

Similarities Between George W Bush and Robespierre

Monday I was in our local Library and beside me where I was sitting was a bookshelf full of 'graphic novels' - comic strip like stories.

I picked one out randomly and the title was . The year and dates that the story is set in is during the French Revolution of the late mid-1790s. This book was just published April 2011.

I don't know much about this time in history, since I'm not European (in this life) and in school we were mainly shown Canadian History.

At the time I didn't know how much of this particular story is true and how much was fiction.

The stories characters are:

- a tyranical ruler of France who has a campaign called the Reign of Terror
A boy, 13 year-old boy, Bara who is used as a model to paint The Supreme Being
The painter, David.

In both the story and the Wikipedia page about Robespierre, this ruler kills by cutting off the heads of anyone who opposes him.... Guantanemo Bay torture anybody?

He was part of a a Committee of Public Safety, just like George W set up Homeland Security.

From Robespierre's Reign of Terror to the War Against Terror of George W.

The list goes on.

Some differences do exist .. .Robespierre was an orator and could speak for 2 hours at a time. George W either intentionally or unintentionally is not able to speak very convincingly.

At the end of the real life Robespierre, one day the people stood up to him, captured him. He tried to shoot his head off but only injured his jaw. Then he was taken the guillotine and sliced....heads up...

So because I believe in reincarnation, I'm wondering whether G W Bush is a reincarnated Robespierre.

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