

We Are Watching The Watchmen

I saw the new movie The Watchmen this past weekend. It has several references to the New World Order and such.

The story goes back to a comic book released in September 1986, during the same time when "Iran-Contra" was going on in the mainstream media.

I noticed too during this time period a major shift in pop culture FROM one that is promoting "family values", for example the NBC Sunday night program Our House and ABC's The Disney Sunday Movie, TO one that questions trust of one another. Then in 1987 there were a lot of breakups in relationships and in families. The music changed a bit, from being fun, party-like, to being much more dark, and "garange"-like. If you don't know what "garange" is, just listen to the dark theme of Genesis' Tonight, Tonight, Tonight. It can best be thought of as a "biting anger".

That time period, between October 1986 and around 1992, were a transition period. Sure there was bad, but there was also good. We had the great set design and great catchy theme of CNN HeadlineNews, and we had a sort of revival of 1950s culture, where people were reminded of rural culture and those people who were migrating to the cities. So we had this ying yang of Town and Country.

But there was also the bad, in the form of increased tabloid journalism and the creation of FOX Television, Maury Povitch, Inside Edition, and wall to wall coverage of Iran Contra.

ABC's Disney Sunday Movie intro:

NBC promo for Our House:

Genesis' Tonight, Tonight, Tonight:

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