

My chronological age in Mars years

If I were currently living on the planet Mars, my age would be 23.9 years old.

On Earth each year is counted as 364.4 days.

On Mars each year is counted as 686.9 days.

Someone on Wikipedia did the calculation for the difference between Earth years and Mars years.... it's 1.8808 times that of Earth.

So if you take 45 years and divide by 1.8808 you get 23.9 Mars years.

So if I were to live for 80 Earth years, that would mean my age in Mars years would be 42.

But the good thing about this slower chronological aging in Mars time is that you'd appear physically almost 2x the same as you would on Earth.... Does that mean a sort of extended childhood, or does it work a bit differently than that?

Alex Collier, who has been in contact with beings from Andromeda since 1964 says that the Andromedan kids have an education that lasts for about 150 years. So if that is what is... then the time they spend before they are educated ... their baby and toddler years.... how long does that last? Why I ask is because if you notice..... when we are born, our bodies grow very very quickly, and then sometime in our late teens early 20ies our bodies "fill out" and growth stops.

So to really slow down biological aging and live a full life, one must do things like meditation, Reiki, Yoga, eat and drink well, and keep a positive attitude.

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