

A Day for Men

Today is the United Nations sponsored International Women's Day.... Whoopdee doo!

Over the past 40 years women have been advancing and advancing until the current decade we are living in, the 2000s, they have surpassed us. Men are now considered second class citizens.

Canada has an International Day of Men, on November 25th, but it takes place when the snow begins to fly, and when the temperatures start to dip below freezing. We should move the Day to later in the Spring.

To make people aware of our oppression, of our hardships, our medical conditions, and the issues having to do solely about men.

It doesn't have to be adjacent to International Women's Day, March 8th.... It can be in April, May, or June... It would be nice if it could take place during the warmer weather because it would mobilize more of use to maybe take part in a march to the Legislature or something like that.

Here's two resources to get us started on that project. Perhaps in the next 3 or 4 years we can reach the goal of having our own Day of Action.

Wikipedia - International Men's Day

PetitionOnline - International Men's Day

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