

Thomas Sheridan on Psychopathic Mind

We live in a time of the Great Awakening. A time when we can finally move this planet from a path to tyranny to one of responsible freedom.

Until recently I had worked for the federal government as a clerk and I believe in altruism - being of service to others. However during those 12 years of service, I was a victim of workplace bullying and stuff, some of it was subtle, and other stuff more open.

Sheridan has written a book about psychopathic personalities, which are those who are rewarded with positions of power in the workplace. It is Human Resources departments who track who is a "good person" like myself and who is the psychopathic personality. We'd get rid of (they'd move back to being a "processor") after personality conflicts between myself and them. Then I'd have the intention that our next Supervisor would be nice and treat all of us well. Turned out that the next one -- didn't matter what year or time, that the next Supervisor would be as bad as the previous one ... usually it would come out in the form of micro-managing my work, which my personality seems to clash with/is not compatible with. I prefer an arms-length relationship between me and my supervisor - that he or more than likely in gov't , she, would trust me enough to not come up to my desk more than is necessary. But then some other people love to be micro-managed because at the soul level, they are Young Souls (as per Michael Newton) need the direction of others moreso than Mature souls like myself.

So going back to psychopathic supervisors in the workplace. You know at our workplace we had posters saying "respect in the workplace" is our , but it was the supervisors, with the backing of the HR that treated us poorly and the federal gov't Union would side with the supervisors and HR to "toe the line"....

But like Thomas says in his radio interview, stuff like this can only serve to "wake up" Humanity, and I'm glad that he is letting the "normal" (non-Reptilian brain dominant / more spiritually advanced) Humans know just why our workplaces and some relationships, and politicians are the way they are.

Red Ice Radio - Thomas Sheridan - Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath

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