

What I Want For My Life

  1. A job that pays well enough to maintain a 4-member family.
  2.  A wife that I love and she loves me too.
  3. The two sons I'm meant to have - Andrew & Stephen, who chose me, years ago, to be their Dad.
  4. A house for the 4 of us in a nice neighbourhood that isn't in a *new* suburb, but is in a mature area.
  5. Driving lessons for me, so that I can drive my family around places. That's better than relying on public transit to go places.
  6. A car. Doesn't have to be brand new. It can be a well-maintained older car. I've seen 2005 GM Pontiac for $4000. It's doable.
  7. Nice furniture for us.
  8. Homeschooling for one or both of my sons, so that they can learn at their own pace, not the pace of the formal school system.
  9. Winter vacations, so that we can get away from this horrid snow, for at least one month.
  10. Go to the same church together. I currently go to The Meeting Place, which is an Anabaptist Mennonite faith.
  11. Tennis lessons for one or both of my sons. Any other hobby sport or hobby they'd want to take up that costs $.
  12. Swimming lessons if they're interested so they can have fun at the beach, and other water places.
  13. Easy access to great, locally grown food in the Summer, from farmer's markets.
  14. A peaceful household where everybody is respected, and there is no abuse of any kind. I endured too much pysical and verbal abuse while I was growing up. This will stop with me.
  15. That we pray together as a family. I've already started doing this with my two sons since mid-July 2014.
Other things:

  1. To learn to dress so that my clothes fit me well, not having to constantly pick up my pants, or that my pants are always on the verge of falling down.
  2. Learn to cook a bit more than now, so that I can cook meals for my upcoming family.

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