

Aern Peeps Out from Laundry Room Door

I hadn't written about this at the time because when it had originally occurred Mom had just passed away. I didn't want to tell others that Aern was still living in the basement even after trying to send him to Heaven (Jinns live for 1000 years at a time) - until I learned about the Jinn I had assumed that Aern was just a former Human who died and couldn't get to Heaven for some reason.

The day was Sunday January 10 2010.

Both my Dad and young sister were in the middle of that lab-engineered stomach flu that was making its rounds. Dad was sick and was laying down on the sofa, and sister was laying down in her room.

One of them vomited and so I put the item into the washing machine.

After stepping off the last step to reach the basement, from partly opened doorway that leads to the laundry room/furnace room, I stopped in my tracks because I could see this hat peeping out from the door. I knew it was Aern because I know his soul/energy signature... This was his second appearance after we prayed for him on November 8 2009.

So he was kind of wanting to show that he was still living in the basement, and that he was still near our dimension, but also was still a tad angry at me and also fearful of me after the prayer.

Anyways, my third eye had still been very much active a week after Mom died.

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