

The Winnipeg Tribune - WE'RE BACK!

I just posted at TRUWinnipeg about how using your mind's intent to help cause a dream turn into a reality, in particular making the current 66 Grant bus route turn into a modern streetcar route.

I also gave the example of a Canadian infrastructure parts directory that e-mailed me two days after "riding" the Wilson subway between confusion corner and Polo Park, and including all the sounds and sights one would experience when riding such a thing.

Another example of a recurring dream I used to have in the early 1980s was where The Winnipeg Tribune would publish once again.
This dream went like this... It would be a Saturday afternoon in the Summer, and I'd be tagging along with my parents as we shopped at Grant Park. Back in the early 1980s there was a drug store chain called Metro Drugs, and I used to check out the computer and home video magazines there. In this dream I walk past the news stand and spot two or three copies of the Trib. This copy is not mass produced, but is like a limited edition -- much fewer copies than in the days when it published before closing.

The Winnipeg Free Press owns the name of The Winnipeg Tribune since the paper closed on August 27, 1980.

The copy price was $1, compared to the 20 cents back in 1980. But this was because of the lower circulation.

Now add the 'power of intent', and do this several times...See this scenario nowadays at your favourite local corner store or supermarket. And see yourself happy with excitement that the Trib is back again.

Then see the date of the paper. It says August 28, 2010, and the main headline says -- WE'RE BACK!

There is no copies of the Free Press because the Free Press has turned into The Trib.

I've just started a new Facebook group on this:
Bring Back the Winnipeg Tribune!

See also: - A Grant Ave. streetcar - The Power of Intention

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