

Dissolving Clouds with Your Mind

As kids, someone would pass along info that said that if you stare at a cloud long enough and wish it to disappear, in a few minutes it will.

I can't remember how I came to this but it must have been through more research on "chembusting" -- using orgonite and quartz crystals to evaporate chemtrail clouds.

So I remembered myself that in the 1980s I heard that you can just look at a cloud and make it totally disappear. There is some kind of spirit connection to the clouds and you can somehow communicate to them your intentions. Apparently us humans can also create clouds too.

This, however is a gift from God, to us. And I think that we should thank God that He has given us this gift of being able to do this. It's quite possible that God gave us this ability to show us that beyond Earth, when we are just our souls that we communicate via our minds, not our mouth.

It was a very overcast day in Winnipeg on June 10, 2009 and after reading on how to dissolve clouds, I tried a few myself. The sky was completely grey/black, and I thought it might be difficult to eliminate this whole skyfull of dark stormy clouds, but in 10-15 minutes the sky opened up in an arc that spread out in front of me westward and behind my building downtown. If you saw the skies clearing a few times during the afternoon, that was my doing.

When I looked away and went back to my computing, the sky in front of my apt. block and in an arc surrounding it became grey/black again. Others have tried this and have confirmed that it does work.

Chemtrail clouds, however, might be a bit harder, since they are man-made, and not totally water-vapour.

All I ask is that you give it a try. It doesn't hurt to do so.

I'm on the "Prayer" Facebookkgroupo and this one just came up. Kind of related to the above...:

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts." Therefore " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Zechariah 4:6, Philippians 4:13

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