

What happened to Classiness?

See this ABBA video from 1982, then compare this to the pop culture of today with its cell phones, trashy music videos, and reality tv:

I'm old enough to remember those good old days of the 1980s when Winnipeg had two department stores downtown -- Eaton's and The Bay.

This video signifies for me a certain classiness that is so missing in today's culture. To some it may seem like ABBA is acting "arrogant" or whatever, but you compare that to the crap that's put out today and it just doesn't.

You see, people like to emulate the celebrities, they kind of show the way to style and therefore create culture.

In this music video, Head Over Heels, members of the group go on a shopping trip downtown. They are dressed well and shop at the nice stores. There is no discount/bargain shops in sight.

When I was living through 1982 this is in a way my feelings in that year, it was kinda like an artsy kind of year, symphony music, and all that stuff, but nice pop music, like the Jazz from Joe Jackson's Breaking Us In Two. That song I somehow associated with morning delivery of the Winnipeg Sun -- I used to be a carrier for them at the time.

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