

Importance of Prayer

When I was little, in the early 1970s my Mom taught me to pray to God and Jesus before going to sleep.

Then I remember that I was left to pray by myself sometime a few years after that. I remember I did pray alone in the new home we moved to in 1975.

Then I can`t remmeber if I stopped praying when I was a kid.

Then in the 1982-1988 period I prayed one decade of the rosary with Mom, usually around 10:40 p.m. when The Journal was on CBC tv. That annoyed me because sometimes I really wanted to watch that segment of the show. I also attended St Jean Brebeuf Church and sang in the Choir in the Winter months and St. Iggys in the Summer.

When I moved out on my own in 1989 I stopped praying at home on my own, but I did still go to church every Sunday at St. Ignatius.

Sometime in 1990é91 I stopped going to Church but I started going again in 1992é93... I remember reading the Bible at home the Old Testament beginning 4 books.

Then I stopped sometime in the late 1990s.

Then I started going again and by 2000 stopped going but went again in early 2006 when I got Diabetes.

I really believe that my life troubles are because of a lack of prayer and a lack of going to church regularly.... We are most blessed and prosperous if we PRAY.... It`s there in the Bible that if we do so we are good, but if we STOP praying then we are considered `wicked`by God because evil can enter our lives.

I am slowly finding my way back to God and Jesus but I don`t know how much back I can get...all I can do is to say Ì`m sorry God for sinning against you` ... I`m sorry Jesus for sinning against you...

Lots of times in the past few years I have felt like I don`t want to live anymore, but I believe that thought comes from demons who want to see Humans destroyed. So now that I realize all that I want to be  counted as a child of God.

I know that God forgives us, and I hope that He can help me find my way back to some sense of normalcy and growth.

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