien.

I am 48 yrs. old. I basically have no job prospects, as of later this month, no home.

I have been losing extended family for the past few years.

I cannot afford a good accommodation because now even a 1 bdrm. apt. will cost $800.... Just ask my friend Michael.

The so-called mental health system has told me, point blank... "No we can't help you much Jim, in your autism. If you had been born in 1996 or later, yes. But at your age, you'll just have to manage on your own... Now go out there and find an apt. before you become homeless".

Please, please, please ... people... pray for me as a soul, as a spirit, as someone who has incarnated on this planet several several times in the past 28,000 years. Pray that God, in all that God IS...guides me safely into Purgatory or Heaven, and that I do not fall to Hell if I die this year.

It is very important that you do this.

So is anyone in the Winnipeg area willilng to take me in? No I am NOT WORKING right now, and unless something changes... I do have a good work ethic though, and I do  volunteer... I don't play videogames in my basement while watching pay-tv (I guess Netflix is the equivalent nowadays).

Thank you, and Namaste.


It's Time To Be Adrien!

There are preschool-age kids in the basement of the River Heights Library, participating in a group activity of some kind. Some left for home because I think that activity just ended at 11h.

That got me thinking...

Another + in my justification for me choosing to reincarnate now is this...

The souls who have come back in Human form...some of them are first time to Earth, others have waited perhaps 100 years or so, others are deceased Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers....

I have more in common with these souls, and as mentioned in parenting columns that kids born since about 2002 see their parents as friends and vice versa, compared to my generation X whose parents grew up in the Depression Era...

If I reincarnate now, I will have more in common with my parents and also the kids of 2002 and beyond (

If I were to die, and then not be able to come back until decades later, and a newer, higher generation of souls come to Earth, who are HIGHER will become more and more difficult for myself and other souls to REACH that soul vibration.

So, the time is now.

Since the Fall of 2013 I have been working with my spirit guide, Moonwalker, to create a new life for me. That life is not yet 'activated', but is still in the planning when we're in Heaven before a life and we go thru a checklist with one of our guides and SELECT what options we want to be or experience coming up.

So, I have selected to be a Human male, living in Paris, France, will continue to have the Autism gene, will live close enough to access (by walk) rail rapid transit - whether that be the Paris Metro, the RER, or  Transilien. I know some French, and I've wanted to practice conversational French...

In this life / En cet vie ... I have had access to keyboard musical instruments. I have had more than 40 years (ans) experience in playing along with tunes on the radio. However, growing up, my Dad was not able to afford music lessons for me...But as Adrien, I choose to place myself into a family whose Dad CAN afford a good quality music keyboard (a Yamaha Tyros 2 or 3 would be fine), and to have music lessons at an early age, so I can perhaps when I get older, play in a Rock band playing 1960s-1980s music, or something similar.

Next... I (feel), based on a past life meditation in July 2010 that I was a Great White Shark approx. 2000 years ago, off the coast of the Northern Territory (territoire) of Australia. One day, while I was swimming in the sea, a young man about the age was swimming too. I think I ate him. His parents got some people together and they harpooned me to death... I think that, while I have had a total of 4 Human lives since the Middle Ages, I have been prevented (?) from swimming... Maybe it's karma, or maybe I just have promise God that I won't eat another Human... I don't know... But I DO want to learn to swim again. So I choose to have parents who also can swim and can teach me or send me off for swimming lessons.

Because I choose to continue with the Autism experience, and also because my babyhood was suddenly pulled from me approx. March 1969... and also if you look at  'baby culture' nowadays, you'll see some boys and girls, about 3 or 4, sometimes 5, sitting in a stroller and sucking on a binky/pacifier. I want to experience a FULL babyhood this time around and that it should be MY DECISION when to let it go... Just look at Kingston Rossdale, poster child for this natural babyhood... I have seen a photo of him with the title that he was 6 yrs. old and had a yellow binky and a Star Wars t-shirt. And diapers for me, even when I am 10 years old or so... I just HATE underwear. I love diapers and they make me feel 'complete'. Crib time, and when I have my younger sibblings, I just want to have my crib time, and if that means buying an additional crib or allowing me to have a 1 or 2 hour afternoon nap in my younger sibbling's crib, then that's all I want.

It's time to be Adrien!