

Review & Quotes: Absent Fathers, Lost Sons - The Search for Masculine Identity


In the past couple of weeks I've been delving into the subject matter of so-called "coming of age" material on the Internet. This has been in the form of old European made movies published on Youtube, as well as writings on web pages.

This week I stumbled upon a book titled Absent Fathers, Lost Sons at a used book shoppe.

And what I have concluded, based on reading and viewing is that, some force has socially engineered Western civilization to suppress male sexuality, especially at the puberty stage.

Something is really really broken and it may take another two generations before things swing back to their natural state of healthy sexual relations with one another.


"On the whole, children who have been adequately fathered show more self-confidence, in their studies, in choosing careers, and in their personal initiatives." (pg. 17)

"In the United States and Norway, several studies involving boys with behavioral problems arrived at conclusions that flew in the face of accepted belief: male children absolutely need their fathers in the first two years of their existence. The boys in the studies all experience absent fathers in the first two years of their lives. In most cases their fathers were soldiers who had gone away wen their sons were still very young, or sailors who were away from home nine months a year. What is striking is that these boys showed the same kind of atypical development as orphans in inadequate  foster homes or as boys brought up in single-parent families and deprived of possible father-substitutes. In all sons who lack fathers, research has revealed systemic deficiencies in social, sexual, moral, or cognitive levels."
(pg. 20) 

"It is absolutely necessary for men to spend more time cuddling their children, especially their sons; doing so they will open up their children's sensitivity -- and discover their own sensitivity at the same time. Sensuality will then no longer be denied to men and women be trapped in it. Men too have bodies; they need to be touched in order to maintain their sense of well-being and in order to be reminded that they are alive." (pg. 30)

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